Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1562: The best newcomer ever

Yu Feng nodded with great relief when he heard the words of his deputy. In terms of qualifications, Zou Yuan is actually above him, and the role he is playing now is Baihua Dazzling, the core ammunition expert of Baihua for many years. Even once the captain of Hundred Blossoms. But even so, after he came to Baihua, Zou Yuan willingly handed over all the right to speak to him and assisted him wholeheartedly.

This is such a kind of trust and acceptance, and it is precisely because of Zou Yuan's trust in him that Yu Feng has firmed up his choice. Trust him far. He also believed that Zou Yuan would not let him down, and he would do his best for Baihua!

Then Yu Feng and Zou Yuan both looked at Zeng Xinran who hadn't spoken yet.

"Fight! What's there to be afraid of! If we can defeat them once, we can defeat them a second time!" Zeng Xinran said eagerly.

As a rookie player, he only played for the first time this season, and his opponent in his first match was Ye Xiu. That scene was really tortured by blood, and the body was completely tortured. It is not surprising to say that it was Zeng Xinran's most humiliating moment.

But since that match, Zeng Xinran was more relieved. Under such a mentality, he will become more and more brave in the future, and in just one season, he has already had a place that belongs to him in Hundred Blossoms.

This can be seen from the critical moment like now, when Baihua directly arranges him to lead the Thunder match.

But now Zeng Xinran saw that the two seniors in the team showed unprecedented determination, and he couldn't find any reason to back down. He stood directly in front of the two facing each other and said.

"Okay!" Yu Feng said heartily when he heard the other party's answer, which was heard by the whole team.

"That's how it is. Actually, we don't have anything to be afraid of. What we should be afraid of now is Wind Howl. If the Yamen loses again this time, it will be four points away from us. We still have the lead." Yu Feng reassured.

"Well! It's up to us now!" Zou Yuan is also Baihua's vice-captain now. At such a critical moment, of course, he must fight Yufeng's side as soon as possible, and come out with him to take the responsibility.

"Let's go to the game!" Yu Feng said, this time they did not want to enter the battle room one by one as usual, but entered together.

"Yes! Battle!" Zeng Xinran also responded loudly, and now he was only seventeen years old, and strode towards the arena.

This round is the home of Samsara, and the support that Baihua and the others can get is destined to be very limited, but this cannot affect the firmness in their hearts.

Because they know very well that in K City, there are countless Hundred Flowers fans waiting for them, waiting for them to get that gold and playoff tickets. And there is a way to get that ticket, and that is victory!

The schedule of each major stadium is different, but the overall difference is not large.

Here, Hundred Blossoms and Samsara's ring match players came on stage, and the other arenas were similar when they started their Thunder Match.

For example, this round of Tiny Herb's home game, Yu Howl's game. I don't know if it was because of the two wins against Wei Chen in the individual competition, and howl's detachment was also full of fighting spirit, and continued to attack Tiny Herb.

And in the first match of this ring match, Zhao Yuzhe was on Wu Xiao's side, and his opponent was Tiny Herb star player Gao Yingjie!

Zhao Yuzhe and Gao Yingjie are actually players who debuted in the same period, but Gao Yingjie has attracted everyone's attention since joining the champion pair Tiny Herbs. After his debut, he was almost the best rookie of everyone's default.

As a result, Zhao Yuzhe won the best rookie of the last season, while Gao Yingjie lost his qualification to select the best rookie because of the number of appearances.

But this award gave Zhao Yuzhe the luck that many people envied, and he also lamented that Gao Yingjie played too few games that season, even though Tiny Herb was trying to protect this newcomer.

However, there were still many remarks that made Zhao Yuzhe very uncomfortable.

Because in his opinion, since the other party hasn't played much, it means that he still has some areas where he is not mature enough. This is the question of his own existence! But in the end, it seems to everyone that if it weren't for Gao Yingjie's limited number of games, the best rookie would not be able to get him at all.


Zhao Yuzhe scoffed at such remarks, he didn't think at all how powerful this so-called Tiny Herb genius was.

But as a result, Gao Yingjie, who had lost the selection of the best rookie, rose rapidly in the ninth season. Directly into the All-Star lineup with a very good performance.

At this time, he was looking back at Zhao Yuzhe. Although carrying the award for the best newcomer, he still brought Team Wind Howl to "continue to mature"! This wasn't the most unacceptable thing to him, and what he couldn't accept was that in the first season, Blue Rain jumped out of an overly young kid, not only won the best rookie of the ninth season, but also entered the all-round star.

The Glory League has now had ten seasons, and the award for the best newcomer has been established since the third season, but the person who won this award for the first time was Wang Jiexi.

Then came Zhang Xinjie of Blue Rain in Season 4; Zhou Zekai of Samsara in Season 5; Yu Feng who won this award in Season 6; Sun Xiang who won him in Season 7; he was in Season 8; Last season's Lu Hanwen...

All the players who won the best rookie are all-star players, and there are even god-level players. And compared to them, his name Zhao Yuzhe was a bit bleak. There are even many people who have crowned him the best newcomer in the history of glory.

Such a title makes Zhao Yuzhe even more unhappy, he is not a parallel importer!

It is precisely because of this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that Zhao Yuzhe wants to express himself, and he wants to prove this to everyone. And now, when I meet Gao Yingjie, who debuted in the same season as him, who was originally considered by everyone to be the best rookie of that season, he is Zhao Yuzhe's best stepping stone. At the same time, among all Ye Xiu's best newcomers, he was the most annoying one.

I will definitely beat you this time!

When Zhao Yuzhe walked to the competition room, he also made up his mind!

"Come on! Genius!" The game began. Zhao Yuzhe posted this message on the public channel for the first time, he just wanted to tell everyone that genius is nothing more than that!

But in the face of Zhao Yuzhe's message, Gao Yingjie did not make any expression or response, but directly manipulated his character to move forward, his eyes were still so firm!

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(End of this chapter)

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