Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1563: Mentally, he has lost

The arena map Tiny Herb chose this time was not a complicated map. Instead, it was a relatively thin and small map, with a relatively average level of convenience. Gao Yingjie had already taken off right from the start, and wanted to start in the middle of the map.

Facing the oncoming Gao Yingjie, Zhao Yuzhe didn't show any signs of fear, he directly operated his elemental mage to head towards the middle of the map, and soon met him in the middle of the map.

Lightning strikes!

Zhao Yuzhe took the lead in launching the attack, starting with a skill that did not require singing, ready to give Gao Yingjie a blow. After Gao Yingjie entered his own attack range, his attack directly hit him.

A huge thunder snake slashed through the sky, but after all, Gao Yingjie was now under Zhao Yuzhe's limit. And at such a distance, no matter how fast the skill was, it would not be able to knock Gao Yingjie down directly. Sure enough, Gao Yingjie in the air calmly avoided Zhao Yuzhe's attack. Throwing this attack directly behind him.

Keep going!

The so-called dismounting just now didn't affect Gao Yingjie at all. Seeing Gao Yingjie speeding up in the air again, he charged directly at the opponent. Although they were now fourth in the standings, they were not even close to Blue Rain, who was third. Not much, there was some gap with Happy Dao who was fifth.

But they didn't want to be like Wind Howl and Hundred Blossoms, they needed to put all their hopes on one game. Although they said they had already locked their spots in the playoffs, Tiny Herb still wouldn't just hand over their victory to each other.

On the first day that Gao Yingjie joined Tiny Herb, the word he heard the most was champion!

At that time, Tiny Herb had just won the second championship, a real championship team, and in their opinion, Tiny Herb existed for the championship, and everything they did was to build the final championship.

No matter what time it is, they will never stop their pursuit of victory. As a team that is always aiming for the championship, they will not allow themselves to show any slack attitude.

Boom boom boom!

The two of them are the professional battle of the mage department, and naturally they are all kinds of magic. All kinds of brilliant large-scale attacks exploded on the map, but Gao Yingjie had no intention of stopping his progress. This was his step towards victory, and it was his determination to win. He wanted to fight with Tiny Herb. Together, we want to charge the final champion!

Facing Gao Yingjie's charge, Zhao Yuzhe was very surprised.

Even as an opponent, he could clearly feel the firmness of Gao Yingjie's pace. You had to know that this game didn't matter to Tiny Herb, they and Blue Rain were both teams destined to enter the playoffs, and they didn't care about the ranking. Because their goals are the final championship, not the current ranking in the regular season.

But this is obviously an irrelevant game, so Gao Yingjie played so firmly? Is it because they were beaten 2-1 in the previous individual match? Feel like they've humiliated Tiny Herb?

This is Zhao Yuzhe's thinking angle. At this level, he will give priority to his own existence and the existence of the team. He is also chasing the victory of this game, but the reason for chasing victory is that it can better show his own strength, and he wants everyone to know and recognize his strength.

That's right, Zhao Yuzhe's mentality is the same as that of Sun Xiang in the past. Even in his heart, the so-called championship is nothing but his high chip to show off.

Zhao Yuzhe also heard some old players say that all this should be regarded as glory, not showing off.

But Zhao Yuzhe disapproved of such remarks, and it was precisely because of this that he couldn't understand the current Tiny Herb team, and he couldn't feel the pursuit of a championship by a professional player like Gao Yingjie. Feel that you don't want them to pursue that glory.

"I won't let you continue to be arrogant in front of me!" That's all he could think of now.

All mentally he has lost.

Mentally, he has lost.

As for technology? Gao Yingjie's reputation as a genius was not blown out by marketing accounts, but by his own strength bit by bit!

Boom boom boom!

The magic attacks of the elemental masters collided with the technological creations of the magician scholars one after another, and various magic lights and shadows bloomed on the map. After Gao Yingjie completely came to Zhao Yuzhe and Miao Anqi, the game changed completely.

"Oops!" Zhao Yuzhe, who knew very well that his class had no melee ability, simply teleported and flashed people, trying to distance himself from the opponent. But isn't it just teleportation? Who wouldn't?

It is also Gao Yingjie of the Mo Fan Department. The skill on Yinwu Chenlu in the hands of Mu En, a magician, is the teleportation of an elemental mage!

Between the flickering of the two sides, the distance that was originally opened was narrowed again. Although Gao Yingjie's teleportation was not as far as Zhao Yuzhe's teleportation due to his skill level, the gap between the two sides was also very limited. After that, he bullied him on the spot, and the broom flew quickly, and in the next instant he came to Zhao Yuzhe again.

"Why are you so annoying?" Zhao Yuzhe said in their battle room, but here he was still talking about Gao Yingjie, and Gao Yingjie's broom had already been swung at him in the game.

Zhao Yuzhe just wanted to dodge, but found that Gao Yingjie's blow was surprisingly fast.

Gravity accelerates!

Use magic to place strong gravity on the broom to increase the speed and power of the downward swing!


Although Gao Yingjie's blow didn't hit Zhao Yuzhe, he hit the ground. But there was a loud noise, and the huge shock wave brought by the acceleration of gravity swept away directly around. Zhao Yuzhe, who had just turned over and tried to avoid Gao Yingjie's attack, was directly sent to the sky by the shock wave.

And Gao Yingjie mounted the broom again to keep up, and flew directly to Zhao Yuzhe's side in midair, waving the broom one after another.

Papapapa~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The morning dew in his hand was an inhuman beating against Zhao Yuzhe.

It was a simple attack, without any conflict of will, because Gao Yingjie, who was flying in the sky, only had the pursuit of victory in his heart, that's all, and it will always be like this!


This connection appeared on the screen, shining brightly.

A qualified professional player, even an ordinary Glory player, has no idea how many times he has seen this word. Some people put it at the top of their hearts, and some people regard it as a simple symbol.

And glory, after all, will only belong to those who really value it!

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(End of this chapter)

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