Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1564: talent

"It's a whistling match over Tiny Herb. Tiny Herb won the first match of their ring match."

Pan Sen and Li Yibo, who were still helping Samsara and Hundred Blossoms to do this commentary, kept an eye on some information from other teams while commenting, so that everyone could follow up on the information sent by other places in a timely manner. When the results of the competitions in other places appear, they can know the first time here. After that, it's either at the end of the game or when the two sides adjust.

"This is good news for Baihua, but the situation on Baihua's side is a bit..." Li Yibo didn't finish his words, but everyone knew what he meant.

The first battle of the arena on Baihua's side was not very good. Although it was said that the first time was not over yet, the situation I thought was very unfriendly to Baihua. Although Zeng Xinran fought very bravely, it could even be said that he was fearless. But the opponent he faced this time was Sun Xiang, and now Sun Xiang would not look down on him or look down on him just because he was a rookie.

On the contrary, in every game now, Sun Xiang is going all out, and with Sun Xiang's all-out explosion, Zeng Xinran's lack of skills and experience as a rookie is reflected.

Even in such a situation, Zeng Xinran, who didn't have enough experience and skills, had very limited means to deal with it. He could only rely on his unyielding energy to fight against Sun Xiang.

It can be said that Zeng Xinran has done everything he can to his limit, but the result is still regrettable, and in the end he still falls under Sun Xiang's spear.

"Now Baihua finally has the opportunity to exaggerate her own advantages, but Baihua herself failed to catch it?" Pan Lin said regretfully.

Seeing this scene, Hundred Flowers fans in front of the TV series were worried about their team. After all, if their competitors are too strong, they have lost the qualification to enter the playoffs, then they will recognize it. But now the other party has once again found a flaw, but this time they can't catch it, and then thinking back about it will definitely make people feel uncomfortable.

Must come on! Hundred flowers!

At this moment, all Hundred Blossom fans started to play for their team, because before they gave up, they still had two players, and these two were the two cores of their Hundred Blossoms! Because those two people are their captains, I believe they will not give up so easily!

Now that the battle has started! Then fight to the last minute!

It was with this belief that Zou Yuan entered the battle room.

He himself is very clear that he Zou Yuan has never been a talented player, and the fact that he can take the top position is an accident in itself. Although from the beginning, Baihua's external caliber was unanimous that he has talents that match his strength and is part of Baihua's future. But Zou Yuan himself knew very well that these were just a public relations method for Baihua to comfort his fans when Zhang Jiale suddenly left at that time.

To put it bluntly, when Baihua pushed him into that position, it was absolutely a last resort. talent? He Zou Yuan didn't even know what talent he had, so he knew better that Baihua didn't know.

But even so, he was still very grateful to Baihua.

He thanked Team Hundred Blossoms for bringing him to this position for such a ridiculous reason, and they really gave him enough patience and trust. You know, the first season he debuted at the time, the eighth season, he didn't play very well. But the team didn't abandon him because of that. On the contrary, in the ninth season, Hundred Blossoms was the main character, Hundred Blossoms, a complete update, and the whole body was tailored according to his style of play!

Someone in the professional circle at that time made such a joke, the former captain of Baihua accumulated too much character and luck on Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, and these characters and luck finally fell on him...

Although this guy is very harsh, Zou Yuan has to admit that his luck is really good!

After all, unlike Sun Xiang, Gao Yingjie, and Lu Hanwen, he didn't have the talent that was so enviable. He has not experienced the growth of fighting all the way like Tang Hao. In the beginning, he was an ordinary professional player, but he became the core of the team in the first time of his debut.

This kind of luck of chasing a certain time-travelling force is happening right now to Zou Yuan!

In the face of such treatment, Zou Yuan was hesitant and confused. At that time, he only felt that the pressure was too great, because he couldn't bear everyone's expectations.

He even had a feeling that he Zou Yuan was like a rich second generation with a golden key. He had just made his debut, and he didn't do anything, so he directly got a position and a position that he knew very well about players and might never have been able to fight for his whole life. identity.

If at this time he is still saying "These are not what I want." and so on, it is estimated that the entire league will go from ordinary players, to rotation players, to substitute players, and even to professional players. People would block his door directly and then there would be a gang fight against him.

While playing, they asked together: "This is not what you want, what else do you want!"

So Zou Yuan has pushed himself to the death since his debut, whether it is competition or training. Because he knew very well how big the opportunity was.

He knows that he has no unique talent, and he doesn't know what his so-called "talent" is. But what he can do now is to practice hard, all kinds of hard training, doubling and so on are just the basics. Because he believes that only in this way can it be possible to hone the "talent".

In the ninth season, Baihua successfully introduced Yu Feng, the main force of the original Blue Rain, and became the core of the team. Zou Yuan is grateful for Yu Feng's arrival. He has no nostalgia for the position of captain. On the contrary, because of Yu Feng's arrival, he obviously feels that the pressure on himself is less. And that tournament was his most improved season.

In the final tenth season, his strength was finally recognized by everyone.

But even so, Zou Yuan still doesn't know what his so-called "talent" is. He is still the same as before, he only knows that it is possible to hone his skills and show them thoroughly on the stage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and find many ways to win for Baihua.

In their professional circles, all the players may do this, using all kinds of hard training, not much tempering in all aspects of themselves, while constantly surpassing themselves, gradually cultivate that block belongs to Our direct "talent".

This is what Zou Yuan thought, and at the same time he did it, and now is the time for him to fight for Baihua!

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