Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1565: Zou Yuan's talent

At this moment, Zou Yuan was not at all timid because of his opponent's reincarnation, but instead had high fighting spirit. Today, he is going to use his "innate talent" that he has not yet seen clearly to fight against the strongest team in this league right now!

The current Zou Yuan is no longer the rookie rookie who was carrying the entire Hundred Blossoms' expectations in the eighth season.

Now he has successfully captured his somewhat unbelievable luck, and now everything in his hands is tailored according to him, which has also allowed Zou Yuan to develop his own confidence that he did not have before.

Let's fight!

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms once again attacked the opponent for the future of Hundred Blossoms.

Bullets, explosives, brilliant light and shadow.

Although the style of play was inherited from Zhang Jiale, it has been very different now, and the current Zou Yuan has once again made Hundred Blossom Lizzy stand in the position of Battle God One Autumn Leaf.

It is true that I still don't know what talent I have, but I will try my best to beat any player, and I also believe that I can do it now!

"Zou Yuan started this wave very well! Zou Yuan of Hundred Blossoms was not affected by their current situation at all. He played the scaling and stability, and even started to actively attack Sun Xiang, and now he is more firmly held. Suppressed." Pan Sen in the commentary room said excitedly. After all, before this, everyone had mixed opinions on Zou Yuan, but now he has grown to the point where he can face a great player like Sun Xiang.

"That's right, Zou Yuan played very resolutely in this game, and his tactics and tactics were very clear. He was able to attack with ease, and his defense was impeccable. He played very beautifully. But now this is a ring match, not just defeating Sun Xiang. That's alright, you have to know that after Sun Xiang, there are still two people." Li Yibo analyzed more rationally.

"Indeed, especially in this round of Samsara, the defender is Zhou Zekai, who is now known as the No. 1 player in Glory." Pan Lin also said, after all, Zhou Zekai is like a big mountain, standing in front of Baihua players, if they want to win the ring Race, Zhou Zekai is the point they can't get around.

"It was time in the first half. Although it was said that Baihua won the first victory of Samsara with a score of 7-3, I remember that Baihua didn't defeat Samsara in the ring match, right?" Li Yibo recalled.

"That's right, in the first half of the season, Hundred Blossoms only scored two points in the individual competition." Pan Sen nodded and said that Li Yibo remembered correctly.

"I don't know if Hundred Blossoms will be able to break through the blockade of Samsara this time, and win the arena like this." Li Yibo said.

This time, Zou Yuan successfully took down Sun Xiang, and also welcomed his second opponent, the Samsara swordsman player Du Ming.

"There are two more!" Zou Yuan thought in his heart, now he doesn't care who his opponent is, he wants to defeat the enemy who appeared in front of him.

The fingers danced on the keyboard, and Hundred Flowers Dazzling once again killed the opponent.

"Zou Yuan's condition is really good now." Pan Sen said with a sigh. In this second match, Zou Yuan continued to take the initiative and quickly gained the upper hand by relying on his brand-new style of play and took the initiative.

"Indeed, it's really good!" Li Yibo couldn't help sighing when he saw Zou Yuan's performance.

It has to be good, or I have no reason to be bad!

Zou Yuan thought that he had such luck, and he still had such a high starting point. If he couldn't cherish it and seize all these opportunities, then Zou Yuan didn't know what future he had. After all, what kind of future is there that is more exciting than the beginning?

Grasping everything brought about by luck, even if you try your best, you won't let it go. This may be what I secretly call talent...

Now that you have seized the opportunity, you will never let it go!

Because I have the best chance to establish this Glory Alliance so far!

Boom boom boom!

The splendid light and shadow of various ammunition experts bloomed on the arena, drowning the two players on the arena with a few splendid skills. When the skills disappeared, Du Ming's swordsman had already fallen.

"Zou Yuan won the game again!" Pan Sen said in surprise. They saw that Zou Yuan was in exceptionally good condition now, but it's too much to say that this result is too good. When he defeated Sun Xiang, he was defeated again now. Du Ming. And now Dazzling Hundred Blossoms still have 41% of their lives.

"This guy doesn't want to challenge one-on-three, right?" Pan Sen said in disbelief.

"..." Li Yibo didn't say much about this, his instinct told him that it was almost impossible, not to mention that a 1v3 would be very difficult, and now their opponent is Samsara... But looking at Zou Yuan's kindness, The fighting spirit and state that had already been ignited, seeing that he still had 41% of his health, a thought suddenly appeared in Li Yibo's mind that he felt strange, that if Zou Yuan continued like this, he would defeat the It seems that Zhou Zekai, the first person in glory, is not impossible. After all, there are many Zhou Zekai who have not defeated...

"How's the situation on Wind Howl's side now?" Li Yibo suddenly asked about another game that attracted much attention. He wanted to ease his nerves a little, thinking about the wrong line. After all, Zou Yuan defeated two players one after another in this wave, including a great **** like Sun Xiang, and their nerves began to ache after watching this match.

"Tiny Herb is in the leading position now. Tang Hao just defeated Gao Yingjie who finished 1v2, and now he has to deal with the remaining two." Pan Sen said excitedly.

Speaking reason as an explanation, such biased emotions with personal emotions should not appear. But in the end, people are not grass and trees. In the face of Hundred Flowers, they climbed up from the Jedi little by little. No matter what the result was, they did not lose morale and did their best. Who wouldn't like a team that even broke through itself in a desperate situation?

Not only Pan Sen, but also Li Yibo took a deep breath. He, who had also watched the game all the way, was also impressed by the desperate spirit of Percentage.

"How is the current situation on the 301 side?" After caring about the wind, he got up. Li Yibo began to care about the situation of the other team.

"Xingxin's side, they are in a similar situation for the time being. Now Xingxin's Tang Yin defeated his second player with 10% of his health. Now he is preparing for Captain 301's defender, Bai Shu!"

"Bai Shu? Then I'm really curious. Can Bai Shu, a support player coming back from abroad, break Tang Yin's unbeaten record." Li Yibo heard Pan Sen's words and said that everyone's game is different, maybe Does Bai Shu have any way to deal with Tang Yin?

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