Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1582: game over

Now the main purpose of 301 is to support Bai Shu and interrupt Qiao Yifan's ghost formation, and when Tang Yin just attacked Bai Shu with a sniper rifle, it was an opportunity for them to act. After all, at that moment, Tang Yin couldn't attack them. But the next moment Tang Yin's attack came again. Once again there was a heavy rain of bullets but they covered them, and they felt the feeling of their captain.


There are three things in front of them now, one is to restrain Tang Yin, and the other is to support Bai Shu. Of course, there was the most important arrangement of the ghost formation that interrupted Qiao Yifan.


But here comes the problem. Right now, there are only two of them, so they can't do three things at the same time.


Even if they now have one person to restrain Tang Yin, is it easy to get close to melee and long-range?


And as long as this short period of time, a link has been completed by the ghost formation on that side. He didn't expect to trap everyone in 301, as long as he could trap one person and successfully force 301 to break his wrist. Of course, it would be better if the other party came to save this person, then he would be able to control four people at once.


And Gao Jie, the guy who turned around and tried to attack Tang Yin, became the target of Yifan's attack. In Gao Jie's opinion, he took the initiative to try to restrain Tang Yin, but in fact it was Tang Yin who relied on his position, making Gao Jie feel that he was the best person to restrain Tang Yin. And Tang Yin also had another task to match Jie Yifan to control the opponent's one person. And this one was chosen by him.


This time, it was Gao Jie's turn to be completely stunned, and then he saw everyone in Xingxin heading towards him directly, all of them were so ferocious and terrifying.


If things go on like this, they will eat jujube pills three and one...


Now that everyone in 301 is at the bottom, they are completely unable to withstand the offensive of the Xingxin people. This made them look to the other side of the game because where was their captain. How much they wished their captain could be killed at this moment. It's a pity that the dream is full and the reality is very skinny. Their captain had no intention of coming back at all.


To be precise, it wasn't that he didn't want to rush back, but that Zhang Jiale, who was fighting against him, didn't plan to let him go back. The current Zhang Jiale is called a patient, and he is dealing with the other party like this. In short, Zhang Jiale wants to carry out the word "drag" to the end.


Of course, Yang Cong was very aware of Zhang Jiale's intention to do this, but he couldn't do anything about it. Just as his teammates wanted him to support them, he was now also looking forward to Bai Shu and the others to find a way to join him soon, and the rest of them besieged Zhang Jiale who was entangled with him outside the Tongmu Building.


After dealing with him, they then unfolded their tactics in an all-round way, but the result is that his four teammates are now being crushed by the Xingxin crowd. As a result, both of them can only look at each other like this, but they can't help anyone.


And in 301 Middle School, the fastest collapse was their swordsman Gao Jie. After all, he was trapped in the Yifan Ghost Formation, and it could be said that Yu Li didn't even have a counterattack. But not everyone can think like Gao Yingjie, who can perform so well in the dark formation.


Along with the avatar of Gao Jie's character Xingchenjian, it darkened in the team channel, and it was completely used by everyone.


Because of Gao Jie's defeat, the similarity between them is even more obvious. And Yang Cong, who was entangled by Zhang Jiale, also knew that he was unable to wait for the support of his teammates after all. And this kind of feeling that even if you know the other party's plan, you are still led by the other party's rhythm throughout the whole process, and finally stepping into the defeat is really very annoying.

How come this guy has been gone for almost two years, yet he is still so annoying! This is the slander of Ye Xiu in the hearts of the 301 people.


And now that their team's Gao Jie has been defeated, who is Happy's next target? Yang Cong knew very well that the most dangerous time in a teamfight was when the first person fell and the round with the substitutes. And the others in 301 also felt the pressure increased at this moment.


After all, now all of them have to share more pressure and responsibility before their sixth and their turn. Only then can they survive this time. If some of them suffered casualties in one place due to a similar number of people during this period, then the rest of them would soon be wiped out by the other party. At that time, there is really no chance to fight back.


You have to go and meet up with your teammates! At this moment, Yang Cong made up his mind. After throwing Xiao Zhang Jiale desperately, he ignored his attack and ran in the direction of his teammates. Of course, Zhang Jiale wouldn't let him go back so easily, and he went straight to chase after him with full firepower. But drinking once Yang Cong runs is a decisive one. Even when Zhang Jiale had already entered the Tongmu Building again, he did not look back.


Because now it's time for the survival of their own team, any tactical play can only be thrown aside. Even after the round with the team, he would have to face Zhang Jiale's all kinds of righteous grenade bombardments, and because he was condescending, his style of play could be seen through. These are no longer important.


After all, although it will be seen through, it still has some deterrent effects. At the same time, only in this way can they do some other offensives. No matter how bad it is, it's better than being led by the other party's rhythm all the time now.


Finally, under the charge of Yang Cong who did not hesitate to sell his blood, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com successfully fought with the team members. The sixth person from 301 also arrived at the fastest speed, but it was still too late.


Because Yang Cong, who had just returned, found that Bai Shu, the tactical core of their team, had very little health left. After all, under this huge similarity, 301 mainly relies on his powerful plate armor and huge cover to resist, and the damage he suffered can be imagined.


However, their team's treatment was stared at by Tang Yin, all kinds of attacks roared, and the opponent did not have any chance of treatment. And without support, Napo Baishu's character Tide, with a powerful blood-recovery effect, is useless.


Yang Cong can't do anything about this. After all, his profession is an assassin, so there is no cure. Killing him back can really ease Bai Shu's pressure a little bit, but now that he has been killed by Happy to such an extent, Happy will kill him even if he exchanges blood directly.


The Knight Tide, the knight character with the strongest vitality, was attacked by Yifan and Ye Xiu in order to protect his teammates.


Boom boom boom!


This is Zhang Jiale, who has once again reached the top of the Tongmu Building. It was a wave of thunderstorms that exploded the battlefield. But these blooming flowers are so dazzling to Yang Cong...


Still lost!


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