Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1583: no loss

From the moment Bai Shu fell, Yang Cong knew that they had lost and everything might end here.


The only thing that can't be determined now is whether it's just this game, or whether this whole summer's efforts will end here...


It's just not reconciled! No matter what the process of this game is, as long as it is lost, it is always so unwilling.


And Yang Cong's experience of this is the clearest. After all, how many times does he have such opportunities now?


But this is competitive competition, and this is the cruelty of competitive competition. The final team match ended with Happy defeating 301. In the end, the score between the two sides was fixed at 2-8. Now 301 can only look forward to the results of the other two games, only in this way can they know their final destiny,


And Happy is here. Now Tang Rou was pinching Tang Yin hard. Wrinkling his cute little nose, he complained, "What else to say to show everyone's progress, but I didn't even have a chance to play."


Tang Yin: "..." Tang Yin is wrong. He clearly told everyone to enjoy the game. As for how to show progress, it is clear that Lao Ye will be busy and what is the key to me.


But looking at his daughter-in-law, who puffed out her cheeks and looked angry, Tang Yin felt that it was not a loss to be pinched a few times...


"The match between Happy and 301 has already been decided. In the end, Happy won the match."


During the live broadcast of the match between Samsara and Hundred Flowers, Pan Sen and the others in the commentary room immediately received the result of Happy and the others, and also reported it immediately.


"Xingxin has won!" Li Yibo sighed for a while when he heard his partner's haul, and his tone was full of sadness. After all, this means that in the subsequent playoffs, he may still have to comment on Happy's game...


Pan Sen didn't pick up his partner either. After all, if Li Yibo needed to explain Happy, he would definitely have his share, so he just sighed and then turned his attention back to the game.


Happy won 301, which is definitely good news for Baihua, but unfortunately, this time they may not be able to seize the opportunity like they did before, because they were in the team battle with Samsara. , Baihua is at an obvious disadvantage. And now they are really fighting four against five. That's right, one of Hundred Flowers has already been killed in action. And Hundred Blossoms, who had one less person, failed to achieve the double-kill reincarnation in the regular season.


Will there be any turning points during this period?


Pan Sen and Li Yibo, as the commentators of this game, are paying close attention to the format of the game. After all, if there is no such thing as a turning point, then there is no need for commentary now.


"By the way, how's the match on Wu Howl's side now?" Li Yibo asked, seeing that it's okay to not speak now.


"It's not over yet on their side." From time to time, Pan Sen would pay attention to the news of each arena. After all, it's enough to have Li Yibo as a professional guest in the competition. He can divide his attention and watch the news from time to time. And now he only knew that the match on Wind Howl wasn't over yet, but he didn't know the current form and other details of the match.


The game on the live broadcast side is still going on. With the fall of one of Baihua's players, everyone knows now that the chance of a turning point is very small.


Panson just sighed again.


After all, everyone in Hundred Blossoms really did their best in this game, even in the face of Samsara, the strongest team this season has been. They were still hopeful and eventually scored two points in the ring. The shadow of the abyss they left took the initiative in their own hands.


But fate once started a joke with them at this time. They had just taken the initiative, but they couldn't fully grasp it after all. Their final fate now depends on the result of Tiny Herb and Wind Howl.


But the result over there has not yet come, and the last team match of Samsara versus Hundred Flowers has already ended.


In the end, Samsara won the game with a score of 6-4. Although they did not win the game very beautifully, the fans at the scene were still immersed in a cheerful atmosphere.


So far, the 38 rounds of Samsara have all ended. And now the accumulated points of Samsara has reached as high as 319 points, completely leading the whole process, and has never been surpassed and caught up throughout the season. Even the first place in this regular season, they have been determined four rounds ago.


It's just to show respect for other teams, so I haven't done any excessive celebrations, but it's different now. Now that their 38 rounds of the regular season have completely ended, of course, they don't need to continue to pretend to be reserved. And now this is the home of their reincarnation. The ceremony for the win to celebrate their regular-season title has long been set up.


This is that the game here is not completely over, the two sides are still covering their hands at the end, and their celebration has broken out.


And the people of Hundred Blossoms covered their hands with the players of Samsara in such a kind of laughter. And the people of Samsara are more kind. After covering their hands with all of them, they looked at the fans in the audience, waved their fists at them, and celebrated with the fans that this is their celebration~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this one They fought hard and won 38 rounds.


"we are the champion!"


Reincarnation now directly gave up this classic song by Queen, and the reincarnation fans at the scene also shouted this slogan for their own team. It's a celebration of their regular season and a blessing for the rest of their postseason journey.


And in such a cheerful atmosphere, the members of the Hundred Blossoms team left the stage somewhat disappointed. After all, no one will deliberately think too much about losers.


What's more, to taste the loss under such a grand celebration, this is the first time for them Baihua. Their predecessors even lost the experience of walking down the finals, the highest stage in the entire league, three times in a row. Compared to that, where are they now?


"Are we over?" The Hundred Blossoms, who had just left the game thinking, naturally didn't know the situation in the other arenas, so it was like their teammates asked about the teamfight over there. But the Wind Howl side is still playing, so I don't know.


"Then do we still have hope?"


Although the question was asked like this, each of them still had hope in their hearts. It's just this hope that I can't control it with my own hands, this kind of emptiness is really bad. Now they can only knead like fish on a cutting board, and all they can do is wait...


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