Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1584: Season 10 regular season is over!

In the end, what is the fate of their Hundred Flowers?


At this moment, a look of expectation appeared in the eyes of everyone in Hundred Blossoms, but their expressions also reflected their current anxiety, and all kinds of emotions appeared on them for a while.


This situation continued until the moment when the last news was released.


"We... entered." Hundred Blossoms, who had been staring at the screen refresh, got the news right away.


"Really?" Yu Feng leaned on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his teammate's words. He just sat slumped in the lounge, there was no way, God knows how long his nerve has been stretched, until now, he can finally relax this nerve.


"We're in?" Some teammates confirmed in disbelief.


"Yes, we are in the playoffs! The team game between Howl and Tiny Herb has ended. Tiny Herb won the final victory, and we enter the playoffs with a four-point advantage!" The Hundred Flowers team members who reported the news were a little excited. said.


After confirming the news, everyone in Hundred Blossoms, look at me, and I will look at you. For a while, they couldn't distinguish the emotions in their hearts now. Do not know in the end is excited? joy? It doesn't seem to be.


This time, fate finally favored them once Hundred Blossoms, which made them feel like they had escaped from death.


And now the live broadcast has not completely ended, Pan Sen and Li Yibo in the commentary room have obviously received the news of the final decision.


"I didn't expect that the final match would be so dramatic," Panson said.


"Yeah, in the final team competition, there were three teams that could only qualify for their own team by winning, but none of them succeeded in the end, but that's exactly what they were before the team competition," Li Yibo said. .


"It's true that before the team competition, their rankings have changed a bit." Pan Sen laughed: "Before this round started, it was 3017 and Baihua was the eighth. But now the positions of 301 and Baihua have changed. a moment."


"That's true, and Team Wind Howl has some regrets. After all, they still stopped in front of the playoffs." Li Yibo said.


"It's alright. Wind Howl's players are all excellent, and they are still young. They can continue to work hard in the future," Panson said.


So far this season's game is completely over...


Of course, Tiny Herb's home court was not as lively as the reincarnation celebrations for winning the first place. After all, this game didn't mean much to Tiny Herb, and it could even be said that they just finished a game that didn't matter to their standings.


As far as their status and status as a giant, entering a playoff is just normal performance for them, and there is absolutely no need to celebrate. Now it's just like a normal game, just winning as normal. The audience at the scene applauded for the match between the two players, but that was all. As for the most lost team under the applause, no one would pay any attention to it.


Of course, no one is missing the whole team, at least the followers of Howl are more concerned about the fans. But so what? Wind Howl's loss also means that their journey this season is over,


At the moment when the game ended, everyone in Wind Howl had already guessed the ending. After all, the ninth place is the team that must win this round. And they did not win and lost their last chance.

Especially after the results of the other two games of the team, the Wind Howl was even more powerless, because they did not seize the opportunity not only in the team competition, but also in the individual competition. In the face of Samsara, Hundred Blossoms could still make an unexpected explosion and win the ring match, but they had no grasp of anything.


The 38th round of the regular season is over, and their journey this season is also completely over. After all, they failed to reach the stage of the playoffs. Looking back at the beginning of the season, they also shouted the slogan of winning the championship, but now they have lost so thoroughly.


Such a result was not expected by everyone at Howling. In their blueprint for the future, their summer should not end so quickly. And what will they do next time? They didn't know, the words "Diffuse" were written all over the faces of the players who were whistling for a while. They just left the arena without a sound and returned to their lounge.


A season of hard work, a whole season of hard work, but now it has completely returned to its original place.


Soon the other games at the age of thirty-eight will also end one after another, and the results of each game will be summed up one after another. So far, the final ranking of the tenth regular season of the professional league has been announced, and this ranking will determine the lineup for the playoffs.


It is precisely because they are waiting for the final ranking that the live broadcast of the game has not ended until now, and when the final ranking comes out. Pan Sen and Li Yibo sorted out the materials that need to be reported in the first incident, and made a brief broadcast of the final result of the season.


The Samsara team scored a total of 319 points and became the champion of the tenth season of the regular season.


And after them was the second Tyranny team, who scored a total of 278 points throughout the season. Although not as strong as last season, and even faced a lot of rumors at the beginning of the season, UU read www. uukanshu. Com's second place in the playoffs at this last moment is the best proof of their strength.


The third place was Team Tiny Herb. The three-point difference between him and Team Tyranny was quite small, but in the last few rounds, his main opponent was his old rival, Team Blue Rain.


And Blue Rain deducted a lot of small points because of the last few games, resulting in their final total score of 274 points, only one point behind Tiny Herb. With such a result, everyone in Blue Rain felt nothing, but let Lan Rain fans are very depressed. Whoever called the team above them was Tiny Herb, and the difference between the two sides was only one point.


After Blue Rain was the fifth place, Happy, followed by Team Thunder, Team Hundred Blossoms, and Team 301. They are all teams that make the playoffs.


Team Wu Howl unfortunately missed the playoffs by only one point, followed by Misty Rain 10th, Void 11th, and then Qi, Huang Feng, He Wu, Yi Zhan, Qing Ju, Yue Yun, and Zhao Hua. . The two teams, Mingqing and Linhai, were also the only two teams this season that did not have a total of 100 points in the end. And waiting for them only out.




Of course, for the top eight teams, the regular season of the tenth season is over. At the same time, it also indicates that they will embark on the competition to the peak. According to the normal rules of the league, their first game is based on the results of each major team in the regular season to match opponents.


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