Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1590: Desperate Chang Xian

"Uh... Then Sister Chen, what do you think of this first round of competition?" Seeing that Chen Guo's failure to enter, Chang Xian had no choice. Proud to ask Chen Guo, the boss, for his opinion.


That's right, it will be soon!


In other teams, the team boss's speech is unfortunately very authoritative, and the opportunity to interview the boss itself is very rare. But these things are very important in the team of Happy. The reason is very simple. Other teams interviewed the boss very much, because the boss and their boss are not common, but Happy wants to see Chen Guo, it is not too simple, there is no boss at all. There is no sense of mystery.


It is precisely because of this that Chang Xian is very aware of the special position of the boss Chen Guo in the team, and even sometimes Chen Guo gives the impression that her boss is just a title. After all, many things about Team Happy are not the boss of Chen Guo. Instead, people have signed machines.


If it wasn't for her pair of pink fists suppressing the great gods of Happy, it would be really hard to believe that this bold beauty who is in the Internet cafes and fans every once in a while is the boss of Happy Internet Cafe.


Of course, whether it's Team Happy's registration in the league for treatment, or Happy's club's registration at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, I observe that they are all the owners and biggest bosses of Happy.


But this boss... it gives people the feeling of a puppet more or less, no matter how happy or even willing he is to Chen Guo this time. If this is to be described in one word, then Chang Xian can only be described in three words: true love fans!


Yes, they are true fans!


Compared to the lonely Excellent Era, Xia Zhongtian, the crown prince who suddenly jumped out, looked even more truly in love. If nothing else, Xia Zhongtian's control over Excellent Era was much stronger than Chen Guo's. And this is what the boss of a normal team club looks like.


In comparison, Chang Xian really didn't know what to say to Chen Guo.


If the two of them are friends, then Chen Guo is definitely a good word, not to mention Chen Guo's good personality, just the appearance of the ceiling can make people pleasing to the eye. But it's another matter for Chen Guo to be the subject of the interview. After all, she has the sharp identity of the boss, but the final interview value is pitiful, so please ask Chang Xian's psychological shadow area.


After all, I am the boss of a team who can see a team without any business, but in the end I couldn't dig out any internal information. It would be an industry joke to say this.


"The first round of the competition, of course, is to defeat Lan Yu, that's needless to say. It's just that sneaky..." Chen Guo said that it suddenly stopped here. After knowing Ye Xiu's identity, he stayed with Tang Yin. Huang Shaotian, who sneaked into her internet cafe before, was seen in the surveillance video of her.


Ever since I watched that video, Huang Shaotian's image of a great **** has collapsed. In addition, many of the two said that they had never played in the game. Ye Xiu and Tang Yin had just entered the realm of gods before, and everyone had fought wild bosses in the land of dragon crystals, and then there was the glory carnival. These are still big events. Usually, Tang Yin and Huang Shaotian and other acquaintances like to play online games, often join them. Everyone is very familiar.


But it was precisely because of his familiarity with Huang Shaotian that Chen Guo couldn't reveal the dark history of Huang Shaotian secretly coming to his internet cafe. So, or half of it, just don't say it.


This made Chang Xian, who had just heard it, feel depressed for a while. He is really in tears now. There's no way that Chen Guo's words in front of him are of any kind. Just now, it seemed like he was going to say something interesting, but Chen Guo got stuck somewhere. Say, isn't this torture?


"Then, does Happy have any tactics against the opponent?" Chang Xian asked again.


"This is the team's secret and cannot be penetrated." Chen Guo smiled.


What team secrets, I don't think you know it! Chang Xian, who had seen through everything, continued to cry.


"Then Boss Wei, will he participate in this duel with Blue Rain? After all, his relationship with Blue Rain is here." Chang Xian asked again.


"This depends on the final tactical needs. We at Happy always take the game as the first goal, and we won't specially arrange battles in order to create something to watch." Chen Guo said very seriously.


After hearing Chen Guo's suddenly serious words, Chang Xian was shocked. After all, if it's so good-looking, it's really what Chen Guo can say. Wouldn't it be that someone in the Internet cafe entered the secret through voice transmission?


The second tower glanced around and really saw a target, the former boss of Excellent Era, now the second largest shareholder. Tao Xuan!


But this time, it was Chang Xian who had misunderstood. Chang Xian was just to give Chen Guo some experience, so Tao Xuan naturally wouldn't interfere.


"Xiao Chang, do it first. If you want to get on the plane, you may have to wait. Now the Internet cafes are full. I have to go and deliver things to Ye Xiu and Lao Wei." She greeted Chen Guo and said to Chang Xian to sit down first, then directly Go up with two packs of cigarettes.


When Chang Xian saw this scene, he felt helpless for a while, there was no way he was the boss of Happy, such a talent.


And even if Chen Guo didn't say it, Chang Xian knew that Chen Guo bought it for Ye Xiu and Wei Chen. He even knew what cigarettes they bought most often. There was no way Chang Xian knew Happy too well.


Too familiar!


At this moment, Chang Xianzhi wanted to cry. After all, now that the two of them are familiar with each other, Chen Guo doesn't consider him an outsider anymore. At the beginning, Chang Xian was very happy that everyone had such a good relationship. After all, the amount of money has been so familiar with the team, which must be very convenient for an accompanying reporter who needs first-hand information. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


But now he realized that he seemed to be too familiar with Happy. And the level of guilt that he would have been betraying his friends inexplicably by asking Happy about some details of his preparations.


He also knew very well the reason for this. He himself did not grasp the standard of work and social interaction, but when Chang Xian understood this, it was too late. Chen Guo came down after a while. Directly in front of Chang Xian, he checked the team's current account book during this period, and at the same time, he chatted with Chang Xian and Tao Xuan who was playing Glory.


And Chen Guo went on to say that this is why she thinks the league should give Happy all the awards in the regular season...


This is what Chang Xian heard while chatting with Chen Guo, but is this what he can see in the manuscript? The other party treats you as a friend and makes some private jokes, which of course cannot be written. It doesn't make any sense in itself.


This is the information Chang Xian heard from chatting. But... can he write a manuscript? Can you do it? This is a private joke-style rant about him as a friend! Of course this cannot be written.


But what should he do?


You must know that he has a mission, and that is to prepare for the special issue of the Glory playoffs that will be published by the E-sports Weekly. The main part of this issue before the start of the competition was to announce some information about the preparations and players' status of each team. What should he do with Happy's situation now?


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