Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1591: Crash Chang Xian

Now Chang Xian is depressed because his work cannot be carried out smoothly. But to be fair, Chang Xian didn't blame Happy when he complained. This time, he really wanted to blame Happy for being unreliable. If it was from other teams, such as the Blue Rain team, although they were also undergoing closed training, they also declined all interview schedules. But their team has a dedicated public relations department, which is the team's press officer.


Under normal circumstances, the public relations and publicity department will send some news or press releases to some visiting or cooperating reporters. In this way, these reporters can communicate with each other, and they can also play a role in promoting the team, and it will not affect the training of the team.


But what about Happy's side? Their own side has only been established for a year, and many departments have not recruited corresponding talents. Simply put, the current Happy is not perfect. After all, how could there be a winning club that would have the team owner in the foreground?


Press officer?


It's even more impossible for Happy now to have that kind of thing. In the end, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu are mainly concerned with the growth of the team members, the tactical arrangements during the battle, and the equipment arrangements of all the players. They are indifferent to things that affect the team's combat power. And the rest of Happy didn't even bother to pay attention to it. With just this awareness, everyone at Happy was undoubtedly very poor.


And such a result led to these things. Before recruiting professionals, Chen Guo had to come, but even if Chen Guo was taught by Tao Xuan, an experienced boss, she still needed time to grow. And now there is clearly not enough time.


Chang Xian felt that today might be another day of nothing, and some acquaintances and fans in Happy Internet Cafe looked at him differently. After all, Chang Xian was not the first time to come to Happy to ask for news, but every week Come a few times. This has caused some rumors to appear in Internet cafes. For example, in the eyes of the regular customers and fans of Happy Internet Cafe now, he is the style of running around Chen Guo in the Happy Internet Cafe every three to five times, and he no longer has the style of the legendary uncrowned king. In their eyes, he is a shameless little white face who wants to get involved by a third party.


That's right, in the eyes of the winners, Chen Guo and Tao Xuanhua have already become a pair, and Chang Xian is the third party with no discernment.


After all, now that Tao Xuan is right next to him, he can still chat with each other so happily.


And Chang Xian, who unexpectedly heard these words, even had the heart to cry. With such remarks, how could he dare to stay here longer? After saying hello to Chen Guo and Yu Tao Xuan, they left. When I went back, I called the computer and looked at the reporters of their e-sports home and the team reporters of other playoff teams. Now which one does not have all kinds of materials in their hands. Even Team Blue Rain, who was in the same situation as Happy, gave the reporters from City G a lot of information to write articles on.


And with these materials, just add some subjective opinions of reporters, isn't it enough for a special report on Blue Rain?


Now look at yourself?


This time, he didn't even think that he could stand out from the reports of the reporters. Now he hopes that it would be good not to suddenly open the skylight for him in the end.


Chang Xian is so anxious, the one who starts pulling his hair when he is so anxious, let alone fall asleep under such circumstances.


He knew very well that he couldn't expect to write a press release like Blue Rain's. After all, no one knew Happy's situation better than him. There is no department or person in this area. Those of Happy's players don't have to think about it anymore. Now, no one has time to pay attention to him. Except for Happy, it is Happy's boss Chen Da. But with Chen Guo's image, he really couldn't connect her harmonious things together.

There is no other way, now he can only rely on himself, let's make it up! The big deal is that he will show Chen Guo and the others after he has finished writing it. If there is no problem, he will post it.


Chang Xian is also very helpless about this. A manuscript that is full of direct subjective opinions, why is it that the more you think about it, the more unreliable it is...


But now Chang Xian had no other choice, he tossed around in his own home for a day, and ran to Happy again. Every time I have the expectation of seeing which contestant can I meet, but in the end I just met Chen Guo and Tao Xuan at the bar of the Internet cafe...


"Sister Chen, Brother Tao..." Chang Xian greeted him every day.


"Hey, Xiao Chang, here we go again!" Chen Guo and Tao Xuan also greeted him.


Chang Xian: "..." Now when Chang Xian heard the word "you" from the two of them, how did he really hear it, how harsh it was. Looking at the Internet cafe, there are still many contemptuous eyes looking at him. It was only when Chang Xian looked over that he immediately retracted it and continued to pay attention to the computer in front of him.


"I wrote a report here, mainly about your next post-season post from Happy. Sister Chen, please see if it suits you. If it suits me, I'll go back and post it." Wu Wulian handed over the report manuscript that he had written, which was completely useless and depended on his own play.


"Oh? It's amazing, Xiao Chang. Let me see." Chen Guo took Chang Xian's report and flipped through it. Chen Guo read this report very carefully, UU reading www.uukanshu. com also gave Chang Xian a little comfort.


"Um... Xiao Chang, why are your reports all just slogans, you don't have any good stuff?" Chen Guo asked curiously. : ""


Chang Xian: "..." Is it like hearing people say?


At this moment, Chang Xian really burst into tears. Why is there no dry goods? Is this what I thought? Who is it that blocks the door every day? It doesn't matter if you don't let me interview the players. As the boss, you don't give me any news. How can you want me to have good stuff? Ask Baidu?


At this moment, Chang Xian was really aggrieved, the kind of aggrieved person who couldn't even speak. When Tao Xuan saw him like this, he couldn't bear it anymore. And when Chen Guo saw the aggrieved expression on the other side, no matter how sluggish she was, she also thought of what was going on.


"Cough cough...then what...I just said it from a reader's point of view. Actually, I think your writing is pretty good, so let's just post it like this." Chen Guo was also a little embarrassed.


"Uh...that Chen Guo, you have seen it too, or you can give me some dry goods. I'm afraid the editor-in-chief will block my door next moment." Chang Xian said.


"Uh... Actually, there really isn't much to do. After all, you know what's going on with Happy. That's what happened, and it's precisely because of this that we try to use all the time we can use as much as possible. It's actually possible to improve within this week." Chen Guo said.


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