Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1592: playoff special

"Please, Sister Chen, don't fool me. We have four major tacticians, and Xiaoyin is in charge. How can we have no means? I don't believe this." Chang Xian said.


"Hahaha, there is this thing, of course there is a little bit of it, but it can't be said! If you say it, you will surprise others like this." Chen Guo said.


"Okay!" The current Chang Xian was quite proud and content, even if it was just Chen Guo's slight admission that they did have some means, it was enough, after all, this was more or less a piece of shit. As for what the means are, it is reasonable not to say. If there is a team that exposes it like this before the game, we have the way of each other, and the people who see it will play the role. At this time, the opponent is confused and direct.


As a professional reporter, Chang Xian's business ability is still very good. Even though he only heard this, his mind had already started to move, thinking about expanding Chen Guo's words in various ways.


Soon, Chang Xian just finished the revision and sent it to the editor-in-chief. Esports Weekly's special issue of the playoffs has already begun. And these pre-match chapters, the main content of which is of course the various expectations of the major teams for the next game. In order to enrich the highlights and content, in addition to publishing the first articles of the resident reporters of the major teams, the e-sports weekly will also invite professional critics from all walks of life. Some analysis and comments on the next playoffs,


Among them, there is a very famous guest commentator Li Yibo, and in his patent, he continues the commentary of this season's games, he is very careful in all aspects, and does not make some specific predictions. It feels like Li Yibo's comments are like a memoir. The eight teams that will enter the playoffs and the highlights of this season's regular season have all reviewed it. Of course, these changes have his family's commentary and analysis. .


In this column, he reviewed various wonderful scenes in a very specific manner. With the help of these wonderful moments, he explained the advantages and disadvantages of the eight teams in his mind. At the end, it ended very smoothly after congratulating the eight teams for having a good result.


Another well-known commentator, Cha Xiaoxia's column, is quite bold. As the first of all the commentators to become a fan of Xingxin's brain, Cha Xiaoxia cheered for Xingxin during the regular season. But to say that Cha Xiaoxia is a brainless fan is actually a bit of an exaggeration. Whoever is more interested in Happy, a rookie team, is most optimistic about him.


To put it simply, he was one of the few commentators who patiently discovered the bright spots in Happy at the beginning of the season, and all his praise for Happy was in line with Luo Ji. There was a stark contrast to the black guys from Happy, headed by Ruan. They were completely brainless black Happy. They said all kinds of remarks. Just normal operation.


In the column of commentator Cha Xiaoxia, he continued to favor the Xingxin team as usual. Xindan accounted for 70%, and the remaining 30% belonged to the other seven teams and some polite words.


As for whether to invite Zuo Chenrui to write a manuscript, the editorial department of E-sports Home also experienced a dispute for a while. There's no way Zuo Chenrui makes the mood of liking and not liking too confusing, and it's completely brain-dead. Blue Rain and Tiny Herb were completely two different attitudes. What is written can no longer be described as biased.

So the editorial department of E-Sports Home planned to fix a bug and try to ask Zuo Chenrui to write a report only for the other six teams, without Blue Rain's amount of Tiny Herb. As a result, Zuo Chenrui rejected him very simply.


As for famous pens like Ruan Cheng, they are the exclusive commentators in the e-sports era, and their e-sports family can't make an appointment.


Just like this, there have been a lot of manuscripts of different types and styles. After all, there are many commentators and some contestants. There are both retired and active players. Of course, players from these eight teams are not highly recommended here. After all, they have no time to manage these now.


But the players of other teams are different. Now they have completely entered the summer break, and it is very normal to receive drafts from major media. Some of the drafts from the great gods have been viewed very highly. For example, this issue of E-sports Home Asked about the comments of Void Li Xuan, Yanyu Chu Yunxiu and Huangfeng Tiansen.


The three of them are all god-level players, but all of them unfortunately missed the playoffs and entered the theater as strangers. And their various views on the playoffs are also the most concerned by fans.


In the comments, Li Xuan of Void is more optimistic about reincarnation, and this is also the most popular view. There is nothing to say about the reason, just one word. powerful!


Misty Rain's Chu Yunxiu is more optimistic about Happy, and she directly stated in the comments that the most important reason is that her best friend is in Team Happy. Of course, this is only the beginning, and the analysis of some technical play methods will not be enough. few. After all, Happy had a lot to say~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the end, Tian Sen saw Team Tyranny the most. From his point of view, Tyranny had endured the entire season for the playoffs, so there would definitely be a complete explosion in the playoffs.


Of course, there are also some of his selfish intentions. Now the Royal Wind team has begun to decline from the original giant. Tian Sen, who was the captain, felt the most obvious, and these veterans of Tyranny had also experienced this. Especially the leader of Tyranny, Han Wenqing, seeing them, even though Tian Sen is at his age, he still feels the same. Rather than saying that he is optimistic about Tyranny, it is better to say that this is a blessing from him.


And this issue of the TV Sports Weekly is mainly supported by this content, and then it is the reporters they dispatched to each team. And these reporters are not like the previous commentators, commenting on eight teams at a time. They made individual comments on the teams they interviewed.


Except for the two teams, Blue Rain and Happy, the reporters from the other six successfully interviewed their players and even their captains. The content is naturally very rich and substantial.


Blue Rain provided some press releases to the visiting reporter, and then let the reporter play freely. But at least something was written. It was Chang Xian on Happy's side who said it was miserable. He was almost completely free to express himself. He wrote a press release for Happy by relying on his likeness. In the end, he relied on Chen Guo's few words to make a wonderful progress. All kinds of play, just don't be too bleak...


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