Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1771: Is this really the case?

Seeing this scene, everyone felt that the counterattack by the team of Tang Rou from Xingxin was too wonderful, whether it was Tang Yin's precise operation of using the laser cannon as a sniper rifle, or Mucheng's pre-judgment attack on Lu Hanwen to hit the bun. This blow, the bricks that did not respond to the opponent at all, cooperated just right.

But what they didn't know was that everyone in Happy was a little surprised when they saw this scene. After all, others didn't know that they knew it. The others would be ready for this wave of cooperation between Tang Yin and Mucheng. , but Baozi's hand was really unexpected. If you don't give it to them, you won't go deep into thinking. After all, it was Baozi who hit this blow. Based on his personality, it is estimated that he used a brick. After all, Lu Hanwen was concentrated by Mucheng's attack when he was rolling. But there is no such predictability. It can only be said that Lu Hanwen's luck today was really bad.

However, although Baozi's sudden tumbling is a bit surprising, there is nothing special about it when a brick comes out and slaps it on Lu Hanwen's face. Now his debuff is still on his body. There was no attack, not even twenty rounds of bullets. After all, Zheng Xuan also has many hand speed monsters like Tang Yin, but he has a good control of the rhythm of the attack. attacked. Let Baozi have no chance to pursue Lu Hanwen at all.

So everyone was surprised by this operation of Baozi...

The real trouble was Yu Wenzhou, who was blown by the wind and wanted Tang Yin to fly. Although it was said that the wind field had a great influence on the attack of the gunners, it also reduced the speed. Now Yu Wenzhou is charging at Tang Yin at an extreme speed, although this is not enough. Make up for the wind's impact on the bullet's flight speed, but it's enough for Happy.

After all, laser attacks are not just a laser cannon!

The next moment, a beam of light descended from the sky, directly hammering Yu Wenzhou, who was about to fall to the ground, to the ground.

It's a satellite ray!

Of course, it was impossible for Tang Yin to hit this blow. Although Tang Yin could use other gunnery skills on the equipment, these skills definitely did not include awakening skills like satellite rays.

And Tang Yin is now directly shooting a barrage, although the speed of the bullets has slowed down. But in Tang Yin's view, this is not a problem. As long as I hit the range enough, it can have the effect of interference. After all, the opponent is also in the wind area. The attack is very fast due to the influence of the downwind, but it also causes They have a lot more trouble moving from side to side than they do in places like theirs that aren't affected by high winds.

And Tang Yin's own purpose is not to kill, but to rescue the buns from the opponent's attack. And to achieve this goal, this is enough.

As for the bullets that had already been fired at Baozi, isn't that Ye Xiu?

Anticipation, see Anticipation.

Just as Tang Yin thought, the person who predicted this time was Ye Xiu!

Seeing that Ye Xiu was interfering with Zheng Xuan at the same time as Tang Yin, he also dodged in the path of Zheng Xuan's attack on Baozi, and completely blocked the bullets he shot with the opened Myriad Manifestations Umbrella. With the cooperation of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, a bright road was directly opened up for Baozi.

And this time Baozi did not continue to escape, and directly manipulated the character to rush towards this achievement. Although Baozi's movements looked a bit funny because of the debuff of the deceleration on his body, the explosion pace with the cover of his teammates was unusually firm. .

Then Tang Yin shot indiscriminately. Then he divided the random shots into two attacks, one continued to delay Zheng Xuan, and the other attacked Huang Shaotian, who was now unchecked. But now that there are Tang Yin, Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng and the three of them escorting Baozi, whether it is Yu Wenzhou and Zheng Xuan from a distance or Huang Shaotian and Lu Hanwen from close combat, there is no way for him. What about him?

One move of Baozi directly became a turning point in the game, allowing Tang Yin and Mu Cheng to create a breakthrough at the same time?

Yu Wenzhou turned his attention to Ye Xiu and Tang Yin.

At this moment, he seemed to understand why Team Happy dared to let an unsafe player like Baozi play in the team match.

In fact, the reason is very simple, because it is Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. Although Tang Yin and Ye Xiu can't predict the situation of Baozi, they can rely on their experience and consciousness to fill Baozi to the greatest extent. various flaws in the body.

This kind of filling may turn the steamed buns into a miraculous change, or it may just barely support the current situation. But for the existence of a time bomb like Baozi, Happy has two bomb disposal experts who are familiar with him, but what about their Blue Rain? But there is no one who can touch the changes or crises brought about by buns at any time.

Ye Xiu and Tang Yin have operational awareness and combat strength. And the tacit understanding between them is not something that everyone can have.

It is true that Baozi is a player who is prone to all kinds of flaws, but Team Happy can take advantage of this, and even allow Tang Yin and Ye Xiu to rely on this characteristic of Baozi to guide the rhythm of the game. The overall rhythm will be on the other side?

At this moment, Yu Wenzhou's mind had already shown a changing picture. Behind the steamed bun in the painting, there were phantoms of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu!

It is this kind of tactic that makes people even less thoughtful and carries a plan. Why is it clearly the tactical style of two people, why can the two of them blend so well?

You must know that Blue Rain is one of the few teams that has completed a double-kill against Team Happy in the regular season. The UUkanshu.com team match can even be said to be a triple-kill. After all, it was Blue Rain who won the last team match. clan.

Blue Rain, who had beaten Happy three times in a row in the team match, should have some experience with Happy, but Yu Wenzhou, who was currently the commander-in-chief of Blue Rain, had no such feeling at all.

Whether it was the two matches in the regular season or the playoffs, the three matches against Happy gave him a completely different feeling. Of course, this was not only because of Happy's adjustment to the lineup in these three games, but also because of the progress and growth of everyone in Happy after each of these three games.

Team Happy was among the crowd, and after entering the professional circle, they began to unscrupulously absorb various skills, not only worried about the crazy growth of failure.

To be honest, there are rookie teams in the professional league every year, but only Happy is the team that can make such obvious progress as soon as they enter the professional circle. This shows the strength of Team Happy.

Many people think that this is because Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng and Tang Yin in Team Happy are in Zhang Jiale, and it is precisely because Happy has four All-Star players that they are different from the normal new team. Performance.

But is this really the case?

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