Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1772: Attack Ye Xiu!

Of Happy's four All-Star level players, Zhang Jiale had already left the Pro League for two or three years, and this time the All-Stars didn't even have him. Ye Xiu also left the Pro League for more than a year, and even changed his career. And the age of these two guys is right here. Next was Su Mucheng, who also left the professional league for a year. Not to mention Tang Yin, he is a rookie who has just debuted this season.

It's not an exaggeration to say that these four people have a problem. It can even be said that they themselves are one of the loopholes in Happy's team, and Happy has grown to this point, not simply because there are The reason these four All-Stars are in town.

The word "progress" was a key word shared by a normal rookie team in Happy, but the biggest difference between Happy and them was also here, because only they could turn every progress they made into their own combat power.

As long as the players in the team are stronger, the strength of the team will naturally be stronger. There seems to be no problem with Luo Ji like this, but in fact, this Luo Ji is only suitable for single-player competitions.

In team competitions, team members need to cooperate with each other, and this requires tacit understanding and mutual adaptation between players.

But when all the choices of a team are improving at different speeds, then their team system is actually very unstable. In the end, whether the team as a whole has responded to growth, and what adjustments need to be made, these are all is the problem.

And this is not an easy thing for any team that has always been on the team, just like Lu Hanwen of their team, they also need to adapt to Lu Hanwen's growth in every battle. They only had one rookie team like this, and it was even more so for Happy, who were mostly rookies.

But Xingxin has done a very good job at this point. They don't have a unified team style, and they make major adjustments in every team battle to adapt to the growth of each player.

And the most crucial guy among them was undoubtedly the current Captain of Happy, Ye Xiu, who was at the helm of Happy in the true sense. After all, this requires a lot of experience and awareness that has been cultivated for many years, even a genius like Tang Yin can't replace it.

It is precisely because Ye Xiu has relied on the amount of knowledge gained from Glory textbooks for so many years, and has already served as the team captain, so that he can accurately control all the contexts of Happy, so that every battle with Happy after a few months, he can understand Wenzhou. Feel their near-leap-forward progress.

It could be said that the strong growth potential of the rookie team was fully utilized by Ye Xiu.

For a while, the various scenes of the past games with the Xingxin people flashed in Yu Wenzhou's mind, and he quickly completed the summary.

Yes, the immature team of Happy does have many flaws and flaws, but when their opponents attack these flaws and flaws of Happy, how many teams can really defeat them?

There are many areas of immaturity in Team Happy, and there are even many shortcomings. But these teams of Happy will know better than their opponents, and Team Happy can always make special arrangements according to their own shortcomings.

And the key to accomplishing these arrangements lies in Ye Xiu!

Although Happy's core consisted of two people, only Ye Xiu's scattered people could rely on this body's versatility to fill Happy's shortcomings in all aspects. Even Tang Yin couldn't replace it.

With this idea, Lord Ye Xiu's figure became clearer in Yu Wenzhou's mind. Now his thoughts were no longer limited to Baozi and his character, but the whole of Happy.

The key to breaking a whole is to break the links that make these links into a whole, and in Happy, this link is naturally the most almighty Ye Xiu! If they can't defeat him, it will be very difficult for them to defeat Happy.

It is precisely because of Ye Xiu's omnipotence that he can always fill in these shortcomings of Happy, and it is precisely because of his existence that Happy can run so well, so the real focus of defeating Happy is not Tang Yin. It's not Su Mucheng, let alone the rest of Happy, but Ye Xiu!

At this moment, Yu Wenzhou suddenly realized that defeating Ye Xiu was actually very easy and not easy.

It could even be said that Ye Xiu would be able to defeat Happy.

But it's all bullshit, so there's no problem with any team.

If you defeat Wang Jiexi, you can defeat Tiny Herb.

If you defeat Zhou Zekai, you can defeat Samsara.

If you defeat Han Wenqing, you will be able to defeat Tyranny.

At the end of the day, every team in Dingxi has the core. As long as the core is defeated, the odds of winning will naturally be higher. But the core can be called core precisely because they are the most attainable people on this team.

And if you want to bring the other party's core, you usually have to pay a painful price.

Just like the previous match between Happy and Tiny Herb, in order to forcefully replace Wang Jiexi, Happy lost two players. But the final victory still belongs to Happy.

But this method is not suitable for Xingxin, because facing Xingxin, if you want to forcibly take Ye Xiu away, then you will have to face another mountain of the same level - Tang Yin!

You must know that the result of the best combination in the tenth season did not depend on Tang Yin's tossing a coin. It was achieved by him and Ye Xiu. It was obtained by pressing all the combinations in the league and rubbing them on the ground. score.

It was precisely because of Tang Yin's existence that it would cost a lot to forcibly replace Ye Xiu!

To be honest, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Yu Wenzhou himself doesn't really agree with this kind of game, because in his opinion, this style of play is too unreliable. Still taking the match between Happy and Tiny Herb as an example, it was better to say that it was achieved by reaching Wang Jiexi rather than defeating Wang Jiexi. Only after defeating the mentality of Tiny Herb's crowd, did they seize the opportunity to win.

In Yu Wenzhou's view, this was the main reason for Tiny Herb's defeat in that match. If it wasn't for the other players in Tiny Herb being shaken and relying on the advantage of numbers to show their exchange, it would have been a loss for the opponent anyway.

So instead of saying that what Happy was after in that game was a tactical victory, it was better to say that they were after a psychological victory.

But this was because Tiny Herb itself had the problem of relying too much on Wang Jiexi.

If it was Zhou Zekai who replaced Samsara in a one-vs-two, or Han Wenqing who replaced Tyranny in a two-for-one match, there was a high possibility that the match would not end like this.

But judging from the above analysis, Happy and Wei Chen are actually thinking about the situation now, so for Happy, if they can take Ye Xiu away with one exchange or two, maybe that's fine. As long as you can hold Tang Yin!

The next moment, Team Blue Rain's team channel appeared and the captain's instructions: "One person holds Tang Yin, and the rest attack Ye Xiu!"

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