Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1794: can not be shaken

"What a daze, a daze, a daze, a daze..."

But at this moment, all the viewers suddenly discovered that the words "What are you in a daze" were being used all the time on the Blue Rain team's channel. The dense one-time brush directly fills the entire screen.

Of all the players on the field who would send messages like this, only Huang Shaotian was the only one.

But who is he talking about? Is anyone in a daze?

This is what all the viewers thought when they saw Huang Shaotian's sudden message on the Blue Rain team channel. After all, from their perspective, everyone in Blue Rain was working very actively. Even if Lu Hanwen didn't stop Lord Ye Xiu this time, and although Yu Wenzhou failed to manipulate Soksar to avoid Ye Xiu's attack, it was undeniable that they had been working hard.

"Who's in a daze?" Not only the audience, but even the on-site commentator Pan Sen didn't figure it out.

Li Yibo is also in the same situation, and now he can't answer these questions again. This opportunity is about to become his old problem this season. As the current competition is getting more and more high-end and the battle is becoming more and more intense, there are more and more operations and content that he can't understand.

But others don't know who it is, but Lu Hanwen himself is very clear. He knows that now Huang Shaotian said that the guy who was in a daze is him!

Huang Shaotian didn't say that it was because he failed to stop Lord Grim that he was in a daze, but that after failing to stop him, he actually felt hesitant, shaken, and in a trance. Although it was said that these emotions were only for a moment, even the commentators and guests didn't see it, but Huang Shaotian saw it, and he saw it at first sight.

This person, Lu Hanwen, felt very ashamed.

Although it has always been Huang Shaotian's responsibility to protect Soxar, they even have a lot of play styles like Happy's that use a certain character as a bait, but the bait in Happy is the nurse, and In Blue Rain, the bait was Yu Wenzhou's Soxar.

In this tactic, as long as the opponent focused on attacking Soksar, Huang Shaotian would find an opportunity to explode and inflict huge damage or even take it away.

But because the current situation is to rescue them from the wind, the difficulty has risen, so Lu Hanwen can only leave the task of guarding the captain.

And how is Lu Hanwen doing in this regard?

After failing to stop the opponent's attack once, he actually began to doubt himself. Although he appeared with little hesitation, he was still discovered by Huang Shaotian, who had been paying attention. And the reason why Huang Shaotian was able to notice this very small change in Lu Hanwen was probably because he never hesitated, even if he would make mistakes, there would also be times when he couldn't protect the captain well.

But none of this would make Huang Shaotian shake in the slightest. This is a little like his stubbornness. You have been talking about this problem for many years, but when did he hesitate to change it? Absolutely not.

Of course, Huang Shaotian is not a positive example, but although the example is not positive enough, it explains Huang Shaotian's firm will. And Lu Hanwen felt it now. It was because of this simplicity that Huang Shaotian immediately sensed his sway.

Not to be shaken, not to be shaken!

Since it's your choice, stick to it!


The next moment, the giant sword in Liu Yun's hand seemed to have been injected with vitality again. The sword's edge turned, and the violent wind whistled around the sword. There were bursts of Weng Ming, just like Lu Hanwen's roar, directly at Lord Grim. After rushing over, the giant sword in his hand became extremely firm again, and it was a slash to Ye Xiu.

Boom boom boom!

But in front of him, there was a dense cannon fire blocking it. This was Dancing Rain in the distance. As Lord Grim's best partner, she knew exactly when to support Ye Xiu. The two completed a cooperation silently again.

It can be said that Lu Hanwen's rescue operation has just begun but he has already encountered setbacks, but the current Lu Hanwen is different from just now. Now he has adjusted his mentality and has the courage to meet the adjustment. Lu Hanwen has never lacked these things. What he lacked right now was the calmness like Yu Wenzhou, and the resolute coldness like Huang Shaotian.

The current Lu Hanwen has no experience of continuing to go to the public channel to fool around. On the contrary, now he has begun to study Yu Wenzhou, calmly watching the situation, and looking for a solution to the possible divergent thinking. Suddenly Lu Hanwen's eyes lit up, because he realized that he was chasing Ye Xiu's offensive, and he was very close to Xingxin's healing little hand cold.

Find a new target and take action. This time, Lu Hanwen was already very firm, without any hesitation in his heart. Seeing that he directly manipulated Liu Yun to abandon the opponent, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com directly thought of the little hand beside him and rushed towards him coldly.

Three cuts!

Sword Shadow Step!

The two consecutive skills were used by him in an instant. After the extremely fast three-stage displacement, several afterimages were directly separated. Almost in a blink of an eye, Liu Yun and his several fake avatars had already surrounded the little hand with cold, and in an instant, Its completely blocked.

"Oh oh oh oh!

"Seeing such a cool operation and outburst of their own rookie, the Blue Rain fans at the scene immediately exclaimed.

Of course, there was also concern about Soksar, after all, Lu Hanwen just left their captain just like that and went straight to Happy for treatment. Is this really okay too?

However, because Lu Hanwen's attack was launched too quickly, many people didn't have time to think about the stakes. They just habitually felt that they were very clever and powerful after seeing the amazing actions of professional players. pen or something.

wow wow wow...

Therefore, after the exclamation, there was a burst of warm applause, and An Wenyi, who was surrounded by Lu Hanwen's sword shadow steps, was really at a loss. The seven sword shadow clones were the limit that Lu Hanwen could control now, and even his clones were Glory veterans may not be able to tell the difference, let alone An Wenyi's qualified rookies.

But even so, even if the opponent is An Wenyi, Lu Hanwen's operations are still focused and meticulous. He didn't underestimate Team Happy's so-called "loophole".

However, after all, the sword shadow step only makes the opponent very capable, and the real purpose is still output.

The moment the sword shadow steps separated, Lu Hanwen's attack also started, and all the processes were completed within a second or two. But when Lu Hanwen's giant sword slashed An Wenyi's body, the afterimage he left behind had not completely disappeared.

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