Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1795: key point!

An Wenyi's cold hands were knocked to the ground by Lu Hanwen, and his clean attack once again caused a burst of applause from the audience.

The attack was successful, and in the eyes of the audience, Lu Hanwen's strategic intention was successfully achieved.

But just now Lu Hanwen succeeded in attacking, and the next moment Su Mucheng's artillery fire also covered him.

You must know that Su Mucheng's Dancing Rain has been roaming Owei in the competition since the beginning of this match, and her attacks are not exclusive to a specific target, but include all battlefields in her Within the range of Lu Hanwen's, although Lu Hanwen's sudden turn caught her off guard, the attack quickly followed.

Lu Hanwen was not surprised by such a situation. He had long expected that Su Mucheng would definitely harass him. Although he said that he had never played against Su Mucheng, he still knew from the materials and videos that she was the best at her. The screen tactics, and this is also a point that their captain emphasizes before each battle with Happy.

But now the distance between the two sides...

You must know that his current position is not a small distance from Mucheng. At this distance, Lu Hanwen has the confidence to suppress the dark night while dealing with Su Mucheng's firepower attack. After all, An Wenyi's operation can It has never been a secret that there is a limit, plus the professional attribute that has no means of combat in itself. Even under such circumstances, Lu Hanwen's output was still very smooth.

Dodge, avoid. Liu Yun's figure flew up and down beside An Wenyi, but Jian Feng never left An Wenyi's body. But don't think that Lu Hanwen has been attacking An Wenyi. In fact, his main focus is on Su Mucheng's attack. It can be said that as long as Su Mucheng doesn't disrupt his attack rhythm, even if some damage is resisted, he will It will still bite An Wenyi.

As long as he can catch up with Tang Yin and the others, then in the end, someone from Happy will come to rescue An Wenyi.

And this is Lu Hanwen's plan.

Although they said that their souls had already fallen into the hands of Happy, but now Huang Shaotian and Zheng Xuan have launched a rescue, as long as they catch up, even if Happy and the others want to change the treatment, the next situation will have to be carried out. Changes, and the most effective change is to let Ye Xiu attack him or support Tang Yin. But no matter what Happy is now, their captain can be relieved.

Lu Hanwen turned his gaze to his real target, Lord Grim. Now that he has both seized the opponent's handle, of course he must take advantage of it and take this opportunity to steer the battle in the direction of their Blue Rain hope.


There was no movement.

Ye Xiu didn't pay any attention to his intentions, and was still chasing after their team leader.

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Soksar said that he did not rely on the precision profession. Although it is better than the healing profession in terms of close-fitting precision, it is also very limited. Not to mention Yu Wenzhou's hand speed, facing Ye Xiu's almost unlimited pseudo-companies. It's just not very pathetic...

Yu Wenzhou looked at the situation on his own captain's side, and felt that if he thought about it further, he would be disrespectful to his own captain. But Ye Xiu didn't care about his intentions at all, as if relying on Su Mucheng's firepower alone could solve the matter on his side.

Is it because he didn't put enough pressure on everyone in Happy? His attack was even stronger, so strong that everyone in Happy felt that relying on Su Mucheng's response alone would not be able to save them from treatment.

Meng attack, continue to attack, Jia Bei's attack, Lu Hanwen's attack momentum is even stronger than before, and the attack momentum is even more bold. It even gives a feeling of not being afraid of death.


Still not moving.

Lord Grim still pressed his captain and beat him all the way. He was as focused as ever. Lu Hanwen couldn't bear it when he saw the screen. Lu Hanwen even wondered if Lord Grim didn't see this side from his perspective, so he didn't move. He wanted Lord Grim to pay attention, but the rhythm of San Ren Kuai was too fast, and the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella in his hand kept changing.

The character's position, posture, and movements all follow the changes of the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella in Lord Grim's hand, are they constantly changing and adjusting this? Of course, the angle of view is also looking towards this side, but has he noticed the situation here at the top? Well…

Lu Hanwen is really not sure about this, but now he has learned the lessons from the past. This time, he will not be shaken in any way. If he releases An Wenyi and rushes to save the captain now, the attack during this time will be in vain, and in this tense game, there is no room for any waste. ?

Now, even if his decision is wrong, he will continue to persevere, and even if it is wrong, he will fight a **** path in the mistake.

Chop chop chop!

Under this belief, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Lu Hanwen's attack became more and more frantic, because of the giant sword he used, this reliance gave people the illusion that he was actually a berserker, not a swordsman.

"Director Li, what do you think of the current situation?" Seeing the situation where you were chasing me, Pan Sen had to ask his partner Li Yibo again.

"This... the current situation on the arena involves a variety of exchange concepts, and it's really hard to judge the final result for a while," Li Yibo said.

"What do you mean, the first is Blue Rain treatment, and there is another Yu Wenzhou among them, right?" Pan Sen asked.

"That's right... But at first glance, it really looks like Blue Rain is swapping two for one, but in fact they have already started to support their treatment, and Happy's side, relying solely on Su Mucheng's firepower, is at this distance. In fact, the impact on Lu Hanwen is very small. It seems that the situation has begun to turn to Blue Rain's side again. Now it depends on whether Blue Rain can catch up with Mao and rescue the Soul Whisperer before he is killed. , which directly determines who and where the next initiative will be."

"That is to say, the next thing is the performance of Huang Shaotian and Zheng Xuan." Pan Sen said.

"That's right, and it was Lu Hanwen's daring actions that ushered in this turning point. Otherwise, even if Blue Rain really rescued Xu Jingxi, the situation would only be a stalemate, and now Blue Rain's side is in a stalemate. It is possible to directly establish the end of the initiative in one round." Li Yibo said.

"It's clear now." Pan Sen stopped Li Yibo's words and nodded, and the current TV broadcast can no longer show all the battlefield situations, so the director simply followed the commentary and put the camera on the two people said. key points of the game.

In the wind, Blue Rain's rescue operation for the Soul Whisperer.

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