Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1796: Location of Su Mucheng

Speaking of which, the Soul Whisperer can persist until now, which is really amazing.

And this is mainly because the profession of guardian messenger itself is a profession with a relatively high HP attribute like a knight, and it is also proficient in plate armor with the highest defense. As a professional-level player, Xu Jingxi had no chance to counterattack under the siege of Tang Yin and Baozi, but he seized the opportunity to find a hole to add blood to himself, increase his defense, and put on a shield.

Especially the defensive nanny like the guardian messenger, needless to say all kinds of defense skills, there are also many kinds of skills that greatly increase defense, although there is no knight to attract hatred and attack power, but in terms of resistance, it is definitely The strongest among all the professions in the league, he interprets the word "Pishi" incisively and vividly.

Moreover, Blue Rain itself is a strong defensive team, which makes Xu Jingxi as a healer very good at recovering health and increasing defense when being suppressed by the opponent. This is true for his teammates, and naturally for himself.

"Deputy team, this guy is so annoying." Steamed Bun looked at the sound of the night rain and the rain of guns and bullets that were about to complete the detour, and the two of them who were about to cut in from both sides of the wind area said a little depressed.

"Worried?" Tang Yin smiled with a smile on his face.

"Afraid? How is it possible? The deputy team rest assured, that Leo dares to come over, I will directly attack the bricks to say hello." Baozi said very spontaneously, completely forgetting that he and Huang Shaotian had fought before, and he was the one who was suppressed.

"Be careful, the rescuers are here." Tang Yin looked at Baozi and became more and more excited, thinking that he should not pull him.

"Uh... Does the deputy team want him to get it right?" Steamed Bun obviously misunderstood what he meant and asked directly.

"What are you thinking, you think we are playing online games. Shouldn't you be the first to play as a younger brother at this time?" Tang Yin said speechlessly. At the same time, it does not affect their conversation at all.

But even though they say that, the next stage will be more severe. Taking the opponent's treatment as a hostage is the key to their game. Although Xu Jingxi's blood volume is almost disabled now, Huang Shaotian and the others can definitely be in the game. They arrive before they finish the kill. If they really let Huang Shaotian and the others rescue Xu Jingxi, then this hostage would become their backing again, and it would be their turn to fight.

"Baozi, pull a little here." Tang Yin greeted Baozi and said.

"Good deputy!" Baozi obeyed Tang Yin's words as always.

"Be careful, don't let them discover our intentions." Tang Yin continued, as if he was on the team channel now.

"Then why don't we change the channel to chat?" Baozi asked.

"Also," Tang Yin said.


"11111" Then the audience saw that Baozi started to swipe information on Xingxin channel.

This scene annoyed the Blue Rain audience at the scene. Tang Yin was really not a human being. He bullied their treatment and chatted openly on the public channel. Can this chat be so mocking? What keeps them from discovering our intentions? You've made it clear that it's a smoke bomb. Sure enough, the audience on Happy Channel saw that Baozi sent a series of "11111" and no one spoke.

But it's not over yet, obviously there's nothing in the team channel. In the end, Ye Xiu, who was not with them, suddenly came up with two words on the public channel: Hold on.

Hold on?

Hold on to what? What else do you want to stabilize? Is it the current situation?

Do you want to stabilize the current one-for-two situation? If it can be successful, it will be fine. But the question is can you really hold on? You know, as long as Huang Shaotian and the others are killed like this, the situation here will turn into three dozen people. Obviously, this kind of situation is not something that can really stabilize the situation with a simple sentence of stability, right?

It is precisely because of this that Ye Xiu's short two words directly caused all the suspicions of all the audience, and the commentator Pan Sen once again launched a request for advice from Li Yibo. Li Yibo is annoying, and he wants to give it a shot. A knife of more than 40 meters killed him.

After all, his brain hurts when he interprets such a game, and now you want me to interpret the language trap that relies on Tang Yin to organize inappropriate people and Ye Xiu? I feel like you are digging a hole for me, but I have no proof.

Although Li Yibo kept scolding Pan Sen in his heart, it is a live broadcast after all. Since Pan Sen has already asked, he has to say something about it. So he began to make a fake analysis and said, "Maybe Team Happy had some special arrangement before the game, something like support or something." Li Yibo came directly from a correct nonsense.

But is there any support for this?

There are only five players on the field now.

Even using the method of elimination, it is possible to guess who the characters with the greatest chance of supporting Steamed Bun and Fang Rui are. First exclude An Wenyi, UU reading www. uukanshu.com After all, he is also a guy who needs rescue now. Ye Xiu also has to support Yu Wenzhou, so it is impossible to free up his hand. After all, if he releases Yu Wenzhou, it will increase the support for the other party. the difference?

In the end, there was only one player—Su Mucheng.

And Su Mucheng is indeed a master of coping and support, and this is what he is best at. So what is Su Mucheng doing now?

The director also immediately started looking for Dancing Rain, but everyone was shocked when they found out where Su Mucheng was now.

Dancing Rain's original position was at the far end of the battle group, and he didn't directly produce any battles. There were actually very few shots of Su Mucheng's figure in this match, but many of the battles used his artillery fire.

That is, when Lu Hanwen was concentrating on attacking the cold hands, Su Mucheng came to a scene on the support side. At that time, because of his firepower, An Wenyi, who had been unable to effectively support An Wenyi, could not stop Lu Hanwen, so he began to adjust the direct Stand, get closer here. But now that the camera is on her again, Su Mucheng's move just now may not be to support Lu Hanwen.

Su Mucheng's real intention is to get to a position where the firepower can support the wind zone!

In the gusty wind area, Ye Yushengfan and Gunshunyu have completely detoured. Neither of them made a detour to directly cut in at the level of Tang Yin and the others, but moved a bit more. In other words, the current Huang Shaotian and the others were at the top of the mouth.

You must know that this aspect of Blue Rain has been studied as this but of course, if it cuts in from the horizontal direction, then they need themselves to face the gust of wind. That kind of movement will have too much impact, but as long as it moves up a little bit, If you can take advantage of the wind, the movement will be much easier.

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