Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1798: happy bun

With the help of the wind, Su Mucheng's line of fire directly blasted Huang Shaotian's location into a piece of scorched earth. The forced Huang Shaotian could only continue to dodge. Although there was no major difficulty after paying attention now, after a few steps, Huang Shaotian suddenly noticed.

This series of smooth dodging is not because he paid attention to his subconscious dodging, but Su Mucheng himself had a neutral position in the attack, and he almost always walked in this neutral position. Although it was very easy to dodge, if he continued to follow the If Su Mucheng ran away with this arrangement, he would be sent directly out of the wind zone. At that time, he said that everything would be a waste of time.

"The little abacus is pretty good!" Huang Shaotian even sent a message to tease Su Mucheng before he rolled over.

Then cut off his hands in three paragraphs.

The sword light flickered one after another in the gust of wind. Originally, this skill was intended to be used by Huang Shaotian to increase his speed when he attacked Tang Yin and Baozi, but now this situation gave him no chance to keep his hand.

Three sword lights flashed one after another in the gust of wind, leaving behind afterimages that were blown away by the gust of wind. Su Mucheng's attack was still chasing Huang Shaotian's voice, but although her attack was launched by the wind, Huang Shaotian also did the same. A three-stage slash from the wind. With the help of the strong wind, it is said that his movement speed has not only become extremely fast, but even the trajectory is somewhat elusive.

Even though Su Mucheng already has a certain ability to adapt to the wind, it has not yet reached the level of closeness that Huang Shaotian has. With the help of fans, Huang Shaotian's movement skills that constantly change his body shape, even he can't accurately judge. A series of attacks have failed one after another.

Just like this, Huang Shaotian used a three-stage slash to escape directly from Su Mucheng's fire. This seems to be a very simple change of position, but in fact it involves practice that professional players do not know how many times.

However, even though he couldn't catch up with Huang Shaotian, he didn't feel discouraged because of anything, and continued to manipulate the characters to move around. All kinds of attacks never stopped, and he continued to suppress Huang Shaotian's wind direction. After all, no matter how subtle your three-stage slash is, he will always run out of time. So just after Huang Shaotian's last slash was over, Su Mucheng once started to build a line of fire.

Mucheng is really annoying...

Huang Shaotian couldn't help but look at the hail of bullets on the other side. Running out of Su Mucheng disrupted his movement rhythm. After all, the two of them would turn as soon as possible. This way, depending on the range of the hail of guns and bullets, even if it was a headwind, more or less would be able to do it. Put some restrictions on Su Mucheng, otherwise it will only be a matter of time before she gets beaten up against the wind. Not to mention going to rescue their own treatment.

And Huang Shaotian's change of vision was also seen by Zheng Xuan on the other side. He immediately understood what Huang Shaotian meant. Now Huang Shaotian needs support.

But now that he directly started shooting against Su Mucheng's Dancing Rain, it was difficult for him to take advantage of the wind, let alone the most powerful gunner.

The angle between the two sides needs some adjustment.

Originally, the rain of guns and bullets had already entered the best attack position, but Huang Shaotian had no choice but to go to support him. In desperation, Zheng Xuan could only use the rain of guns and bullets to throw a wave of grenades at Tang Yin and Baozi, while happily looking for one. A location where you can exchange fire with Su Mucheng.

"I'll leave it to you here." But at this moment, Tang Yin suddenly sent a message on the public channel.

What's the situation?

For a while, the audience became puzzled again, but soon they saw a bbq in Xiaoyaoyou, a precise wave of guns in the gale, directly hitting the Soul Whisperer out of the attack area of ​​Zheng Xuan's bullets. Then Tang Yin turned around handsomely and threw out the ninja knife. The ninja knife was like cutting a gust of wind. It flew against the wind and came directly not far from the hail of bullets, and was deeply inserted into the ground.

Then Tang Yin pulled the chain behind the ninja knife, and the next moment he appeared in front of Zheng Xuan.

This guy…

Zheng Xuan had just changed his perspective to support Huang Shaotian, but he heard a movement in front of him. When he turned his perspective, Tang Yin had already landed, just before him.

Zheng Xuan knew very well that Tang Yin was here to disrupt his attack, so he simply attacked Tang Yin first, and now he is attacking Tang Yin in a high volume.


Tang Yin directly chose the most aggressive way and fought back with a more dense rain of bullets. Although it is said that Tang Yin is in the downwind now, the two sides are directly close. At such a close distance, even if there is the effect of mad hair, the impact on the bullet is very limited. Combined with the high-frequency attack of random shooting, Tang Yin's abruptly Zheng Xuan's firepower is suppressed.

The original 360-degree random shot was concentrated on one person by Tang Yin, and the intensity of the bullet rain was even higher than that of the hurricane, even if Zheng Xuan had attribute bullets, it was impossible to suppress Tang Yin's attack. The reason is very simple. Tang Yin also has various special bullet skills of ammunition. Although the level is only one level, it is enough here.

"Baozi gets the other party's treatment, leave it to me here." Tang Yin said.

"Just waiting for your words, deputy team!" Baozi responded excitedly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com said as if he deliberately kept Blue Rain's Soul Whisperer breath, but waited for this opportunity to kill him directly. In fact, how is this possible? As one of the most defensive professions, there are also various skills to increase defense and shield himself. He is still a priest. If not, Tang Yin and the two would not have played for so long.

Is it one-on-one?

Seeing the current situation, Xu Jingxi's eyes lit up.

After all, they all knew very well about Baozi's situation. Every so often, players would be lost in the lake. At this moment, Xu Jingxi suddenly felt that he could escape without the treatment of his teammates.


Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. As a result, just when Xu Jingxi was thinking about it, there was a flaw in the steamed bun. Xu Jingxi didn't hesitate, and he was about to rush out by directly manipulating the character, but the next moment a sniper rifle bullet directly shot him in the head.

what's the situation?

This time, Chapter 17b Si. After all, it was obviously impossible for this blow to come to the bun, and the angle of view turned, and soon he found that Tang Yin made a very short sniper move and continued to fight against Zheng Xuan.

At this moment, Xu Jingxi's mood, which had brightened up, darkened again. It is true that there are often loopholes in Baozi, but his teammates are more aware of these, so they will always guard Baozi, and if there are loopholes, Tang Yin will make up for it as soon as possible.

Do not…

Not just Tang Yin.

After all, Xu Jingxi was Blue Rain's healer, and he was best at observing the overall situation. He soon discovered that it was not only Tang Yin's Leisure Tour, but also Su Mucheng's Dancing Rain, Ye Xiu's Lord Grim, and theirs. The location can support this bun in time.

Make a big tyrant. This bun... so happy...

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