Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1799: heartbroken voice...

This kid... so happy...

This is the only thought in Xu Jingxi's mind now, but there is nothing wrong with this idea. After all, a rookie player has three top-level players in the professional league to **** him. This kind of treatment, looking at the whole Glory, even their rookie Lu Hanwen, or Tiny Herb's rookie Gao Yingjie didn't receive such treatment. And all of this is just for the fact that this guy, Baozi, may have his brain pumped at any time...

From this point of view, Happy is also a very inclusive team, a team that is able to accept the shortcomings of teammates.

At this moment, since Xu Jingxi found a sense of sight in Team Happy.

"Tsk tsk, the current situation of Blue Rain is very bad." Li Yibo's ability to observe the overall situation may not be as good as Xu Jingxi's, but he has already dared to make such a comment after observing the current situation. How bad the situation is, you must know that Li Yibo is now saying some ambiguous words about some games that he knows little about, but his tone is so firm now.

This time Panson on the side interfaced this time.

Because Blue Rain's situation was not good right now, he could see that, but the question was where should this bad situation come from.

No way, the whole game Happy played was too messy and casual. But in such a chaotic situation, their characters can still be linked together. Even though everyone in Happy is obviously not in the same place, there is a thread that connects them all together.

And what about Blue Rain?

Captain Yu Wenzhou was now being controlled by Ye Xiu, and their treatment was still being crushed by steamed buns. Huang Shaotian was still facing Su Mucheng's downwind bombardment by himself. As for Zheng Xuan, now that Huang Shaotian and Xu Jingxi needed his support, he was suppressed by Tang Yin's tough headwind. Even his possible assist angles are stuck.

It could be said that Lu Hanwen was the only one who had the upper hand on Blue Rain's side.

And he had been paying attention to the situation on the scene. He thought that the support of Huang Shaotian and Zheng Xuan would turn the situation around, but they were both held back by Happy's players.

Even if he really succeeded in killing Happy's Little Cold Hands, Ye Xiu would almost kill their leader by then, not to mention the Soul Whisperer who was running out of health now.

Now how to do?

Even if Lu Hanwen is constantly at a high psychological level, he must not hesitate any longer, but facing the current situation, he really doesn't know what he should do.

Now that Lu Hanwen wants to make a decision and can't find a direction, hesitation is already out of his reach.

"I believe that the seniors of the team will be able to resolve the current situation. This may also be a good choice." Such a thought suddenly appeared in Lu Hanwen's mind, what should he do next?

And there is only one answer to this question, that is to speed up the killing efficiency of An Wenyi.

And when this answer appeared, Lu Hanwen made up his mind, and once again focused all his attention on attacking Happy An Wenyi.

In the end, the only people who can break the current situation are Huang Shaotian and Zheng Xuan.

Sword Shadow Step!

At this moment, Huang Shaotian seized an opportunity to use the sword shadow step directly.

But this time the number is not much, only five. But don't look at the five sword shadow clones, you must know that the more sword silver clones are, the more detailed the operation can be. If Su Mucheng couldn't identify the real body of Huang Shaotian right away, then he would only have a 20% chance to bet right.

But in an instant, Su Mucheng's artillery fire had already flown in. The one in the middle, Ye Yuyu, who was directly selected, was annoying. With the speed of Su Mucheng's shot, she could see how decisive she was.

It is precisely because of this that many viewers wondered if it was because Su Mucheng couldn't accurately judge which one was true, so it was time to hurry up now, so that they could guess a few more?

Of course, the viewers who think like this are the viewers who watch the broadcast.

The live audience is completely different because they have two viewing channels. Because the whole system is projected to show the overall situation, the current big screen directly shows Huang Shaotian's perspective, and Huang Shaotian's perspective naturally comes from his real body.

When Huang Shaotian used the sword and shadow step, everyone was paying attention to which one was real and which one was fake, and it was because of this, so when the perspective was given on the big screen, people's attention was focused on it. The angle of view and the projection of the whole system speculate that which one is the real body.

It was precisely because of this that when everyone saw Su Mucheng's artillery fire, the Blue Rain fans at the scene were so surprised.

Because of Su Mucheng's judgment this time, or maybe she wanted to guess, but no matter what it was, this attack was very accurate to hit Ye Yushengan.

As a result, in the face of Su Mucheng's attack, Huang Shaotian seemed to know it by looking for it. The next moment Huang Shaotian directly changed the rhythm of the sword and shadow steps.

Just like an unpopular prophet, he avoided Su Mucheng's attack in an instant, and took the opportunity to directly get rid of Su Mucheng's chasing rhythm, UU reading www.uukanshu.com finally stayed on the public channel Down a smirk emoji.

"Huang Shaotian's sword shadow step is actually a bait!" At the same time as Huang Shaotian's wicked laugh, Li Yibo also discovered the question.

"In this gust of wind, the avatar and entity of Jianyingbu are actually more obvious." Li Yibo said and pointed to the still moving Ye Yushengfan avatar, and the avatar he was referring to appeared in the strong wind It's obviously a bit frivolous.

"Huang Shaotian knows very well that Su Mucheng will find out where his real body is in an instant, which means that he first knows the position and intention of Su Mucheng's next attack. Respond in the gap between attacks." Pan Lin explained quickly.

"That's right." Pan Lin nodded.

As for seizing the opportunity... For Huang Shaotian, who is opportunistic, this is not a problem at all, and he has indeed seized this opportunity perfectly. As for Su Mucheng, who was stuck in the attack interval, even if he was already trying to make up for the attack, the closing and starting movements of some skills were indeed inevitable. And in the gunnery, taking out all kinds of heavy firearms and putting away all kinds of heavy firearms is an unavoidable action.

Huang Shaotian took advantage of this moment to flash Su Mucheng's suppression and directly kill the steamed buns on the side, but the next moment six beams of light suddenly shrouded down, accurately encasing Huang Shaotian directly inside.

And every Blue Rain fan who saw this scene seemed to hear their own heartbreak...

Surprise came from everyone, and the hearts of Blue Rain fans were about to shatter.

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