Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1800: Can't you be a little bit more personal?

Six-star Light Prison, this is an absolute warlock skill, and in the current arena, apart from Soksall, only Tang Yin's Phantom God and Lord Grim's Thousand Chance Umbrella can use this skill. Take the weapon out.

The current Thousand Manifestations Umbrella can transform into two types of dark night weapons, the ninja sword and the double sword, and naturally it can also be used as a dark night warlock.

Ye Xiu had already shown a thief's skill Shadow Trap in the arena before, but now there is a six-star light prison that is used by a warlock...and the timing of using these two skills is very important, and each of them has been successfully used. Having played a crucial role, it can be said that these two skills alone are already worth a thousand dollars.

Although Lord Grim's Six-Star Light Prison only had a single blow from the weapon, and the effect of the skill was only four seconds, but in the current situation, even a short four seconds was long enough. It was so long that Su Mucheng's firepower completely swept over, but Huang Shaotian had no choice but to watch him being drowned by the light and shadow of the explosion.

At this time, the audience's time all turned to Lord Grim, who released this skill. After all, the Six-Star Light Prison is a skill that needs to be chanted, and now Lord Grim is still fighting with Yu Wenzhou, how does he have time to chanting skills?

In the end, everyone was completely silent...

Because now Yu Wenzhou is still in a daze, a headshot hole in his head is very obvious. And there is only one answer to such a feature, Yu Wenzhou got a headshot. The audience who discovered this turned their attention to Tang Yin again. After all, Tang Yin is now fighting against Zheng Xuan, so how did he have time to turn around and shoot Yu Wenzhou?

And just as they turned to Tang Yin's side, they found that Zheng Xuan, who was playing against Tang Yin, had just run up from the ground, and there was a pit where he was before. Then the question comes again, what is the matter with this pit? Soon the director gave the playback here. The pit under Zheng Xuan's feet was blown up by Mucheng with a laser cannon.

At this moment, the audience just wanted to complain: "Are you here for the competition, or for dolls!"

Dubo also quickly released the replay. Only then did everyone realize that Su Mucheng found out that Huang Shaotian had escaped too much from his line of fire and could no longer be restricted, so he directly chose to support him. And Mucheng's way of calling for support was also very violent, and directly bombarded Zheng Xuan with a laser.

Tang Yin also immediately understood what Su Mucheng meant, but he didn't have any limited skills. Even Tang Yin didn't have a 100% confidence in his position with Huang Shaotian. Simply now, he and Yu Wenzhou are in a favorable position, so he saw Tang Yin's reason for taking care of his daughter-in-law's troubles by himself. Yu Wenzhou got a headshot with one shot, and reminded Ye Xiu by the way.

And Ye Xiu was suddenly headshot when he arrived at Yu Wenzhou, so he turned his head to look at Tang Yin, and he didn't know what was going on over there. After all, Huang Shaotian's goal was very obvious, Ye Xiu didn't even have a prediction, and directly covered Huang Shaotian with a six-star light prison. And that's the whole reason for this chain of dolls.

And after Ye Xiu's light-hearted ending of his girlfriend's troubles, the Qianji Umbrella continued to deform, and continued his brutal abuse towards Yu Wenzhou, who had just broken free from the dizziness.

To be fair, Ye Xiu Sanren beat Yu Wenzhou, right? Yu Wenzhou was tortured to the death. Now Yu Wenzhou is just like in the tenth district, it is completely repeating what happened back then.

Hurry up and rescue, no matter how bad the people are now, they have already seen the danger of Yu Wenzhou, not to mention that there are no rookies on the field now, Huang Shaotian and Zheng Xuan needless to say, because they were both attacked, and their current situation not good. The only hope is Lu Hanwen.

Although Lu Hanwen is still staunchly attacking An Wenyi's cold hands, he is not too determined. Now he is attacking again and again, moving the battle line to his captain again and again, trying to keep An Wen under control. At the same time, he can also give some help to the captain.

But while he was not giving up his mind, Ye Xiu also had a lot. Lu Hanwen's intention was so obvious that he couldn't see it in a Glory textbook, so Ye Xiu naturally pressed Yu Wenzhou to the other side.

There was no change in the situation so far, Huang Shaotian was once again blocked by Su Mucheng's attack.

There is no other choice. Strong!

And Zheng Xuan also made a resolute decision, and began to force his way in the direction of Tang Yinshou!

Zheng Xuan threw the grenade directly to the ground, relying on the strong wind to blow them to the position he wanted. And since this really allowed him to effectively use the grenade in the wind area. Facts have proved that this is Blue Rain's home game. Even Tang Yin didn't think of a solution, but Zheng Xuan solved it so simply. You can imagine how much practice they did before the game.

The splendid ammunition and grenades directly paved a dazzling road. Zheng Xuan wanted to rely on these but cover and **** himself over.

And because Zheng Xuan is in the upper wind of Tang Yin, his downward momentum is very strong, just like a Berserker.

Will Tang Yin stop him like this? At this moment, Zheng Xuan's mind was spinning rapidly. Zheng Xuan kept thinking about this countermeasure in his mind. Although he was not 100% sure, he could only gamble now.

Now Zheng Xuan has put all the chips he can think of. It feels like he is not going to glory with the other party, but a gambling game. The two sides are throwing dice at each other. Tang Yin threw the points.

But things like throwing dice, no matter how you look at it, are Tang Ye's main battlefield.

Just as the rain of bullets charged, a burst of white light suddenly appeared, and the rain of bullets directly entered a stun state the next moment. This scene directly stunned all the audience, what's the situation? Tang Yin didn't do anything, all the bullets were suddenly flashed, and he was stunned?

This is the first time the director gave ah a solution for the first time, and saw a picture-in-picture appear on the big screen again. And in this small window, it was the scene where Tang Yin used his ninja knife to go up against the wind before. And just when Tang Yin squatted to the ground with the pulling force of the ninja knife, he secretly buried a flash-explosive mine on the ground.

Tang Yin, who had placed the flash mine, stepped up and came to the place where Zheng Xuan was fighting. At that time, Zheng Xuan, who had turned around when he heard the movement, saw Tang Yin in front of him, and Tang Yin's figure was just about His flash mines are perfectly hidden.

It's this method of secretly releasing mines again, this guy is so annoying. This is wretched, and the disgusting style of play is really annoying. How can you say that you are also the God of Glory Peak, so you can't be a little bit of a person?

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