Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1801: The sword lights up, and the figure disappears.

The little hope that a Blue Rain fan had just raised was wiped out in an instant, and the Blue Rain fans who watched this game became more and more exhausted.

Where is the turning point of this game?

The current Blue Rain people seemed to have been able to use the means they could use, but they were all cracked by the Xingxin people one by one.

How is this going to be done?

Now that the match has been played, Lu Hanwen has finally been unable to hold on any longer. Although the pastor is only a crispy who is proficient in cloth armor, his playing time is longer than others. In contrast, their captain, who is also a cloth armor shot, is now on red blood.

After all, Yu Wenzhou's situation is really no different from the two healers who have no counterattack ability. The two healers can use instant healing and auxiliary means to give themselves a shot when they seize the opportunity, but what about the warlock Yu Wenzhou? ? What can he use? Are you haunted by ghosts? This skill can indeed restore his own health, but he needs a singing skill, and the singing time is not short. How could Yu Wenzhou use it in front of Ye Xiu?

As for Huang Shaotian and Zheng Xuan? The two of them want to come back to support now, and the distance has already been laid out. Even if they really get Soul Whisperer now, he doesn't have enough time to rush over to heal their captain.

So now the only one who can save the captain is himself!

Thinking of this, Lu Hanwen didn't hesitate, the sword light that was attacking An Wenyi suddenly turned, followed by a burst of three-stage slashes, one after another, aimed directly at Ye Xiu.

And Ye Xiu didn't seem to be in a hurry to kill Yu Wenzhou, so he didn't back down, he just flicked the Thousand Chance Umbrella, the umbrella swords intersected, Ye Xiu directly parried Lu Hanwen's offensive.


But the epee flame shadow is a weapon that focuses on attacking, and the weight of the blade is here. Under this blow, even if Ye Xiu parried, he had to control his character to take two steps back and lose his strength. However, Ye Xiu's Myriad Manifestations Umbrella turned into a spear and stabbed out again while he was unloading. It just happened that Soksa, who was staggering and was still stabilizing his body, picked him up again.

Round dance stick!

Ye Xiu used the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella to throw Soksal away and smashed it in the direction of Lu Hanwen.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yun immediately placed his epee in front of him and made a blocking action.

"Behind" but Yu Wenzhou at this time was too old to operate his role, and sent out a message first, and didn't even have time to care whether it was a public channel or a team channel.

And Lu Hanwen, who saw Team Captain Happy, was also surprised, without any thought, he just rolled over.


As soon as Lu Hanwen got out of the way, a pure white sacred fire rose directly from his previous position. If it wasn't for Yu Wenzhou's reminder, this attack would have beaten Lu Hanwen.

And this is the characteristic of the priest. Compared with the guardian messenger who is good at strengthening the defense of the team, the priest has a total of auxiliary attack-level roles.

With a pastor assisting, it is easy for everyone to think of the word - strong kill!

And the truth is true, Ye Xiu thought that he was relying on An Wenyi's treatment to drag his life, completely ignoring Liu Yun's attack and forcibly killing Yu Wenzhou.

Of course, Lu Hanwen wanted to stop such a situation, but if he wanted to stop Ye Xiu, he would have to use some strong interruptions, or he could use a skill that was obviously stiff. Only in this way can Ye Xiu's offensive be interrupted.

Even an ordinary player can sort out the situation clearly in this league's most high-end arena. Because of this, the Blue Rain fans at the scene even clenched their fists to cheer for Lu Hanwen.

But Ye Xiu once again used a skill to crush the hearts of the Blue Rain fans at the scene again.

Steel bones!

The boxer's low-level skills in the fighting department, although it is said to be a low-level skill, although his improved defense is no different in the face of high-injury and big moves, another effect of his is that everyone is willing to learn from him, then That is: hegemony.

And this effect is also at this time, it has become a one-hit killer move!

In the hegemony state, the character does not have any additional defense bonus, but it will not be interrupted by any attack. Of course, the grasping skill with the strongest judgment effect is of course another matter. But only grab skills.

However, the swordsman profession itself does not have any grasping skills, but they will all learn a low-level magic sword-type skill, Slash, which is also the only grasping skill of swordsmen.

In other words, if Lu Hanwen wanted to interrupt Lord Grim's attack now, he would have to defeat the enemy with one move!

At this moment, a holy light wrapped Yu Wenzhou.

Light of the Holy Ring, priest skill. Uncovered characters take 30% more damage, and the skill lasts for 6 seconds. But now that Yu Wenzhou has hit this trick, it will only make things worse. UU reading www.uukanshu.com There is not much Soksaar, and now the damage is increased by 30%, how long can he last?

Lord Grim launched the attack directly.

Liu Yun's offensive also unfolded at the same time.

Phantom Invisible Sword!

Lu Hanwen directly used the swordsman's ultimate move.

However, in the face of Lu Hanwen's direct gesture, Ye Xiu did not dodge or evade, and continued to attack Yu Wenzhou. The phantom invisible sword that exploded Lu Hanwen slashed at him one after another, cutting him out of blood. He also ignored it.

Although Ye Xiu's health was rapidly draining by this move, even in the face of Lu Hanwen's powerful attack, Ye Xiu's movements were not interrupted in the slightest. This is the value of Tyranny's state. In a domineering way, the other party forcibly exchanges. As for how much blood Ye Xiu consumed in the end, he didn't care anymore. After all, what he lost was blood, and what Yu Wenzhou lost was his life.

There's no other way... All Blue Rain fans are already desperate when they see this scene, even though they say that there is still one blow. But facing such a lack of options, with monotonous skills, how could it possibly cause damage to Ye Xiu, and now Lu Hanwen used the Phantom Invisible Sword to reluctantly use this opportunity to fight more blood.

Even the epee, with the blessing of the Phantom Invisible Sword, still swung very quickly, and whether Ye Xiu had done anything to resist, looking for the hit Lu Hanwen had reached the last move in a blink of an eye. That is, the sword that closes the knife, and the last sword that closes the knife is also the strongest blow of the Phantom Invisible Sword.

But just as Lu Hanwen swung the strongest and most fiery blow, at the moment when the last dazzling sword light shone out, Ye Xiu suddenly stopped ignoring Lu Hanwen.

The sword lights up, and the figure disappears. Under the last sword light, Ye Xiu finally chose to dodge!

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