Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1814: Anticipate

Thinking of this, Ye Xiu didn't jump directly up, but ran directly to the window, then jumped, the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella smashed the window and jumped out.

Ye Xiu jumped out from the second floor, but Lord Grim didn't immediately fall because of this. Instead, he turned around in the air the moment he jumped out of the window, and the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in his hand had become a forbearance. The knife, and then saw Ye Xiu flick the knife, inserted into the wall, and then swayed and landed smoothly, this is the knife empty.

And then Ye Xiu, who swung up the ninja knife, retracted the ninja knife and threw it again while swinging to the highest point...

This skill developed by Tang Yin is also extremely proficient in Ye Xiu's hands. The successive wanderings are much faster than the rock climbing skills of normal ninjas using ninja knives. The bulge and the wall perform a series of empty ninja operations, giving people a very smooth and carefree feeling. The viewers are reluctant to blink.

At this time, Ye Xiu's climbing direction was very clear. Several ups and downs had already thrown him to the top of the fort, but Lord Grim, who had just settled down, didn't stop at all. He rolled his hands and dodged to a cover to hide. , and there was not even a sound at all.

As these, Ye Xiu first listened to the surrounding movement, and then carefully stuck his head out and began to observe the surrounding situation.


Qin Muyun's minus nine degrees is not near here, didn't the other party choose to ambush at the entrance of this hole?

Although he had this question in his heart, Ye Xiu didn't waste precious time because of this. In this place, Ye Xiu didn't have to operate the character again. He took off the roof one after another to hide in a few suitable places to dodge.

From Ye Xiu blasting the roof with artillery, to the time he jumped out of the window and started rock climbing, the whole process took less than five seconds.

And the place Ye Xiu swept his gaze just now was the direction Qin Muyun could hide in during this period of time, but Ye Xiu had already swept around, but he still didn't find the other person's figure, and since then there were only two possibilities. .

First: jump directly from the top of the castle, but at this time, the opponent can only jump from the side he came up from, and he doesn't see the opponent, so the direction of the figure does not hold.

The second is that Qin Muyun directly operated minus nine degrees to jump out of the hole he blew up.

Qin Muyun's character and style of play flashed in Ye Xiu's mind. Calm, calm, and very good at picking positions. These were the most intuitive feelings that this transparent main force of Tyranny gave.

Very good at picking seats?

Ye Xiu realized something in an instant, and he didn't have time to hesitate, just tumbling in one direction.


A crisp sound.

This shot didn't have the visual impact of Ye Xiu's previous cannonball, but this time it just shot a small hole through which the bullet pierced. And the bullet continued to fly towards the sky in this direction.



Of course, although it wasn't as visually powerful as Ye Xiu's artillery fire, this shot still caused a burst of exclamations from the scene.

After all, their audience has the perspective of God, and everything that happens on both sides is under their line of sight. Just when Ye Xiu was operating Lord Grim to jump out of the window, Qin Muyun's minus nine degrees just jumped out of the space, and then he started looking for Ye Xiu's position just like Ye Xiu was looking for his position before. Finally, aiming at Lord Grim's current position is a shot.

But this is another question that appears in everyone's mind. How did the two of them do this?

"Qin Muyun's predictions are very accurate." Over this issue, Li Yibo had already said it when Ye Xiu found the minus nine degrees. After Ye Xiu entered the castle, he left as soon as possible. When he came to this position, Ye Xiu happened to see minus nine degrees jumping up from the back of the fort, and one of the passing figures was noticed by him.

It just happens to be a bit inaccurate. After all, this position itself is the best observation position for the entire castle if the other party chooses to jump, and if the other party knows the route to go up, then the other party will hide. Well, after all, this roof is not suitable for hiding observation points.

And this location that Ye Xiu knew, Qin Muyun just found it when he came down, so it happened that he succeeded in sneak attack.

Since Ye Xiu could judge Qin Muyun's position here, it's not surprising that Qin Muyun's Pan broke Ye Xiu's position. And all he needs to do is to think in reverse. If Ye Xiu is going to sneak up on himself who might be ambushing above, where will the other party hide? So he also completed a sneak attack on Ye Xiu.

This is a duel between high-level players. Such an instant and accurate reverse derivation can only occur when both parties have strong position selection capabilities. Otherwise, if the other party chooses a position that is not the best, then This wave of their reverse derivation is meaningless.

Li Yibo was also somewhat emotional about this result.

It was also because of his previous explanation of Ye Xiu's sneak attack. This time Qin Muyun's sneak attack, many people seemed to understand it quickly, and could even draw inferences from one case?

But what everyone cares more about is why Qin Muyun didn't succeed in this sneak attack. You must know that what Qin Muyun just used was not an ordinary offensive, but a sharpshooter's big move, the Barrett sniper rifle. As a result, Ye Xiu was swept away by him, and there was no further text at all.

"How did Ye Xiu predict the opponent's attack?" Pan Sen asked Li Yibo, who was not very knowledgeable, once again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Probably Ye Xiu also deduced the opponent's step just now. Right..." Li Yibo's explanation this time was a bit reluctant, but he didn't know that this time he really made him say the right thing. The reason why Ye Xiu could live more smoothly this time was indeed a deduction and prediction in advance.

There is no way, after all, every week now, I will PK with Tang Yin every three or five times. Don't look at the speed of both sides when he PKs twice, but the heart is:

I pre-judged your pre-judgment.

I predicted that you would predict my prediction.

I also predict that you will predict and I will predict your prediction.


The PK of the two perfectly interprets what it is called, a battle between two people with two thousand hearts. Of course, it is undeniable that in addition to these hard powers, there is also a part of luck.

The two guns of the two sides are direct, and they have already called each other's souls. The operations of both sides are very smooth and full of meaning and connotation.

"This game has just started, and it's a very exciting hide-and-seek game." Li Yibo came to the final conclusion on this time's hide-and-seek game.

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