Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1815: 4 Rifle Sports!

As a result, as soon as Li Yibo's voice fell in the commentary room, a mountain collapse had already fallen. And it was Ye Xiu who struck this blow.

Ye Xiu, who had just rolled away from Qin Muyun's Barrett sniper rifle, did not stop, and the roll was over. Jumping straight up, it was a mountain-collapse blow and it choked towards this side again.

Everyone in Xingxin obviously made very precise calculations on the durability of everything in the old castle. Ye Xiu's attack collapsed the mountain and smashed the top of the castle to pieces. Lord Grim was like this, wrapped in swords The wind falls. Continue to stand on the next floor.

Air, ground.

At this moment, the characters of Ye Xiu and Li Yibo directly completed a wave of eye contact. This was their first official encounter in this match.

hide and seek? Li Yibo's voice has not completely fallen, and the roles of the two sides have already faced each other. He just talks so smoothly that now such a scene occurs, he doesn't even have a chance to take back what he said later.

Bang bang bang!

Qin Muyun didn't panic at all about this scene, he directly manipulated the character to attack at minus nine degrees.


Facing the attack of minus nine degrees, Ye Xiu immediately stopped the Collapsing Mountain Strike, opened the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella, and intercepted all the incoming bullets. It was also because of the cancellation of the Collapsing Mountain Strike, what Ye Xiu thought was actually It is in a state of free fall. If the opponent is concentrated on the body now, it may be pushed out by the opponent's gun all the way.

But now with the cover of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella shield, all this is much easier. A sword light once again swung out from under the cover of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, it is the silver light falling!

Ye Xiu made a turn directly in the air, but when he retracted the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, the figure of minus nine degrees was no longer there.

How to do?

The audience, who knew the situation very well, felt that they were more nervous than Ye Xiu when they saw this scene. The commentator Pan Lin and Li Yibo made it even more wishful that the live broadcast was not live now, so that they could pause at this time and let them Slowly and carefully analyze the changes in the current situation, but unfortunately this is not a replay after all, but a live broadcast that is changing rapidly.


Ye Xiu canceled the Silver Light Falling Blade in an instant when he didn't find his opponent's figure, and immediately raised the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella again.

hide and seek?

There is no problem with this description, but in this game of hide-and-seek, which is not decisive for victory or defeat, but also life and death, hiding oneself or the other party finding it is never the order of the day. The real purpose is only one: to completely kill the other party!

Therefore, after discovering the traces of minus nine degrees and double snoring, the first thing Ye Xiu thought of was to ask Lord Grim to open the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella again, in order to guard against a sudden attack that might come at minus nine degrees at any time.

After completing this, Ye Xiu began to calculate again in his mind, and immediately sketched the location of the opponent when he smashed the top of the fort and came down.

Then, the prediction is made through the derivation of the selection, and yes, it is still the derivation of the previous selection.

After all, the reason why the opponent's minus nine degrees disappeared from his field of vision again must be the moment he opened his umbrella. To complete the move, the first thing to do is to choose a position.

You must know that this map is Xingxin's home field. Ye Xiu's familiarity with the map does not need to be doubted at all. With Ye Xiu's perspective, even if there is no other information prompt, he can only rely on brain supplements. The best selection.


Just like that, Lord Grim lifted the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and rushed towards the position he judged.

But at this moment, a pitch-black muzzle had already protruded from the other side, and the sight was already aimed at Ye Xiu's Lord Grim.

Just when everyone thought that Ye Xiu was going to use his back to catch the opponent's bullets this time, Ye Xiu, who was charging from the front, suddenly came to a sudden stop.

Charge skill canceled!

It was really at the moment of cancellation, Ye Xiu turned around in an instant, without any pause, flashed again and swept out.


It wasn't until this moment that a spark was fired from the muzzle of minus nine degrees. This was what Qin Muyun did when he discovered Ye Xiu rushing over. It was too late to recruit, but it was hard to say whose skill came first for Ye Xiu's sudden turn.

But at this time, the question in everyone's mind was that the gun at minus nine degrees hadn't been fired yet, so why could Ye Xiu guess that the other party was here, and his vision didn't seem to be swept here, right?

The director confirmed this right away. Although the scene was a bit chaotic, Ye Xiu really didn't look this way from his main point of view.

The question is, how does Ye Xiu know where Qin Muyun is?

Now not only are all the audience confused, even Li Yibo in the commentary room is also the same, but now he is more embarrassed, because Pan Lin threw this question to him again and again.

How did Ye Xiu know? There is no time to think too much now. Ye Xiu's turning point was just an arc flash that wiped away the minus nine degrees.

Although it is said that the sharpshooter is indeed the most capable of melee combat among the gunslingers, this is nothing but a dwarf in the dwarf. Therefore, if there is a choice, even a sharpshooter will not choose to fight directly in melee. The reason for this is also very simple, because the gun body technique has never been a high-end skill that can be easily mastered.

If you can't use this style of play effectively, just relying on the sharpshooter's simple physical skills, the sharpshooter's melee ability is really not worth mentioning.

Therefore, in the face of Ye Xiu who directly killed him, Qin Muyun directly chose to retreat. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Bang bang bang!

Although he was retreating, Qin Muyun's pistol did not stop. While jumping back and forth, his two pistols kept firing at full force. Although Qin Muyun's attack did not reach the level of Tang Yin's direct attack with normal attacks, his retreat was very graceful. Although he said that none of his attacks hit Ye Xiu, he sent the house into the house. The other things were beaten to pieces. Especially think about things like walls, tables, all kinds of decoration. The momentum started to get very strong.

But even with such a powerful offensive, Ye Xiu remained safe and sound.

I saw that Ye Xiu, who used the arc flash, flashed a beautiful arc directly, traversing the opponent's attack with precision. Although the speed of minus nine degrees is not slow by relying on the flying gun, there are people who have run like this and have this kind of displacement skills. What about Ye Xiu?

Seven steps.

Six steps.

Five steps.

Four steps.

At this moment, Minus Nine Degrees suddenly stopped moving, the offensive turned violent in an instant, and a bullet net was shot directly. Obviously it seemed to be moving very normally, but Minus Nine Degrees' feet seemed to be ready to attack at any time. Ye Xiu's direct distance control was very good.

And that's exactly what - Four Rifle Body Art!

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