Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1816: changing guns

Some players who are more knowledgeable can see at first glance that this is a unique skill of sharpshooters, the gun body technique! And the number of steps in front of him is a relatively data-based description of the sharpshooter's own skills using this style of play.


It's like the Three Rifle Taijutsu that Zhou Zekai and Tang Yin are playing against each other now. So far in the glory, including the professional league, no one can stand out. This point, until now, is still a field that only the two of them can perfectly control. As for other sharpshooters, they usually linger at the limit position of Sibu. Sometimes if they are in abnormal condition, they may be able to break through to their three-step level, but they can't do it for a long time, and even some At that time, the state was not good, and even the Four Rifle Body Technique was very difficult. There may even be a rush.


Moreover, the spear technique has never been an emergency self-defense skill that can be used after the priest is approached. On the contrary, the spear technique is actually a very practical skill for the sharpshooter's profession, and it is also an actual combat technique for strong attacks. The reason why Qin Muyun rarely uses this technique is because he has never been the main attacker in the Tyranny team.


Thinking of Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai as the main attack core of a team, often the two sides fight directly with guns. Therefore, the shortcoming of the sharpshooter's melee combat is completely invisible to them. They can give the opponent the most powerful attack in the long-range combat. In melee combat, their spear technique is absolutely everyone's nightmare, otherwise it will not appear. Zhou Zekai has nothing but treatment. It's impossible, and starting this season, there is one more place for this omnipotent. Moreover, as far as the style of play is concerned, the special and unique style of the Tang-like gunslinger is more versatile and has a headache.


Compared with Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai, who are the main attack cores, Qin Muyun's main responsibility in Tyranny is to intersperse and restrict his opponents. In this world, he didn't have the opportunity to use the spear technique and the opponent's bar, and now he directly uses the four nonsense. He really surprised everyone with his gun skills.


But before the audience was overwhelmed, minus nine degrees not only did not continue to retreat, but took a step forward again, and as the distance between the two sides approached, his attack was faster, bang bang bang, gunshots, legs hit, like raindrops In general, keep putting pressure on Ye Xiu.


But these are no longer important in the eyes of the audience. What they see now is only the distance between the two sides. It's three steps!


Three rifles?


At this moment, all the people who saw this scene were surprised. They never thought that a player with such a low sense of existence, since he has mastered it, now only Tang Yin is the peak pervert after his debut, and Zhou Zekai, the first person in glory, can only Three Rifle Body Techniques Achieved!


As a result, everyone here has not yet reacted from the surprise. Just when they were still sighing that this transparent main force has entered the field of three-rifle physique, the next moment minus nine degrees jumped back again, turning the original one of each other's own. Three steps away, once again pulled to a position close to five steps.




In the face of such constantly changing gun skills, the players on the scene couldn't figure out what the **** the minus nine degrees was doing. But some sharpshooter players with a higher level felt very surprised.


Although it is said that spear art is about the freedom of advancing and retreating, the freedom of advancing and retreating here is definitely not the freedom of advancing and retreating, which is similar to repeated horizontal jumps, such as pulling the distance to three steps, and then pulling the distance to five steps. What it really means is that when you start the spear technique, you are in a relatively safe state. In this state, you can attack, retreat, and dodge, and you can do whatever you want.

And choosing to be able to maintain this state of being able to advance and retreat freely at a distance of a few steps is considered a few steps of spear art. This is how a few rifles are really defined. But looking at Qin Muyun's operations just now, it started out as four-rifle physique, then took the initiative to go up to three-rifle physique, but before he had much output, he reverted to five-rifle physique again, and the changes were a bit too frequent. Well, this point seems to be a question for some sharpshooters who have been taught well. With such frequent changes, is it really stable and stable?


There were too many questions at a time, and Pan Lin and Li Yibo, who were the most anxious, undoubtedly needed to explain the game to the audience. Although Li Yibo already had some guesses, but because he was not sure, he was afraid of being slapped in the face. Always dare to assert directly. It just happened that the current game was the most intense, and they simply didn't speak, but Pan Sen broadcasted the other's skills one after another.


And just a second ago, it was five steps, but now it has become seven steps.


The distance of seven steps is actually a bit far. Since gun body techniques are all called gun body techniques, it naturally includes not only the use of counter-shooting techniques, but also the various kicking skills of sharpshooters, but at the distance of seven steps. Under the circumstances, the threat that these skills can cause is already very small, and even in the eyes of many people, pulling the distance to seven steps is already considered to be ready to interrupt the close-to-close combat spear technique and start making running equipment.


It was also because everyone knew about this situation, so the audience's attention was focused on Lord Grim, who was on Ye Xiu at one time.




After all, now that the opponent's equipment is flashed, what will he do next?


Ye Xiu did have some movements, but he only used some attacks. He still looked like he couldn't catch up. With a distance of seven steps, Ye Xiu just let the opponent step out.


But Qin Muyun's heart tightened when he saw this scene.


Could it be seen through by the other party?


The seven-step distance Qin Muyun took to retreat was just a bait, a bait to attract Ye Xiu to take the initiative. But now his bait made Ye Xiu completely unmoved. And Ye Xiu's attack after that was also very clear, it was the foreshadowing of the various attacks aimed at Qin Muyun's bait.


And such a scene made Qin Muyun understand that he was indeed seen through by the other party.


The opponent has already pointed the attack so clearly, how could Qin Muyun not know?


Bang bang bang, but this didn't affect Qin Muyun's attack. Seeing Ye Xiu who had already started not chasing after him, Qin Muyun simply decided to do it and really began to plan a retreat route. He had already prepared the retreat route. Although he was not particularly familiar with this map, as Tyranny's main force, his outstanding ability allowed him to adapt to the environment around him immediately.


But at this moment, Ye Xiu suddenly moved.


Just when Qin Muyun changed his plan and started to operate.




Ye Xiu's body suddenly slumped, and he rushed towards minus nine degrees against the ground, and the bullet that Qin Muyun had just shot flew past him.


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