Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1817: Seen through!

Seeing such a situation, Qin Muyun quickly changed the shooting angle, followed Ye Xiu's movement direction to predict and fired bullets.


Bang bang bang bang.


Several rounds of bullets were shot out of Qin Muyun's chambers one after another, and the originally glorious marble floor became riddled with holes in an instant.


But Ye Xiu jumped up as if he had expected this scene.


Qin Muyun's attack was just about to catch up with Ye Xiu, but Ye Xiu jumped up again at this time, and it wasn't a simple jump, it was a single-player flying chess, which accelerated with a single jet. It jumped out of Qin Muyun's field of vision. And the muzzle, not only Qin Muyun has it!




Ye Xiu, who was already in the sky, burst into flames one after another with the Thousand Manipulation Umbrellas in his hands.


However, because the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella's gun mode is a rifle, and the rifle is different from the display in the glory setting, he only shoots three consecutive shots at a time, and his attack speed is also the slowest except for the gunner's hand cannon. . However, the rifle also has its advantages. Although the attack speed and the amount of ammunition are somewhat similar to other firearms, the attack power is only that of the hand cannon. .


But it is an indisputable fact that this weapon has the second-to-last attack speed, and Ye Xiu's Lord Grim is not a sharpshooter after all, and he doesn't have the exclusive passive skill "Spear Mastery" that comes only after he is transferred, so it is impossible to think of Tang Silver can shoot a rain of bullets with any gun. Compared to the continuous attacks on the other side, Ye Xiu's two shots were so monotonous and lonely that they could be ignored.


But Qin Muyun did not ignore it.


The moment Ye Xiu jumped up and raised the Thousand-Machine Umbrella Gun in the sky, he realized that his attack was too late, he had already rolled, and adjusted the muzzle with the help of the rolling delay. Again, aim the muzzle at the sky.


As a result, just when Qin Muyun aimed his reticle at Ye Xiu's position, a strong glare suddenly appeared. This light gave people the feeling of being so hot and bright.


So much so that everyone recognized this skill at first sight.


Flying bolide!


This is an exorcist's high-level skill above level 20. Don't guess, this is definitely one of Ye Xiu's skills in his current Myriad Manifestations Umbrella.


Judging by the level of release of this skill now, Qin Muyun released it clearly. This move was even before the two gunshots, which meant that the two gunshots were a bait to induce him to dodge. This tumbling dodge looked like he was dodging Ye Xiu's attack, buying time to adjust his aim, but Ye Xiu was actually creating release time for his skills.


Ye Xiu's strike was a pre-judgmental attack. Before Qin Muyun's attack had just ended, Ye Xiu's attack had already fallen.




Ye Xiu's body was directly blown into a sea of ​​fire, this time Qin Muyun was unable to control the character to get out of the way. There was no way, Ye Xiu's timing card for this shot of the bolide was too precise, and it perfectly restrained Qin Muyun's general attack in the middle of the attack.


"Qin Muyun is also disabled. If his selection wasn't that powerful, Ye Xiu's attack might not have been as easy as the lake." Tang Yin couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.


If Tang Yin had this idea, the other professional players who came to watch the game also had the same idea.


After all, whether it's choosing a seat or taking a seat, these are what Qin Muyun is best at. But his opponent, Ye Xiu, was such a professional **** who was good at exploiting his opponent's strengths to get things done, and he was a master of the game.



After all, Qin Muyun's talent has now become his limitation. That's right, his ability to choose and move positions is indeed very strong. But he was overly reliant on them. Knowing that the best option is always chosen in the professional arena, there will be one result - lack of change!


For an opponent who lacks changes, the opponent has the same talent as him, which is equivalent to knowing his next position.


And Ye Xiu really took advantage of this, making various accurate predictions on Qin Muyun's operations and movements one after another, and finally suppressed him.


However, this principle seems to be very simple, but it is really not something that everyone can do. Since it is said that Qin Muyun's specialty is Qin Muyun's position selection and positioning, it means that he is already one of the most advanced people in the professional league in this regard.


And Ye Xiu was able to keep up with Qin Muyun's rhythm of choosing and moving positions, which meant that Ye Xiu would never be worse than him in this regard. It could even be said that Ye Xiu's talent in this area was still above him, so he Only then can he predict Qin Muyun's actions one after another.


Ye Xiu's strike flew the fiery meteor and focused Qin Muyun in front of him. This caused Qin Muyun's vision to be filled with all kinds of rolling flames and nothing else. This also unexpectedly caused the need for the next action. He did it with his own actions and consciousness.


But all of this was already in Ye Xiu's plan. The next moment, Qin Muyun, who was originally in the field of flames, Tang Rou found a figure. This figure seemed to be born from the flames.


Lord Grim, come here!


Three steps away!


From the first moment he saw the figure, Qin Muyun immediately started to retreat, three steps away from Ye Xiu.


The Three Rifle Body Technique, this technique Qin Muyun has just used fire. In terms of previous performance, he used it well. But the family knows their own affairs.


Qin Muyun knew very well that his three-gun body was actually incomplete, and with his current ability, he could not completely control the three-gun body technique this time. But fortunately, his position selection ability is very good. Every time, he can find some places that are suitable for output in the distance of the three-step distance between the two sides. At this time, he launched an attack.


Because the closer the gun body technique is, the stronger the output of the burst, so Qin Muyun stepped forward when he saw an opportunity, and then started to retreat when he found that he lacked control.


And this is the reason why when he and Ye Xiu fought, sometimes four steps, three steps, sometimes five steps.


And this type of play that relies on his own strong position selection and positioning ability combined with body grabbing techniques has become Qin Muyun's unique spear body technique.


This technique allows him to be in the most comfortable position for him, allowing him to have the ability to burst out the most powerful spear technique for a period of time.


But now it is different. Although the distance between the two sides is also three steps now, it is not the most suitable position and timing for him to control the spear technique.


Maybe when Ye Xiu just appeared, he still had a chance, but when Ye Xiu rushed to three steps away from him, he had already appeared in the position where he was most stuck. In this position, Ye Xiu directly crushed the last hope in Qin Muyun's heart.


My style of play has been seen through! This is the only thought in Qin Muyun's mind right now...


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