Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1823: Wretched flow Fang Rui

Lin Jingyan was Fang Rui's veteran partner, and the crime group was named after Sword and Curse, Twin Ghosts, and so on. Although it is said that because of his age, he is no longer the number one rogue in Glory. Not even an All-Star. Even if he won the ninth season championship, his popularity still did not increase much. But he didn't care about that anymore.

The reason is very simple, because what he wants most has already been obtained in the ninth season, and now he can continue to play in the professional league, even if he is just playing soy sauce in the eyes of others, he is very satisfied. But now these are no longer his concern.

Now what he cares about most is his partner, his limit has been reached. He was even ready to retire at the end of this season, but Fang Rui was different. Right now, he was in his prime. In his opinion, Fang Rui still had a chance to go higher.

And now Fang Rui, who had just returned to a qigong master, made Lin Jingyan feel this way. Others didn't know it, but as Fang Rui's partner, he knew it very well. Fang Rui started out as a qigong master, but in the end he changed it to a thief at the club's suggestion to match his style of play.

Lin Jingyan felt a little guilty about this. As a professional player, of course he knew that changing his sense of use would have the effect of playing more games. So when he was at Wind Howl, he almost trained Fang Rui as the future captain of Wind Howl. And Fang Rui did not live up to his expectations. Relying on a wretched style of play, attacking the ranks of the All-Stars.

He just didn't expect that he would be given up by Wind Howl in the end. At that time, Lin Jingyan was really desperate, but he didn't expect that just after Wind Howl had given up on him, he received an invitation from Tyranny. Then Fang Rui also came to Tyranny, and even played with his original class.

Facts have proved that a qigong master is the most suitable career for Fang Rui. He directly showed his talent in the ninth season, and even in the ninth season, he made a one-vs-three result that stunned the audience.

To be honest, Lin Jingyan is really gratified to see that his partner has come this far.

And now they have won the championship together. If there is any regret, it is that the two of them have not won against Ye Xiu, and now the opportunity is in front of them. On this post-season stage, they and this The biggest boss in the history of Glory meets again.

Because of Ye Xiu's challenge match last time, they couldn't play against each other. To be honest, they didn't win the championship against Ye Xiu. similar words.

And now this opportunity to make up for last season's regrets is in front of them, of course Lin Jingyan and the others will not let it go.

Lin Jingyan is also a cheerful person. He won't have too many entanglements. Now that he has met the other party, he will naturally have to deal with it in the best state.

Although Fang Rui has always been on the defensive side now, it doesn't look like he's playing very aggressively. But Lin Jingyan knew very well that this was not because Fang Rui had no fighting spirit. On the contrary, this style of play was the most suitable method. Because Lin Jingyan still has influence up to now, when Fang Rui first joined them, he used this style of play.

Although the wretched style of play was not Fang Rui's exclusive style of play, he was the only one who used the wretched style to enter the first echelon of Glory. Even a **** professional player Wei Chen would be weaker than him. Fang Rui's style of play is that he can incorporate obscene into his various styles of play. Although they are all obscene, there are many changes in them.

As for the play style of those who rushed directly forward, if Fang Rui really appeared, that would be the real sense of disobedience.

Fang Rui is back now. After a season of training, his current style of play has taken shape, and he doesn't even have the erratic performance of last season. Everything is on track. In other words, Fang Rui is now stronger than ever.

The result of this is that Fang Rui's attacks became more sophisticated, and his body moved around, revealing a wretched camera. A series of defensive and counterattack operations are performed very smoothly under his hands, and there is no leakage.

Many people think that this map can't be played with vulgarity, what's the joke? Right now, the castle is in all directions. As well as being small and tough, these are the best conditions for Fang Rui to use his wretchedness.

After all, the wretched flow is to use the most uncomfortable method for the other party to contain the other party, and finally suppress it.

boom boom boom...

Thinking that the space to go to each room in the old castle is relatively small, Fang Rui showed the wretchedness vividly. When Ye Xiu was so young, he would procrastinate between pizzas and run around in all directions. As long as he got out of Ye Xiu's field of vision, he would start looking for places to ambush. Grabbing Ye Xiu who was almost in front of him was a wide-ranging skill.

Facing Fang Rui like this, even Ye Xiu couldn't get close for a while.

Although Ye Xiu certainly wouldn't let him keep running like this, Fang Rui obviously knew this very well. UU read www.uukanshu. But even if he couldn't escape, Fang Rui would rely on the qigong master's huge attack range to carry out a saturated attack on Ye Xiu. Delaying Ye Xiu's attack rhythm.

Ye Xiu was of course very clear about the opponent's intentions, so when the opponent made this step, Ye Xiubian didn't rush to attack.

Now his activity space is being continuously compressed by the opponent, and all exits have been blocked by Fang Rui's attack. It can be said that he is now surrounded by the opponent's attack.

No flaws!

Although Ye Xiu is trapped here, his consciousness is still very clear, and Fang Rui's series of performances can only give such an evaluation.

Speaking of which, Ye Xiu has been following Fang Rui's career all the way. Before he joined Wind Howl, Ye Xiu had read his profile. After all, Excellent Era has a qigong master in the main lineup, so he naturally pays attention to professional rookies, and even some of the same professional rookies in each team. It can be said that he has played against Fang Rui at every stage, except for the current one. Fang Rui.

Fang Rui's opinion is exactly the same as Lin Jingyan's, and Fang Rui is stronger now than he has ever been. Because now he has really found his place. With so many years of precipitation, everything broke out in one piece.

Although no breakthrough has been found yet, it cannot continue like this.

If Fang Rui's harassment is not only to cause harm to Ye Xiu, but more importantly, to keep Ye Xiu's mind tense, and his purpose is the same as the last Blue Rain's strategy for Ye Xiu. After all, the space in this castle is limited. Although he has survived most of the attacks, there are still some attacks that hit him. Although the damage is not high, it does exist.

Strong punch!

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