Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1824: fight back

Full-time Occupation Ou Huang Chapter 1824 Counterattack (please subscribe, please recommend)

Seeing that Ye Xiu suddenly put a healing skill on himself, he opened the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and rushed over. It gave people the impression that Ye Xiu wanted to forcefully break through this predicament. But how could Fang Rui not have thought of such a simple starter, wearing a shield like this? Seeing that Ye Xiu was going to attack, he immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

I saw a strong thought condensed in Fang Rui's hands, and then was blasted out by Fang Rui in Ye Xiu's direction. An advanced skill that is more advanced than the previous Spiral Mind Aura Killer!

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

Spiral Aura, Spiral Aura and Spiral Aura Kill are a series of skills. If you want to learn the next skill in the skill tree, you need the previous skill to level 5 or 3. The biggest special change in the appearance of these three skills is that the size of the air mass that is launched is different.

Of course, this is only the appearance, the effect is also different.

Spiral qi rush is to entangle the qi together, and then blast it out at once. It is a one-hit skill with no additional effects.

When it comes to its advanced skill Spiral Mind Aura, the skill has a larger spiral mind air mass and more special effects, and also comes with electro-optical special effects. The attack also becomes a continuous multi-stage damage and comes with a light attribute attack.

The last Spiral Psychic Kill is the pinnacle of this series of skills. In addition to using the coolest skill effects to attack the unexpected range, you can also control the rotation of Psychic to achieve different attack effects. Rotate clockwise to hit the target; rotate counter-clockwise, but it can firmly attract the target with mind energy.

But now Fang Rui chose to rotate clockwise to hit the target; this way, he could continue to distance himself from Ye Xiu and continue the rhythm of the previous style of play.


It was like a giant jade spiral pill blasted out from the hands of Naruto who had opened the celestial art, and Fang Rui pressed it directly at Ye Xiu who was charging. The huge attack range directly covers the vision of both sides. The huge skill direction directly engulfed the rushing Ye Xiu. You can only vaguely see the silhouette of another segment and its Mohu from the vortex, but after the skill is completely pushed out, you can't even see any silhouette.

boom! The Spiral Psychic Kill exploded directly, and the huge Psychic exploded in all directions. But since Fang Rui found out that Ye Xiu's HP dropped very little!

But how is this possible, just the direct distance between the two sides, according to the clockwise attack range, Ye Xiu will be blown away no matter what.

Is there still an attack angle in this direction that can evade such a large range of skills?

After the attack, the light and shadow and the air and smoke after the explosion dissipated. Only a piece of mess was left in Fang Rui's magic. In this almost completely closed room, the thick smoke was not so fast to disperse completely, but it did not affect the character's field of vision. In Fang Rui's perspective, Ye Xiu had already opened a hole in the so-called sealed surrounding wall.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jiale immediately understood.

Although it is said that most of the first floor is a weighing wall, it is much stronger than the wall on the second floor. But as long as the attack reaches a certain level, it can be destroyed. That's why Ye Xiu just made a strong attack just to induce Fang Rui to fight an already powerful counterattack. With the help of Fang Rui's skill, he finally broke through the extremely solid wall and successfully escaped.

However, Ye Xiu didn't completely avoid the attack just now. In addition to the loss of HP from the previous fights, Ye Xiu only had 23% of his HP left. Although some of them were almost red blood, Ye Xiu still opened a gap in the environment that everyone thought was desperate. Now it was Ye Xiu's turn to be in the dark and sharp in the light.

Why is this guy still so tough!

Fang Rui couldn't remember how many times he had expressed such emotion in the battle with Ye Xiu.


Right here, the door on the other side rang.

Since he chose to break through the wall, then it naturally came from the next door. It seems that Ye Xiu's actions were quite fast, and the attack had already been launched as soon as he left his field of vision. Faced with such a result, Fang Rui also directly launched a counterattack without Fang Rui, directly adjusting the character's body shape, and a blast of cannon blasted towards the position of the door.

The huge qi cannon directly engulfed and exploded the figure that rushed in, but although the figure just appeared for a moment, but looking at it this way, he felt that the figure was a little short and knocked down a little too fast, but these are not The most important thing, the most important thing, was that Ye Xiu's blood volume was blown up by his Sky Bombing Cannon, but he still didn't respond.

At this moment, Fang Rui knew that things were bad, and immediately turned his camera, but Ye Xiu had already killed him at this moment, and it was from the hole he had opened earlier. And the figure that rushed in on the other side was nothing more than a goblin. The purpose is very obvious, it is to distract Fang Rui's attention.

Although Fang Rui quickly realized that something was wrong, for Ye Xiu, it only took a moment. So the moment Fang Rui attacked the goblins, UU read www. uukanshu.com Ye Xiu flashed in front of Fang Rui with the shadow clone technique comparable to teleportation.

And starting from this top pick, the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella has been deformed one after another, and the scattered people are almost completely unleashed by Ye Xiu.

For a while, Fang Rui's blood was flying in the air.

Although qigong masters also have melee skills, there is no way to escape in the current situation.

He could only watch as his character's health began to drop. You had to know that Ye Xiu had been taunting him before, and he had always taken the initiative, so he didn't lose his dodging health. And just when everyone felt that Fang Rui had to end the normal game with low consumption, and even equalize the disadvantage left by Qin Muyun before.

In the end, he was unable to bite Ye Xiu in one bite. When Ye Xiu still had 20% of his health, he was directly bitten by Ye Xiu. Many people even began to worry that Fang Rui would be directly attacked by Ye Xiu like this. with.

After all, this kind of thing happened a lot after Ye Xiu's loose people appeared in the professional league. Just like Huang Shaotian, as long as he was bitten by a chance, he would not let go so easily.

Fang Rui was very clear about this. After all, Ye Xiu and Tang Yin were definitely the focus of all their team's research this season, and many of his current Tyranny players were very familiar with this old rival. As a result, Ye Xiu, who returned this time, could directly change his career as he did last season, and he still had no reference system in the current professional league. This is really a headache for them.

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