Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1826: 1 loop, 1 flip.

Mo Fan!


With the appearance of this name.


The audience was excited. After all, Mo Fan had a unique price comparison among Xingxin's rookies, and he had beaten a god-level player before. It's pretty good to be able to do that. After all, not all rookies are like Tang Yin, and they are at their peak when they debut.




Moreover, Mo Fan now has a relatively stable seat in the arena in Team Happy. , This is related to his style of play. Now everyone has begun to accept Mo Fan's style, and everyone has made me Mo Fan's style of play is indeed very suitable for playing in the ring.


But when Mo Fan's information was displayed on the electronic screen, Mo Fan had already walked out of the player's seat, and he did not greet everyone and walked directly to the competition seat. Everyone was used to this and gave it to himself Mo Fan added a wave of oil.


Of course, Mo Fan also met Ye Xiu on the way to the stage, but there was still no communication. He just nodded to Ye Xiu and signaled "I see you". And then no more.


Seeing Mo Fan playing, Pan Sen and Li Yibo, who didn't know how to summarize the previous game, immediately turned the conversation to Mo Fan.


"Mo Fan is one of the more prominent players among Happy's rookies. He has directly defeated a god-level player before. I don't know if he can continue his momentum this time. What about Zhang Jiale, who has more than 50 HP?" Pan Sen's words are somewhat meaningful, although the HP of the two sides is not equal, but if Mo Fan is successfully killed again, then he can really be called it. Killer for God.


When Mo Fan appeared on the stage, everyone thought that he had beaten the big **** contestant. The deepest impression was the public channel that was deserted and haunted.


After all, Mo Fan's influence on them is no longer a problem, but he doesn't speak on the channel at all. This is not only the outsiders like them, but even Tang Yin and Ye Xiu who pulled Mo Fan closer to the team were surprised. After all, when he first came into contact with online games, although Mo Fan didn't talk much, he would talk a little bit, but what about in reality? Just don't be too silent.


In other words, Mo Fan can still talk in virtual time, but in reality he doesn't speak at all. But now what? Since he became a professional player, his game power has almost stopped talking. Could it be that he was so involved in the game that he could not distinguish between reality and virtuality?


These Tang Yin and Ye Xiu are not very clear, although Ye Xiu often pours chicken soup for others, but he can't do anything about Mo Fan who doesn't speak. Communication is too difficult.


Soon the game started again.


Although Zhang Jiale is not a talkative player, from time to time he will talk to each other about the amount of money on the public channel. But the last time they fought against Ye Xiu, the two of them stuck to each other's perspective, saying "you come in" and "you go out" across a wall. Although these words were repeated many times, they There are no new words. At other times, there was no other communication, so Zhang Jiale talked less in the last match, but this time, seeing his opponent, Zhang Jiale simply fell silent.


"There seems to be surprisingly little communication between the two sides in today's game." Li Yibo said with some emotion in the commentary room. I thought Ye Xiu and Tyranny's players were familiar with each other, so there should be a lot of interesting exchanges. In the end, Ye Xiu played two games. Except for the previous exchange between Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale that was like a kindergarten quarrel, there was no accident.

"Well, according to Mo Fan's character, I'm afraid there won't be much communication in this game." Pan Sen also answered. After all, Mo Fan's silent character is well known by now, and even many Happy fans feel that Mo Fan is very Fan is quite cool. After all, this kind of cold personality is matched with Mofan Ninja's professional one-hit explosive style of play. Since he has unexpectedly gained some fans for him.


However, after talking about these two sentences, Pan Sen and the others did not continue to chat. Unexpectedly, the roles of both sides have been loaded. As before, one side walks in a straight line, and the other side moves tactically. Then enter the castle back and forth.


"Uh... The outcome of today's ring match won't be decided in the castle, right?" Pan Sen's expression was a little weird at this moment.


Then they saw Fang Rui, after taking a look around the castle, entered the back door again, and the movement route was exactly the same as the previous one.


After entering the back door, he walked directly to the room on the first floor. Compared with Fang Rui in the previous game, Fang Rui now clearly had a better understanding of the map, and he walked with a stronger purpose.


Mo Fan's side is similar. He didn't directly enter the main entrance, but with the help of a ninja knife, Fang Rui also bypassed this place before entering the castle, but before his perspective hit this side, Mo Fan had already jumped to the castle. Above the top, the two people's perspectives just missed the other side.


Fang Rui in the castle became more careful the more he walked behind him. He was always guarding against Mo Fan, who could be killed at any time. After all, he knew Mo Fan's style of play very well, so he was very cautious. And Mo Fan at the top of the castle is also very brisk. Just when everyone thought that this match would start from the pit that Ye Xiu and Qin Muyun played against, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Mo Fan cautiously walked to the edge of the back of the castle, and if he had come a step earlier, he would have seen Fang Rui entering the castle.


In this way, the two Lao Yinbi had already missed each other once at the beginning, which did not confuse the audience.


And Mo Fan, after a short period of observation, determined something, and began to jump off cautiously and quietly.


Mo Fan just turned over the entire castle, and finally entered through the back door of the castle.


As the away team Tyranny saw this scene, there was an uproar. After all, this ancient castle is not small. Mo Fan did so much to avoid Fang Rui's sight. But what can they say? After all, they are playing a wretched and lewd god. That's why there are still some Tyranny fans who don't like Fang Rui.


But it's one thing not to like it, it doesn't affect them worrying about this player at all. After all, with Fang Rui's performance now, he obviously didn't realize that he was being bypassed. His perspective was still mainly focused on the person entering from the front door.


After entering the castle, Mo Fan immediately started searching, searching room by room. In the eyes of the audience, Mo Fan was slowly chasing Fang Rui.


Happy fans who saw this scene were excited!


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