Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1827: can't fall

With a sneak attack, even if Fang Rui made a shot, it would not be possible to solve the opponent at one time in the game. The sneak attack really made everyone excited at the moment when the sneak attack succeeded. The scene where the successful sneak attack causes the opponent to be in a hurry is also a very unsatisfactory enjoyment for the audience.


And now Mo Fan is constantly approaching Fang Rui's position, but as far as Fang Rui's performance is concerned, he doesn't seem to notice it at all. Although he was also watching very carefully, he didn't pay attention to what was behind him at all. His vision has not been observed from the rear.


Fang Rui opened one door after another one after another, and pushed forward carefully, room by room. In order not to frighten the snake, both sides acted cautiously. Although it is said that the two sides have not found each other up to now, but every time the two sides want to enter the other direction, they are holding a kind of equipment that the other side is in the next direction. Even as if the other party might be by his side. It is conceivable how careful the actions of the two are.


However, with the movement from room to room, Fang Rui of Hundred Blossoms was eventually discovered by Mo Fan.


Now that he found the whereabouts of the other party, Mo Fan's movement was a bit more cooperative, and a stride had already arrived behind the door that Mo Fan had just carefully closed. Without any hesitation, Mo Fan immediately picked up the sound of Katcha's body when the door was closed. , the sound of closing the door before and after and the opening of the door accepted by Mo Fan are connected into one sound. This gave the best cover for Mo Fan's start, and then Mo Fan carefully opened the house door silently.


Mo Fan is very clear about the structure of the castle, and the layout of the direction Fang Rui entered is naturally very clear. Moreover, the location and layout of this room are normally not possible to look back. Because there is only one exit in this direction, and now Fang Rui is cautiously touching the door in a very vulgar manner.


Rolling into the room, Mo Fan had already used the Escape Technique while he was rolling. Relying on the effect of the Escape Technique, the person turned silent this time, and then got up and started to sprint, and because of the Escape Technique effect It is still there, so Mo Fan's movement is silent now. Along with Mo Fan's sprint, his hands also began to seal quickly, and some Glory players quickly recognized this skill.


Forbearance? Rushing!


Seeing that Mo Fan turned into an extremely fast afterimage and flashed out directly, Fang Rui realized that something was wrong at this time. He noticed some movements, but now he realized that it was too late, because he had already been hit by Mo Fan.


"Oh oh oh oh!




With Mo Fan's hit, the sneak attack was successful.


From the moment Mo Fan entered the castle, the nervous, excited, and worried audience followed Mo Fan. All the emotions they had accumulated before were completely released at this moment!


And this kind of thrill and excitement of letting out the emotions accumulated before is the most comfortable place to watch sneak attacks. This is an enjoyment that cannot be experienced by other play styles.


The empty cicada double kills, slashes with flames, and annihilates!


Mo Fan was just a three-stage contact attack without any flaws, Fang Rui was all in! It was even cut off by the last blow and was directly beaten into the air.


But now, Fang Rui is not nervous when facing such a floating person. Just kidding, Ye Xiu's scattered people are going to fight the floating infinite, and even he can resist. What's more, you're a rookie? In the space of this room, knocking him into the air gave him a chance to fight back. Just as Fang Rui, who was knocked into the air, assumed the posture of Turtle School Qigong with both hands, intense thoughts gathered in his palms.




As a qigong master's wide-area attacking skill, Fang Rui didn't need to know Mo Fan's current location, and this attack was enough to have a big impact on his offensive operations.


However, Fang Rui didn't see the figure of the indefatigable destroyer.


What about Mo Fan?


Zhang Jiale didn't see it, but the audience with God's perspective saw it very clearly. I saw Mo Fan who was in the sprinting state jumping up directly, then he kicked the wall to leverage, and turned back and jumped to control. The series of attacks was quick and smooth. When Fang Rui's bombardment hit the ground, Mo Fan's figure had already appeared above Zhang Jiale!


"Extreme Spirit Chaos"


Good guy!


Fang Rui couldn't help but let out a sigh after reacting. This kind of exclamation he frequently sent to Ye Xiu, just after the match started, he gave it to his current opponent, Happy's rookie player Mo Fan. .


Seeing the ninja sword in Mo Fan's hand slashed out several bright flashes, accompanied by Fang Rui's amazement at him, he slashed directly in front of Fang Rui.


Puff puff puff!


The constant contact with the slashing sound of the ninja sword bloomed on Fang Rui's body, directly slashing Fang Rui downwards, and Destroyer Tireless also stepped down immediately.


The hurricane shuriken, before Mo Fan caught up, took the lead in throwing several hurricane shuriken. The hurricane shuriken hit directly, making Fang Rui linger in the air for a moment, and at this moment, Mo Fan's next skill, Que Luo, had already followed.


After the hurricane shuriken, Que Luo immediately followed.


The bird shot directly knocked Fang Rui to the ground, and the whole room seemed to be trembling. As an attack, the direction and angle of Que Luo can be changed arbitrarily with the operator, and there is no rigid skill after closing, allowing Mo Fan to jump away smoothly without any rigidity.


After all, for the current Mo Fan and this, UU reading www. uukanshu.com This combo is long enough, and he needs to take a step back and start adjusting the rhythm.


Because when Mo Fan finally jumped away, it was the anti-shock force that helped Queluo's attack, so this momentum was quite strong. But before Mo Fan landed, he heard an explosion.




After an explosion, Mo Fan's figure directly hit the ceiling, but it didn't fall, but just stuck to the ceiling.


However, it is a bit inaccurate to say that Mo Fan is now sticking to the ceiling. The real thing is that he is pushed on the ceiling.


But it wasn't just Mo Fan's tireless destruction that was being pushed, but also all the surrounding furniture. At this moment, everything was shaken by him, and even many things were directly shaken by the powerful Qi. Fragments.


The lion's roar!


It was this skill that shook everything around him. Fang Rui was released at the moment when Mo Fan slammed the bird to the ground, and the space in this room was even smaller than Fang Rui's skill, which caused Mo Fan to jump very high, but still was blasted to the ceiling.


Mo Fan, who originally wanted to take advantage of the situation to jump away, was directly slammed on the ceiling by the lion's roar. Because of the limited space in this room, the sound of this lion's roar kept spreading and echoing in this room. Mo Fan, who was blasted to the ceiling, was so shocked that he couldn't fall off.


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