Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1835: Glory competition that turns into a math problem

Fang Rui walked out of the player's seat, and as soon as he went out, he faced the fans of Happy, who were the home team, and cheered him for the instant kill in this game. However, his emotions were still very stable in this situation.

After all, he is a professional player, and a contemptuous loss is really nothing, not to mention that his performance in this game has been very good, and there is no need to be sad.

Fang Rui walked off the arena slowly like this. Happy's cheers for Tang Yin's victory came out. Naturally, there was also their support for him from Tyranny. After all, Fang Rui did give Tyranny fans a different experience in this match state. It really made Tyranny fans like him even more.

At this time, on Tyranny's player seat, their third ring contestant also got up and came towards this side. Also on the big electronic screen on the stage, the information about the players and occupations on the court was sent out immediately.

Tyranny's third contestant, Lin Jingyan, was a rogue and Leng Anlei.

Lin Jingyan has been reading Tyranny for two years, but even now, every time Lin Jingyan sees his character's name on the screen, there is still a strange feeling in his heart.

Even though two years had passed, Tang Sanda was still a character he couldn't forget. After all, in his best years, it was this profession that accompanied him for seven years. Although the achievements he has achieved in the past seven years are not as high as the achievements he has achieved in Leng Anlei one year now, he can only feel a sense of security from his heart when he operates that role.

And this sense of security, even though it has been two years, has not been cut off.

Although it is said that in the last few years of his career, he was abandoned by the team and became a drifting duckweed, and was finally taken in by the current Tyranny.

To be fair, Lin Jingyan really thanked Tyranny from the bottom of his heart for this, and he still valued himself so much even when he was in the most difficult, even the most down-to-earth time. From then on, he decided to give Tyranny all the last brilliance of his career. It's just that although the words are true, some things are different, and they are still different after all.

Lin Jingyan looked at the big screen. His ID card was placed third in the Tyranny team, and in front of him was the qigong master Fang Rui who had just been defeated.

Seeing this name, Lin Jingyan glanced at the figure walking towards him, and smiled slightly. Although he said that some things were different in Tyranny, there were still some things that were the same.

The fate of the two brothers locked up is also very close, all because the team has to carry out a thorough challenge, which led to them both being abandoned by the team, and then left by the same team, and even still the main force of the team. And his partner has returned to his original career and shined last season.

However, the character of his partner is a bit unfamiliar like him to Leng Anlei, but it is really only a little bit.

For his own thoughts, Lin Jingyan shook his head helplessly, lamenting how nostalgic he was.

"Help me bring this hatred back!" Fang Rui, who met Lin Jingyan in the end, said to him.

"I will try my best." Lin Jingyan said with a smile, there is no way, facing Tang Yin, even these veterans are not fully sure of victory.

"Come on, fight him!" Fang Rui didn't really care about the result of the match that much, he just said it casually. Cheers to my brother by the way.

Lin Jingyan nodded and entered the field, quickly entered the match seat, then swiped his card to enter the match, these had been repeated in the nine years of his career, seven years of Tang San playing, two years of cold and dark thunder.

cold thunder...

Lin Jingyan looked at the character ID directly on the screen, and subconsciously muttered the current name of his character. The map is now loaded and the game is starting.

The character starts to move directly, and the action route - the middle road!

In the face of such a dismissal, there was a little bit of commotion. After all, this is the sixth game of the game, but to be honest, the audience is a little tired of this beginning, because most of this beginning means waiting for the game to be played again in ancient times. in the fort. But they've seen it six times.

This map is called Manor Castle. The map is so rich in content, is there only one castle? How come your two teams are both in the castle but in the arena.

Of course, most of the viewers who thought this way wanted neither Happy nor Tyranny to win, they just came to see a lively Excellent Era fan.

After all, what they saw was that the two sides entered the castle through the front and rear doors, and then fought various battles inside. That's probably the rhythm.

But the truth is that this time the rhythm is finally different.

Don't walk through doors, don't climb walls.

It was a counterclockwise choice to see Lin Jingyan directly operating Leng Anlei to face the castle. And Tang Yin, who also walked in the middle, also came back counterclockwise.

Then the audience saw the two characters facing each other like this, and they joined hands with Hua for a circle. Lin Jingyan went to the front of the castle, Tang Yin went to the back of the castle, and then the two simultaneously operated the characters to enter the castle again.

"I TM!"

At this moment, not only the fans of Excellent Era, but even the fans of Happy and Tyranny are a little bit broken. Let's see that you two are deliberately brushing us!

The audience was quite speechless. Among them, the most speechless were Tang Yin fans who knew Tang Yin best. After all, they only heard that Tang Yin and Han Wenqing were familiar to them. But why did he and this Lin Jingyan do the same thing? Sync? Shouldn't it be Ye Xiu who has the most tacit understanding with him? Could it be that Lin Jingyan is a third party? Wait, what is Tang Rou if Lin Jingyan is a third party?

At this moment, Tang Yin's thinking about accumulating fans this season was completely distorted. It can only be said that he is a fan of Tang Yin, and even his thinking has become so strange. Thinking of this, Tang Yin's fans looked at the figure of Tang Rou in Team Happy and thought she was so pitiful.

But now the audience didn't say anything. Tang Yin summoned the tracking self-destruction robot directly as in the previous game, and followed the tracking self-destruction robot not far or near.

However, because of the speed of the robot's movement, the speed is not fast. On the contrary, after Lin Jingyan entered the castle, apart from being careful when entering rooms and corners, he ran at a certain speed at other times.

And just when everyone thought that the two should meet this time, they discovered a very strange thing, that is, Tang Yin was indeed relying on the tracking self-destruction robot to pursue Fang Rui, but because the self-destruction robot did not enter his hatred in the other party If it is within the range, he will not speed up and is ready to explode. Without accelerating his speed is really not fast, at least not as fast as Fang Rui's current movement speed.

If it was normal, it would be fine. After all, as long as the two sides are facing each other, they can always meet each other, but because of the damage to the first floor due to the successive matches, Lin Jingyan, who became inexplicably around the two, looked for Tang Yin in front, and Tang Yin followed. The scene of the self-destructing robot chasing behind.

Then comes the question. It is known that Lin Jingyan's movement speed is faster than that of the self-destructing robot. When will the two meet?

"The Exotic Land Reclamation of Vegetable Skeletons"

A Glory game, inexplicably turned into a math problem, and there may be no solution...

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