Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1836: Do you want to dance too?

Why is this math problem unsolvable? The reason is very simple. If one of the two sides of the game is playing lewd games, or wants to make a sneak attack, the referee can rely on the yellow card to force a stop and let the two sides fight. But now what? Both sides are very actively looking for each other, but the movement speed of chasing behind is slower than that in front. And those who were also looking for each other in front had no intention of looking back at all.


Both sides are taking the initiative to attack each other, and they have no intention of making a sneak attack. How can the referee give a yellow card? It perfectly forms a Luo Ji closed loop.


Referee: "I feel you two are targeting me, but I have no evidence?"


In the face of this situation, the referee was also very helpless, and the referee felt helpless, and the audience at the scene had no choice. They could only watch the two characters go around in circles, waiting for them to meet.


The structure was as if the whole world was playing tricks on them. The two sides went back and forth like this for almost three minutes, but they didn't find each other. In the middle, Lin Jingyan also looked back to Tang Yin, but at this time, Tang Yin's self-destructing robot exploded. The two staggered away from each other with only one wall apart, and when Tang Yin summoned the self-destructing robot again, the two of them became the same as they were at the beginning.


In the end, let's not talk about the audience, even Tang Yin and Lin Jingyan are already tired, their roles are not moving, as if they are resting. At this time, the public channel of the dialogue window comes in handy.


"Is the senior there? Are you in the castle?" After the experience that caused the other party to misunderstand last time, Tang Yin called the senior directly this time.


"Yes!" Lin Jingyan replied, he didn't ask Tang Yin, after all, since the other party would ask such a question, it naturally meant that he was also in this ancient castle.


"Um... me too, so what, how did you start?" Tang Yin asked again.


"Turn around your back." Lin Jingyan was very concise.


"Uh...you may not believe it, and so do I." Tang Yin was also a little surprised at this time, is it really coincidental?


And seeing Tang also replying, Lin Jingyan's thoughts are very complicated now, what is this all about?


This time he couldn't help but ask, "Then are you on the first floor now?"


"Well, that's right." Tang Yin said very honestly. After all, the primary purpose now is to meet the other party, otherwise it will not be a problem to keep going around like this.


But the way the two of them were chatting calmly, they didn't feel at all in the playoffs where life and death were now a showdown. On the contrary, it's like netizens and strangers team up with each other to play the book, typing and chatting over and over again. Have you eaten? I ate you? Such a feeling.


"Damn it." Lin Jingyan was a professional veteran after all, so he quickly thought of a possibility that a national curse would appear on the public channel. However, there has been no way of spearheading, and can only watch the two players waste time and cut the referee who has no chance to issue a yellow card. Where would he miss this opportunity, it is a yellow card warning. After all, this kind of word absolutely does not affect the appearance in the game.


Not only did Lin Jingyan understand, Tang Yin also guessed the reason. It is nothing more than that he has been walking behind the other party, and the other party has been looking for him. In the end, the two never met each other.


"Sun and Moon"


"Continue!" Lin Jingyan said, he decided to get rid of this predicament. Now that he has guessed that the other party is behind him, he can only turn his head. And Tang Yin's side is the same, since he already knows that his robot is moving too slowly, so he has not been able to track down the opponent, so he will not summon the robot.

So the two of them started to act, and the audience watched their characters getting closer and closer, and soon they were separated by a room, but this room is not connected, so the two sides only need to go around...




From the perspective of God, seeing the two sides perfectly avoiding each other once again, the audience will explode at this moment, you still have no end!


Fortunately, this situation will end in a minute. After all, the way they move now, although it is purely based on luck, the efficiency is indeed limited, but at least it is better than the unsolved one before.


In the end, the two finally lived up to their expectations. In the end, the two met at the entrance of the circular staircase on the first floor of the castle. This time the encounter was not abrupt at all. It was as if the two met here for a round and appeared together. It's like a friend who came out on a date... a ghost!


Tang Yin was just a wave of firepower output, and the dense rain of bullets drowned the rogue who lost points as soon as he found the other party. Moreover, this way, it was clear that the two parties had already made an appointment for the time and place, but the other party put you on the pigeon. After that, he said that he wanted to make up for you, and he came out to eat at night and ended up being late for another two hours, like your partner.


"I'm xxxx" Lin Jingyan has been quiet once before, of course he can't burst out this time, so he can directly use **** instead of what he wants to say, there's no way, Tang Yin's attack is indeed a bit fierce, even he can't escape Avoid the edge for now.


And when the referee saw this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched. What should you say? It's not a loss to be a member of the criminal group. Although it usually looks very serious, some things in the game can't be changed after all. And he can't take the other side. After all, the other side has sent a few English letters. Can he give the other side another yellow card because of this?


In the face of Tang Yin's attack, Lin Jingyan just rolled and avoided most of the attacks to the limit. uukanshu.com was wiped to the edge by a few bullets, but this did not affect his counterattack at all.


After all, the distance between the two sides is not far, and the other party is also within the attack range of his rogue.


Come again!


Then Lin Jingyan used all kinds of rogue tactics to throw everything at Tang Yin. There is even a feeling of throwing grenades. And Tang Yin's ability to be afraid when he sees this scene? The Hundred Flowers style of play started directly, and several grenades went straight back. Just kidding, how dare you throw something with me, Tang Yin? Don't talk about you, even if Zhang Jiale came up, he wouldn't dare to throw it at me.


The two sides used the stairs and walls in the middle as cover, and then the first attack broke out. At the beginning, Lin Jingyan, who grabbed the first mover, still had a small advantage for a few seconds, but from Tang Yin's fourth grenade, Fang Rui could only start. Dodge, the opportunity to counterattack less and less. Tang Yin couldn't see the other party's current appearance because of the bunker, but viewers with a mountain perspective could see it wonderfully that Lin Jingyan was now jumping around to avoid the grenades that bounced off the wall one after another.


It felt as if he didn't come to fight, but to dance.


But Tang Yin soon saw it. After all, since he already had an advantage, he naturally wanted to overwhelm him, and as Tang Yin got closer and closer to Lin Jingyan, he naturally saw that Lin Jingyan was a little funny now. Tang Yin said without thinking, "omaemomauka? (Do you want to dance too?


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