Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1837: A different Tyranny

Still lost!


Lin Jingyan looked at the word "Glory" on the screen and said with a sigh, "It's not like he has never fought Tang Yin before. They had met him in the regular season before, but when faced with Tang Yin's unique spear technique, he would There is no way. One must know that it has been a season now, and the spear technique against Tang Yin is still the same as against Ye Xiu's Sanren Kombat, completely suppressed by the opponent.


Lin Jingyan came out of the competition booth with some regret, and looked at the Happy fans outside who were celebrating Tang Yin and couldn't help sighing. After all, as a veteran, Lin Jingyan, who was considered to be a rookie, was already in the last years of his career, couldn't help but feel his age again.


However, the veteran and the veteran are calm. Although the loss in this game was a bit embarrassing, he did not cause damage to Tang Yin, so Lin Jingyan didn't feel any annoyance. On the contrary, he can still accept it calmly. After all, Tang Yin's strength and talent are there. While you are studying the other party, the other party is also improving. Therefore, Lin Jingyan had nothing to be embarrassed about.


In the end, it's been a year since he was playing, and he can't compare to a player like Tang Yin who is at the peak of his career.


He Lin Jingyan is really not good at saying goodbye to the past. Even though it has been two years, he still remembers Tang San, the character he brought into the professional league. In contrast, Fang Rui, who has left Wind Howl, is completely different. Fang Rui could even change his career. It could be said that Fang Rui was much better than him in this matter.


And the ultimate reason is that Lin Jingyan is old, but Fang Rui is also at the peak of his career, and he still has a long-term future.


Lin Jingyan, who returned to the Tyranny table, naturally welcomed the comfort of his teammates. Lin Jingyan nodded and signaled to them that he was not. He sat beside Fang Rui and looked at Fang Rui who was teasing him. Lin Jingyan felt relieved for a while.


He watched Fang Rui grow up to the present, and he was by his side every time Fang Rui grew up. Blessings can only be left in my heart in the end.


Come on! my friend! Take it with me and keep going in the Pro League!


The match between Tang Yin and Lin Jingyan ended, and Tang Yin kept Happy in the lead. The second half of the support arena had also entered. There were three people on Happy's side, including Tang Yin, but only the last two on Tyranny's side.


As Lin Jingyan returned to Tyranny's player seat, Tyranny's fourth player also stood up at this time. At the same time, the information of Tyranny's fourth player appeared on the big screen.


Song Qiying!


Everyone was impressed by this Tyranny rookie. This young man was also a rookie who joined the league this season. Without Tang Yin's pervert, he would be the most advantageous player to compete with Tang Rou for the best rookie.


Even in the eyes of many Tyranny fans, he is the future successor of Desert Guyan. This can be seen from the trust that Team Tyranny has in him. There are not many rookies who can participate in the playoffs just after their debut, with the exception of Happy, after all, most of their players are rookies.


And Tyranny, as a rich and powerful team, had no shortage of main players to play, so he didn't want Happy to have no other choice than a rookie. It can be seen that Song Qiying appeared in the arena in the playoffs, and the meaning of support is obvious.


However, appearing in this position does not mean that Song Qiying has become the main force of the team, or even the main defender. To a certain extent, a team's arrangement of the game sequence is also their team's attitude towards the game.

"We can already see that the fourth player from Tyranny's side is about to debut, and the fourth player from Tyranny is Song Qiying, who is also one of the rookies this season. It seems that in Tyranny's original plan, there was no need to What does it mean to end the game in the fourth game?" Seeing Tyranny's play arrangement, Pan Sen directly analyzed a wave.


After all, in a game like the playoffs, the third and fourth are the core players of the team, and it is possible to end the game with a score of 4 to 5. This can reduce the loss of points for the team, and at the same time, it is possible to have more points. score. If you can play an advantage, there will be less pressure in the team competition after entering.


But now the fourth place in Tyranny was supposed to be the main player, but now it's Song Qiying, so they don't have to guess, it must be their core captain Han Wenqing. This is the lineup that Tyranny is showing now. The most suitable arrangement.


Li Yibo himself was a player from Tyranny, but up to now Tyranny's captain and core is still Han Wenqing, his captain seems to have not changed. The captain remains the same, and the core remains the same. If the two of them remained the same, it would be difficult to change the temperament of this team. Although he had left Tyranny for a long time now, he was still very handy in trying to figure out some of the thoughts of the Tyranny team.


But today was different. Today, for the first time, Han Wenqing avoided Happy's starter Ye Xiu. In the end, he didn't play at No. 4 at the core of the main force. Instead, he assigned a rookie to this position.


Seriously, Li Yibo was a little stunned when he saw all this. This team, which he was extremely familiar with, made unexpected arrangements one after another, and even made him feel unfamiliar. Yin Sijia didn't even pick up on the discussion that Pan Sen had already raised.


"Away game, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is more stable!" Li Yibo said after reacting.


Such an answer cannot be said to be wrong, but it is only a well-behaved answer, but there is no way, now Li Yibo has lost the confidence to continue to analyze Tyranny's tactics as a "Tyranny", and now the Tyranny in front of him , makes him feel a little different.


"Okay, then let's look forward to Song Qiying's next performance! Speaking of which, Song Qiying seems to have played with Tang Yin in the regular season before. Is it Tang Yin or Zhang Jiale?" Pan Sen began to check the information, after all It had been a long time, and he had forgotten.


However, Pan Sen's remarks also made everyone focus on Tang Yin's rise again. Although Tang Yin has gone through two competitions, he ended the first game without deducting blood, and the last game with Lin Jingyan The battle is to get the advantage when starting. In the end, he won the opponent with fifty-five percent of his life.


"As far as Tang Yin's current HP is concerned, it is still difficult for Song Qiying to win. Now that Tyranny is at a disadvantage, his skill becomes extremely important. If he is careless, he may even suffer a big loss. "Li Yibo said.


"Heaven Comes"


"To the point, there shouldn't be many chances of it happening here?" Pan Lin said with a smile.


Li Yibo also smiled when he heard what his partner said.


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