Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1838: The referee's relief

However, in the face of this rookie Tang Yin, of course, he will not underestimate the other party. After all, the other party is the successor of Han Wenqing in the future, and his talent is there. After a season of training, it is not only him, everyone is a professional player, although there is a gap in strength, there are some. One of the great players is not enough, the boat capsized in the gutter, and many things that were beaten by rookies have never happened, not to mention that Tang Yin's state is not very good now.


He also pays more attention to this Tyranny rookie Tang Yin. Since his debut, he has attracted a lot of attention, especially in the twilight years of Han Wenqing's career, he has received more attention. What's more important is that although Song Qiying is good at fighters, his personality is more like Zhang Xinjie, the deputy team. Even if he just debuted, he gave people a very serious, rigorous, and even a little obsessive-compulsive feeling.


It is precisely because of Song Qiying's character that he has not had any problems this season. Such a character is indeed not prone to accidents.


With the start of the game, Tang Yin directly began to communicate with the opponent. After all, they are all players who debuted in one season. Although Tang Yin was proposed by them as a unique QQ group of players who debuted this season, because of their relationship with Tang Rou, Tang Yin and the rookies who debuted this season can have a good relationship. At least you can chat casually when you see them in the game.


However, as I said before, Song Qiying is a very serious person. At the beginning of the game, even if he is just rushing to the start, he still gives people the feeling of a correct attitude.


Although he was chatting with Tang Yin along the way, he kept looking around from his perspective. He didn't care if the game would touch this place in the future. He would observe it carefully. Did not stop.


However, although the line of sight kept turning, it did not affect the speed of his movement, and the route of his action was the same as before, cutting directly in the middle. And the audience who saw this scene was completely desperate. Looking at the water battles that can be played on the other side of the map and the jungle battles on the other side, they have completely given up their hope of watching these games...


There is no way, who said that there is also room to charge in this ancient castle, and it is also the existence of the commanding heights of this map, such a position has always been a battleground for military strategists. The two of them were no exception.


Soon the players from both sides met for the seventh time in this castle.


Song Qijie's level of rigor in matters is comparable to Zhang Xinjie, so Tang Yin is very suspicious that the guy on the opposite side has already thought out a lot of play steps before he plays. like?


And the facts also proved Tang Yin's guess. Song Qijie came to the back of the old castle. He didn't go directly behind, nor did he intend to go to the roof. Instead, he found a window sill very skillfully and went in directly.


Faced with this scene, the audience is not too surprised. After all, the game has already been played so many times, and it is still in the old castle. Tyranny's players have watched it several times. If you are still unfamiliar , then there are ghosts.


"Sword Comes"


Song Qijie, who jumped directly into the castle from the window, turned his angle of view one after another, going up, left, and right, and passed through this area in an instant, and summed up his current position and state at the first time.


After leaving the room, Song Qijie came to an aisle, but he did not see Xiao Yaoyou in this aisle. Then he hid and thought for a while, and once again operated the character Changhe Sunset and walked to the corridor on the right. Walking to the second room in this corridor, I walked in and observed the target, and then exited to the next room. It gave the impression that Song Qijie was playing the dungeon according to the strategy.

On the other hand, Tang Yin's tactics were a little different. He didn't keep the first floor this time, but went to the second floor. There is no way. After all, his health and mana are relatively limited now, and in this case, of course, it should be used to the highest level. So Tang Yin kept an electronic eye on the first floor, while he was on the second floor. He was also preparing to use a wave of marksmanship that fell from the sky just like Ye Xiu in the previous match.


Compared with the first floor, the situation on the second floor is much better. The first floor is now in ruins. It is no exaggeration to say that the second floor is a small area of ​​destruction. These are the results of the battle between Ye Xiu and Qin Muyun. , plus the pit that Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale made when they fought.


Right now, Tang Yin was manipulating the hole that Ye Xiu had made, and at the same time manipulating the electronic eye to look elsewhere. It is best if he can meet the opponent here, because there is no ceiling to block, he can attack at the first time and grab a first mover. If it is elsewhere, after all, there is a ceiling blocking it, and if you want to achieve excellence, it will not be so convenient.


So Tang Yin then started to say that it was squatting. He sent an electronic eye downstairs to look for the opponent. You said that the opponent took the initiative to attack, but his role was only guarding next to this movement.


This also caused the audience to go crazy: "Are you tm Schrödinger's cat? Are you here to play the game or to catch a bug? Why don't we go to Schrödinger to chat, put you in and let the cat out? ?"


Under normal circumstances, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is not advocating such a situation of waiting for a rabbit. After all, even if it is a heads-up map, Glory is quite big, especially in some complicated situations, it is even more difficult to succeed. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is worthwhile to wait for the rabbit to confirm the other's course of action. Otherwise, if you simply start to wait like this, there is a greater chance that you have not waited, and you are waiting for the referee's yellow card. After all, it is impossible for the official to keep you waiting like this, otherwise they will not want to watch it?


But now Tang Yin's situation is different. You seem to be waiting for the rabbit, but in fact he is also using electronic eyes to search, which means that the referee can't punish him yet. This also made the referee feel suffocated.


But this raises a question once again, what if the bug of the previous one appears again in this game? Tang Yin's electronic eyes couldn't find Song Qiying, and Song Qiying didn't enter this room, so wouldn't the two sides have been unable to meet? What to do then? How to judge this?


Thinking of this, the referee's head started to hurt. This getaway is poisonous. You can't be a person, is it fun for you to be so buggy? I suspect you are targeting me, and this time I have proof!


But maybe Tang Yin found that he was going too far, so he didn't take it for a while, and changed the angle of observation. This is also mobile. Seeing that the referee here is inexplicably relieved...


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