Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1839: frustrated referee

Tang Yin's move at least made it easier for the referee to do something better. After all, there are some rigid rules for such a squatting ruling. After all, if a player squatted in a place and the referee interfered, many of the styles of play would be affected now, which obviously wouldn't work. And the playoffs due to such regulations have become more stringent, and there is even an accurate time, which is based on the condition that there is no purposeful operation in 18 seconds.

It's just that because Tang Yin is in a state similar to Schrödinger's cat, the judges and the others are unable to calculate the time.

In fact, Tang Yin didn't quite know whether he was sitting on the slack with his own style of play, so he also counted the time to move and change his posture.

Since then, his move itself is difficult to judge, and now he has moved a bit, which is equivalent to giving the referee a step down. The referee naturally couldn't continue to be embarrassed.

After all, generally speaking, most of these clever people who take advantage of the rules can make judgments based on the referee's subjective judgment, and the reason why the referee is so entangled is because this is the playoffs. Tang Yin is not a foul, so his refereeing career can come to an end.

After seeing Tang Yin move a little bit symbolically in his career, the referee also went down the slope. After all, he wouldn't be able to do anything if he didn't come down.

Originally, the referee complained about Tang Yin's inappropriate play to the players in the league. He didn't feel anything. After all, no matter how bad you are, you still dare to fail the referee. Then there is the present scene. It turns out that the other party really tortured the referee, and it was still tortured by the referee who had nothing to say.

Now that a referee has been selected, the referee just wanted to say, when the players said that Tang Yin was not a human being, I kept silent, because I was not an ordinary player, but when the professional players said that it was terrifying that he was not a human being, I also kept silent because I'm not a professional player. But when he shot at us, no one spoke for me...

Congrats to our referee, who has ruled a game, and has also ruled on life insights...

However, the Tyranny fans at the scene directly ridiculed Tang Yin's behavior of being an honest and bright card. After all, many of them are ten-year-old fans, and they are even more aware of the rules of the game. Their ridicule is not only for Tang Yin who is stuck with bugs, but also for the referee who does not judge Tang Yin. Just like the referee thought, no one said for him ha...

But the referee didn't care about it, after all, he really didn't hear much boos. You must know that this is Happy's home field, and now they have made such a move to directly make Happy fans happy. Each and everyone of their sub-teams, who are happy to say that it is okay, really dare not have anything to do with people. No, they all started robbing cats.

"Now Tang Yin's behavior is really not good. After all, although he asked him to stay here, and the other side is also actively searching for a place with his electronic eyes, his body is only moving in one place, but his purpose has not changed. Is it unreasonable to stand guard?" Pan Sen in the commentary room was also confused by Tang Yin.

"This is really hard to say. The referee also needs to make judgments based on the situation. First of all, when the characters of both sides walk into this ancient castle, they have greatly reduced the distance of direct confrontation with each other, which has improved the hit rate of squatting and defending a lot. It also reduces a certain amount of irrationality. Looking at Tang Yin now, he is squatting and looking for a state called quantum superposition. It really cannot be simply defined as squatting." Li Yibo said.

After Li Yibo finished talking about Tang Yin's side, he changed his direction and continued: "Let's look at the location of Song Qiying's character Changhe Sunset, which is actually very close to the area where Tang Yin is guarding, which means that he is very likely We will enter this area soon, and based on this, we can judge that this time is a successful squatting defense. So in my opinion, this wave of judges' judgments are quite reasonable." Li Yibo expressed his thoughts.

"That's it... There's really nothing wrong with saying that. After all, it's impossible to judge the state of Tang Yin's players now. With these preconditions, there is no interference in the past." Pan Sen said after clarifying his thoughts.

In the game…

Tang Yin saw that there was still no sign of the other party coming, and there was no other party's figure in the electronic eyes, so he made another mechanical summon. This time, the mechanic summoned this time has a level 40 skill in the air combat machine. Tang Yin intends to directly let him walk around in this room, so that as long as the air combat machine is attacked, or the opponent enters the hatred range of the air combat machine, he will be pursued. In this way, Tang Yin would be able to find the other party's trace first. One hit first.

There is no way, after all, the health value itself is not healthy after the two games, and the mana value was consumed by Lin Jingyan in the previous game. Because now Tang Yin is naturally more careful when playing, and it is possible to use the remaining health and mana to deal the most damage.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

Tang Yin is summoning the air combat machine: when the wind is blowing, Song Qiying has already started to move. Of course, he still does not know where Tang Yin is. UU reading www.uukanshu.com He and Tang Yin's electronic eyes Haven't met yet. Naturally, he didn't even know where Tang Yin was. However, although the two matches were not clear, the audience could see it very clearly. Although Song Qiying's moving direction would not meet Tang Yin's electronic eyes, it was moving in Tang Yin's direction.

"Song Qiying, you have six hearts!" Seeing Song Qiying walking towards Tang Yin's sneak attack position step by step like this, Tyranny fans immediately became anxious. Did he use his unique spear technique to lose so quickly? They really don't want this to happen again.

Especially now that Tang Yin is still attacking, God knows how much damage he will deal with this wave of sneak attacks?

One step after another, as the progress bar of Tang Yin's summoning skills continued to improve, Song Qiying was also getting closer. This also made everyone's attention more and more concentrated. In the TV broadcast, there were two videos directly, one is from Tang Yin's perspective, and the other is from Song Qiying's perspective. Simultaneous dual viewing angles.

As Song Qiying approached, Tang Yin had noticed it, and now he was not in a hurry to send out an air combat machine, but put him behind him. Wait to attack with him.

The next moment Song Qiying entered this room, but as soon as he entered this direction, he looked at the big hole in the ceiling.

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