Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1840: Song Qiying's plan

Found out?

This is what the audience thinks now, but because of their different positions, their sighing emotions are also completely different.

"No, Song Qiying didn't find Tang Yin's figure." At this moment, Li Yibo directly gave a clear answer.

"If you say that, all this is Song Qiying's precautions in advance. It is indeed possible for Song Qiying's character." Pan Sen also said.

After all, this Song Qiying is like a combination of Zhang Xinjie and Han Wenqing. Although he uses the same profession as Han Wenqing, he has the same cautiousness as Zhang Xinjie. And this kind of character makes them not miss any details of the scene, and he also took precautions in advance for this room and the room on the second floor. Although he doesn't know where Tang Yin is now, as long as there is this possibility , they will be fully prepared to face it.

Air wave bomb!

Changhe Sunset directly manipulates the total direction of the hole and shoots a palm.

Qi wave bombs are a low-level skill of qigong masters. Naturally, as long as they are fighting professions, they can learn them. As a boxer who has no long-range means, it is normal to have some Qi wave bombs in an emergency. However, in terms of the intensity of Song Qiying's anger when he shot the size of this shot, he did not improve this skill by much. It is estimated that it is used to parry some long-range skills that cannot be evaded, or blood comes to try this out.

Even so, this air wave bomb hit the edge of the ceiling hole very accurately. But also because the low-level skill level is not high, there is no momentum to play more. And Song Qiying's position was exactly where Tang Yin was before he changed positions. This shows how strong Song Qiying's judgment ability is.

Of course, Tang Yin would not be fooled by such a simple test. Instead, he began to summon again, and summoned a mechanical dog directly beside him. This is the hunter of the mechanic, with a very strong movement speed.

And the mechanical creation summoned by the mechanic does not have the special effects of the magic summoning array like the summoner, it is a process of turning from the virtual to the real, silent.

Such a scene made the Happy fans at the scene once again burst into applause and cheers. At the same time, he lamented the calmness of his deputy team.

Since then, this wave of Song Qiying not only failed to test out anything, but it was like telling Tang Yin, "He has already reached his position. Are you ready for the attack on your side?"

"Deceiving Kangxi"

Seeing this goal, Pan Sen and Li Yibo couldn't help but sigh for a while. Now they have to sigh about the unevenness of this world. Both sides are obviously rookies who have just debuted this season, but they have obvious responses in various aspects. The difference, but I can't really blame Song Qiying. After all, in terms of this season's performance, Song Qiying is already a very good rookie. It's a pity that Tang Yin's debut has put all major teams on the rookie wall. Frictional perversion.

Even Li Yibo and the others have to admit that although Tang Yin's performance in every game is inappropriate, his strength and temperament are completely unremarkable, and he doesn't want to be a professional rookie who just debuted.

The result was just when Tang Yin was about to launch an attack. Song Qiying turned around and left after seeing that the blow didn't hit anything. The speed was quite fast, and she didn't give Tang Yin a chance to fight back.

Since Song Qiying did not continue to move in this direction?

At this moment, Happy fans on the scene couldn't laugh anymore, and they couldn't laugh if they didn't post to Tyranny on the scene.

It's not hard to guess the reason why Song Qiying will leave. It's just because there is no clear assurance. Anyway, there are many people who can only go this way, so they just don't go this way. But the problem is that this kind of avoidance, or even the behavior of avoidance, is not the style that their Tyranny fans appreciate!

Since you think that there is a problem in that place, he will just use your fist to smash that position directly, and then it will be done. This kind of evasion behavior is really too tyrannical.

It's no wonder that Tyranny's fans are harsh. After all, because of Han Wenqing, Tyranny's fans feel that boxing masters should be brave and face all difficulties with one punch. This made them feel all kinds of discomfort when they saw that Song Qiying's boxing master was so cautious.

And this also led to the fact that even if Song Qiying didn't have Zhong Tang Yin's ambush, they still couldn't be happy. Of course, many of them hope that their players will be ambushed by the opponent like this, but they hope that Song Qiying can directly smash the opponent's ambush and traps, let them know that in front of their absolute strength of Tyranny, these traps and conspiracies of the opponent are all It's just a paper tiger.

But they, a rookie who is very likely to take over the desert in the future, chose to give in directly in the face of a trap that was only a possibility.

Although the two commentators praised Song Qiying's retreat, after all, there are not many people who can play the game so cautiously and calmly at a young age. But in the eyes of Tyranny's fans, it was somewhat unpleasant.

In the end, when Song Qiying retreated to the door, when everyone thought he was going to push the door open...


Song Qiying directly smashed the whole door out with one punch. This scene stunned everyone. What is this guy doing?

Of course Song Qiying doesn't know what everyone is thinking right now, and he doesn't care either, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Now he has walked out, quickly backed up, then turned around, looked around, as if he was calculating something, and then started to sprint!

The next moment Song Qiying rushed through the door like a gust of wind, and then jumped up!

Relying on the run-up of this distance, let the character jump to the last point, and he jumped directly towards the wall. But it didn't hit the wall. Instead, he stepped on it with one foot, folded his body with strength, and jumped up again. At the same time, he blasted out in a circle.

Although Tong Bei Quan is called a fist, it is a palm.

Seeing Song Qiying's palm print directly on the ceiling, the next moment a bang sounded, the next moment the ceiling within his attack range made a cracking sound, and then Song Qiying directly smashed it. Punching another hole in the ceiling, Song Qiying, who was flying up, immediately turned his eyes and saw a mechanical dog pounced, along with the small missiles and machine guns of the air combat machinery taking off from the other side.

In the face of these oncoming attacks, Song Qiying did not panic, but saw his whole body shake. Steel bones!

Wearing a domineering body, he directly greeted the attack that came at him.

The missiles and machine gun bullets roared, and the mechanical dog flew directly on him to bite. In the face of such an attack, although he was in a state of dominance, he had no roots under his feet and was floating in the air, so he would still be affected.

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