Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1842: Melee sharpshooter

Of course Song Qiying wouldn't give up so easily. Running away was just a fake action he made. After passing through the door, he dodged to the side of the door. Facing Tang Yin who was chasing him, he did not simply wait for the opponent to come, but launched an attack before Tang Yin had just gone up and entered the door.

In this wave, he pretended to retreat, but in fact it attracted Tang Yin to continue chasing, and then rely on the terrain to get close. Even if the sharpshooter has a good melee ability, it is obviously impossible to compare with a profession like him who is good at close-fitting bunts.


A crash sounded between Tang Yin and Song Qiying, and the energy of the collision of forces exploded around. I saw that Tang Yin's knee had hit the opponent's foot.

But Song Qiying didn't just use it like this, she jumped up slightly with a step forward, and while spinning around her body, she kicked out with one foot. Rotate and kick. It is the whirlwind foot of the boxing master skill!

Facing the opponent's close Yifeishen, Xiaoyaoyou turned around, and with the strength of the turn, he kicked Song Qiying at once. This is a sharpshooter's physical skills after kicking!

Tang Yin's kick was very precise, just on top of Song Qiying's spinning small retreat. While forcibly parrying this skill, it interrupted the opponent's skill.

Song Qiying seemed to be prepared for these things, and fell down with a thousand pounds. You must know that the Qianjin Pendant is the same as the swordsman's silver light falling blade. It has a shock effect after landing. Now that the direct distance between Tang Yin's and Song Qiying, Song Qiying and the ground itself are only a few tens of centimeters in height. It is definitely too late to roll. .

Seeing this purpose, the audience immediately boiled over. Although Tang Yin's spear technique is very perverted, the two sides are almost in close combat now, not to mention the three positions. Now the distance between the two sides is two positions. Not necessarily.

And this is Tyranny's plan for Tang Yin. Although Tang Yin's spear technique has experienced everyone for a whole season, there is still a flaw in his spear technique. That is, his ultimate distance is the same as Zhou Zekai's, and his goals are three Rifle Bodywork.

Then what if they could attack Tang Yin within two steps or even one step of Tang Yin's body during this period? So there was this wave of close-up operations by Song Qiying.

After all, the other professions, in terms of the shortest attack distance and the most obvious personal advantage, are of course the two fighters in their team. According to the estimated playing time of Tang Yin in the previous game, in the end Tyranny placed Song Qiying in fourth place, in order to suppress the opponent by relying on his professional melee ability.

And now that the close-up has been completed, Song Qiying can't let go of this opportunity. There are all kinds of strong attacks against Tang Yin.


Following Song Qiying's landing, he directly smashed the ground with one foot, and a wave of air rushed in all directions.

But when Song Qiying landed, Tang Yin had already jumped up. Avoid the turbulent shock damage on the ground. But this does not mean that Tang Yin has arranged it. Song Qiying, who has landed, is a blow to Tang Yin who has just jumped up.

Just when everyone thought it was impossible for Tang Yin to avoid him this time, right? But in the face of the oncoming collapse fist, Tang Yin threw out the ninja knife and pulled it. Looking for the air to turn around so much that Song Qiying's fist just swung in front of Tang Yin's eyes.

But Tang Yin didn't give the opponent a chance to retract his fist. When he pulled his hands on Song Qiying's fist, he stood upside down on Song Qiying's unretracted arm, and then Xiaoyaoyou directly kicked Song Qiying's Changhe Sunset's arm. Directly kicked Song Qiying's head.

In the face of such a change, Song Qiying was also a little anxious, but he also used his bare hands to the limit, but this time he only used one hand to hold one of Tang Yin's legs.

But this is enough to trigger the counterattack effect of empty handed into the white blade, and take back the hand held by Tang Yin and shoot it again.


Another loud noise exploded directly in Tang Yin and Song Qiying. I saw Tang Yin's instant kick and Song Qiying's counter-attack skills collided directly.

The powerful vigor of the two skills, this time, they both beat them backwards, but because Tang Yin has nowhere to borrow in the air, he has not yet landed on his side, and Song Qiying, who has taken a step back, has stabilized his figure. , stomping hard and rushing towards Tang Yin again, throwing a few fists at Tang Yin who hadn't completely landed.

Lightning Fist!

Lightning Speed ​​Fist: At this time, a skill whose attack speed is higher than ordinary skills, and countless boxing shadows flashed in an instant, among which are true and false, and it is even more deceptive.

Nails, nails, nails...

A series of metal crashing sounds, this is not the sound of hitting people at all! It was wrong for the audience to hear this sound, but the audience observed carefully, and only then did they realize that where Tang Yin was holding a pair of guns, it was a pair of knives, to be precise, two ninja knives. ,

"Fairy Wood"

Between the two ninja swords waving, Tang Yin forcibly parried this series of attacks.

But Tang Yin's ninja has no high-level skills after all. Although Tang Yin has a lot of hand speed, he relies on the advantage of having one more ninja than normal ninjas. Barely blocked Song Qiying's outbreak, but the judgment of the last blow still did not stand up.

Song Qiying's last lightning speed punch directly smashed Tang Yin who was about to land.

But looking at being shaken and flying away, all the audience's hearts were full of surprises. What did they see just now, UU reading www.uukanshu. comA sharpshooter and a boxer fight in close combat, and they fight back and forth, are you still a sharpshooter? Isn't this omnipotent a bit too much?

Although he was knocked away by the powerful evaluation of the last blow, Tang Yin blocked the blow with a ninja knife, and the real damage was actually very limited. This also allows Tang Yin not to worry about the stagnation time after being attacked.

In the face of Song Qiying who was attacking again with a stiff finishing skill, the ninja sword in Tang Yin's hand once again turned into two revolvers, and the attacking Song Qiying directly started to move and shoot.

It's not meaningless to know that Tang Yin was knocked back just now, because of the high-injury big move of Lightning Fast Fist, and the stiff effect of the skill after that, it was destined that Song Qiying would not be able to attack immediately, and Tang Yin took this opportunity to distance himself. The bullet rain whistled, grenades and explosions followed, and Tang Yin's two previous mechanical creatures also followed.

The intensive attack once again covered the opponent.

This time, it's everyone's turn to worry about Song Qiying.

But compared to the worries of the audience, the current professional players know that the game will soon be decided.

The reason is very simple, because when Tang Yin landed, the stiffening effect on Song Qiying's side had already ended. In the face of the sky-high attack, it is not impossible.

Yunshen starts! Relying on the skill of this momentary displacement, he approached Tang Yin again.

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