Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1843: Exaggeration also gives me a limit.

After all, Song Qiying was the core rookie that Tyranny was now focusing on training. This cloud body was used just right, and Tang Yin flashed several attacks in an instant. The close-up was completed once again, and the powerful melee ability of the boxer broke out at this moment. Forcibly press Tang Yin to the corner.


This time, Tang Yin did not rely solely on physical skills to object, but instead used all kinds of skills. At the same time as the physical attack, the firearm's shooting is like a sudden cold arrow, which is extremely difficult to guard against. At the same time, several grenades were thrown out by Tang Yin at the same time as his attack speed, and exploded around him one after another.


Facing Tang Yin's grenade has always been the most troublesome point for everyone. After all, it is an unexpected flash grenade, a constricting grenade with a strong knockback effect, and a freezing grenade with a control effect. These can have a huge impact on the attackers, and even limit some of their attacks.


That's right, Tang Yin made these attacks, and their special close-up defense. But Tang Yin's spear technique can't be dealt with if he is distracted. For a while, Tang Yin was on a par with Qihu's opponent once again.


Seeing the cool and gorgeous operation of Tang Yin's sharpshooter, the fans of Happy on the scene boiled again, and the emotions of the two commentators were aroused.


"Tang Yin fought back and forth with a boxer with his back against the wall. This is simply too strong," Li Yibo said.


"Look at Tang Yin's hand speed, it has now reached more than 600! Isn't the firepower of this style a bit too much! He can't worry about losing control of his hand speed, which will eventually lead to a disconnect with his teammates in the team game. Is it?" Panson also said.


After all, from the observation of the regular season, Tang Yin was very restrained in his hand speed during his ring match. Apart from encountering Samsara in the second round, he never had such a high hand speed in the ring.


The main reason for this is to worry that the hand speed is too fast, which will eventually lead to the loss of control of the hand speed and affect the most critical team competition.


"The situation is different. After all, his position is different from the ring competition. He is the last defender in the ring competition. After a short break, the team competition will start directly. That's why you don't dare to be too fast. But now he is not the last defender, he has more time to rest, so he dares to be so quick." Li Yibo guessed.


"But even though there are quite a few last players, there are only a few subsequent ring matches. According to the current average time of less than five minutes per game, he has not adjusted the time much. Is this okay?" Panson still had some doubts.


"Then what if the current hand speed is still within the range of easy adjustment?" Li Yibo said.


"What do you mean?" Pan Sen asked uncertainly, as if thinking of something.


"It seems that we haven't seen Tang Yin's hand speed limit until now, right?" Li Yibo said in one sentence.


As soon as these words came out, the audience, including all the audience, was in an uproar. That's how they reacted. Indeed, Tang Yin never said that what he showed on the field was his hand speed limit. Some even said that Huang Shaotian and Tang Yin had known each other for a long time, and Tang Yin had indeed not pushed his hand speed to the limit until now.


In other words, even if he can already disdain the hand speed of the professional circle, as long as Tang Yin has enough advice, he can adjust the hand speed before the team competition starts. It's not too scary at all.


Looking at Tang Yin's slowly rising hand speed, he didn't know what to say anymore. Even if he was approached within two steps by a boxer, since he could not be weak, is this guy still human? After a season, why does he still have the ability to shock everyone. Exaggeration also gives me a limit!

Although it is said that Tang Yin is not a human being, and all kinds of playing styles make people's hearts twitch, but this guy's strength really can't be hacked. Even now, the major teams have no way to take him.


They could understand that there was nothing they could do about Ye Xiu. After all, Ye Xiu's strength in the textbook was there. Now he is using an almighty to perverted loose person, and now the only drawback of the loose person is to be ended by his weapon. It's normal for the big teams to be tricky.


But Tang Yin is just a rookie this season, but with such a strong performance, how can there be a professional rookie attitude?


Now it seems that Tang Yin is being suppressed by the other party in the corner, but in fact, the two sides are restricting each other. Although such a situation has certain restrictions on Tang Yin's strength, it can consume the opponent most effectively, which is also his purpose.


Although Tang Yin's style of play is very gorgeous, the state of the character is here. After all, he did not complete a series of threes in the ring competition.




Of course, Song Qiying won, not Tang Yin.


After all, in Tang Yin's intention to contain consumption, he is still in a relatively disadvantageous environment and role status. If this is not a win, it is indeed a bit too thin.


However, even though he said that, his plan was indeed completed, but Tang Yin, who was unable to win a string of three, still felt a little regretful, shaking his head and walking out of the bench like this. Although Tang Yin was a little depressed that he couldn't make a string of three, the Happy fans at the scene were very satisfied with this result. The moment Tang Yin came out, he was greeted with warm applause from his own fans.


By defeating Fang Rui and Lin Jingyan, the criminal duo one after another, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com managed to recover their own disadvantages and also gained a lot of advantages. There is really no way to blame Tang Yin's performance. You must know that this wave of consumption of Tang Yin directly took away 57% of the opponent's health. And now Song Qiying only had 43% of his health remaining, which was already a big lead.


"Xiao Yin did a great job!" Tang Yin, who returned to Happy's bench, naturally received praise from his teammates.


"It's okay, but unfortunately it is limited by the terrain, otherwise it should be able to consume more, or take it away directly." Tang Yin said.


"It's already good, what's up? You still want to do that one-on-three in the playoffs?" Ye Xiu said.


"It's just one versus three, and there are many that have not been taken." Tang Yin shrugged and said very sternly.


Seeing Tang Yin's ill-fated appearance, everyone in Happy simply chose to ignore him.


After all, Tang Yin only had half of his HP, and his mana didn't even get half, so he had already consumed more than half of the opponent's HP, since he wasn't satisfied. Even if Song Qiying is a professional rookie who has just debuted, as a rookie that Tyranny has focused on training, it is impossible for you to bully him like this. Having said that, you are not a rookie, how did you say these words so embarrassingly?


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