Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1844: You are far better than you think!

"Next, next!" Everyone in Happy collectively chose to ignore Tang Yin, and Ye Xiu started to greet the next player.


And the audience who saw the situation on Happy's side were also curious, who would be Happy's next contestant.


After all, guessing the next player to play is a regular activity in the ring. Since Tang Yin came out of the competition seat, the blow has already begun to be guessed. After all, Happy's two core players had already played, but Zhang Jiale and Su Mucheng had not yet played. So in their opinion, Zhang Jiale or Su Mucheng are most likely to play.


But when the names and information of the players on the field were displayed on the big screen, everyone was very surprised.


Qiao Yifan, a professional ghost swordsman, whose role is One Inch Ash.


"Happy actually sent Qiao Yifan to the field?" Pan Sen also expressed his surprise when he saw the players sent by Happy.


However, Li Yibo, who was on the side, thought it was normal after thinking about it, and then he expressed his own thoughts: "After all, the map that Happy chose, and the place where they will compete with these few matches, is really not suitable for Su Mu and Su Mucheng to play. There are too many restrictions on her gunners. In other words, it is possible that Tang Rou or Zhang Jiale will play. It is indeed a good choice to use them as the last defender."


Hearing his partner's words, Pan Sen was also taken aback, but he quickly understood.


After all, as a gunner, Su Mucheng's long-range attack is his greatest advantage. After these few games of the old castle, the scene where various rooms are connected is indeed somewhat unsuitable for gunners. And this map was the home map that Happy chose, and these were naturally under their consideration. In other words, from the beginning, they had no intention of letting Su Mucheng play.


"Speaking of which, the match between Qiao Yifan and Song Qiying can actually be regarded as a playoff match between newcomers, right? I think." Pan Sen looked at the camera and said Qiao Yifan, who was walking towards the game room. .


"There's nothing wrong with saying that." Li Yibo also expressed support for this point of view.


After all, although it is said that Qiao Yifan debuted with Gao Yingjie, the reality is that he was a little transparent when he was in Tiny Herb. And these things belonged to Qiao Yifan's past, when Happy, the dark horse, broke into everyone's field of vision, they were already understood by everyone.


And Zuo Chenrui, who had always ridiculed Tiny Herb as his own duty, even held onto this point during that time. Various black Tiny Herbs said how blind they were and let go of great talents.


And everyone has only known Qiao Yifan since this season, and many people feel sorry for him. Because this season is actually Qiao Yifan's first season, but because he has registered in Tiny Herb before, who should he choose, so this is no longer his first season, otherwise he would have competed for the best rookie list. It can also be on the list.


Otherwise, if is what everyone likes to say, but Qiao Yifan himself doesn't care about this so-called if and not. On the contrary, he was very satisfied with what he was able to do in Happy now, saying that the satisfaction might not be enough, but he should be extremely satisfied.


He listened to Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's advice and changed his career, and finally became a ghost. Now, he already has the opportunity to play steadily, and even in the individual competitions that are not suitable for him, he still has the opportunity to play. This feeling of having his own worth makes him feel very fulfilled. And these were things he had never experienced when he was in Tiny Herb.


And he was valued, and at the same time, he also received private contact from many teams, and these were all trying to poach him.


But in the face of these invitations and conditions, Qiao Yifan refused all of them without hesitation. No matter what kind of promises the other team made to him, he was not moved. Because he always remembered the two figures who helped him without reservation when he was most confused and needed help from anesthesia.

The old team's neglect of him. Qiao Yifan really didn't have any complaints; but he was even more ruthless about giving him the importance of Happy.


"Eternal God Emperor"


So now Qiao Yifan wants to be here, let Happy this team carry his everything, and he wants to realize his ideals here.


It's just that this ideal has come a little faster now.


Qiao Yifan's previous experiences made him not as ambitious as a normal rookie who just debuted, but he was very cautious about everything, and his initial goal was very simple. Point's once again become a professional player.


That's right, Qiao Yifan's purpose at the beginning was that simple. He simply didn't want to give up the Glory he liked just like that, and he just wanted to continue to be a Glory professional player.


But now he can not only stand on the stage of the playoffs, but even passed the first round with the team and reached the semi-finals.


Seriously, Qiao Yifan sometimes felt that his dream came true a little too fast, and even caught him off guard. He didn't know that he should aim for the tree as the next goal, the championship?


In the case of relegation, strive for the championship.


At this moment, Qiao Yifan heard the words Ye Xiu posted on Weibo at the beginning of the season, and now he realizes that since Ye Xiu is not joking.


And now all this has completely appeared in front of him, and even made our little angel Yifan a little dazzled. It turns out that the championship that Happy's seniors talked about wonderfully was true. Originally, Qiao Yifan thought that it was Ye Xiu and Tang Yin who were encouraging everyone in this way, although this encouragement seemed unrealistic in the eyes of normal people! But their team itself doesn't have a few normal people...


Turns out it wasn't a joke. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


It turned out that he was always not confident enough.


It turns out that they really have the ability to compete for the championship.


Seeing the playoffs approaching day by day, Qiao Yifan began to adjust his mentality in a hurry.


Because from then on he only wanted to come back. They were really rushing to the single-plank bridge to the championship.


Of course, in addition to being in a hurry, he was also very excited.


During this time, Qiao Yifan invited himself more strictly, and never let himself become a burden for everyone in the championship.


And now he will stand alone on this arena, paving the way for Happy's final victory!


Taking a deep breath, Qiao Yifan had already arrived at the entrance of the competition bench, but at this moment he couldn't help but look at Happy's bench, where his captain and vice-team were cheering him on. Even though they are far apart now, they can still see their thumbs up to themselves.


Qiao Yifan took a deep breath, walked onto the field, and couldn't help but glance back at the team's bench. Their captain, Ye Xiu, was raising his arm towards him, raising his hand, and showing his thumb.


"You are far better than you imagined!"


This is what Tang Yin and Ye Xiu told him before he came over.


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