Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1845: Tachi Sastrugi

It was not the first time that Tang Yin or Ye Xiu had said this to him, and each time he said it in such a decisive tone, each time it filled Qiao Yifan with fighting spirit and confidence.


Facing the trust and expectations of the two captains, he must not let it down, as well as the efforts of everyone in the team.


Turning his head, Qiao Yifan firmly entered the game seat, swiped the card, and loaded the map. All this has been repeated many times. Soon the characters of both sides have been loaded on the map. Like most of the previous games, Fort Qianbao back.


Song Qiying's starting operation is exactly the same as that of the previous game, and there is no change in the movement route. After all, he is already familiar with these routes, and he can enter the room to search more smoothly and skillfully. Just like the previous one, the houses are still being screened one by one.


And what about Qiao Yifan? After he entered from the main entrance, he did not show any unique behavior, but began to visit one by one, and began to look for the other party's traces.


However, compared to Song Qiying's role, One Inch Ash's actions are somewhat different. Although it seems to be early in the morning, Qiao Yifan gives people a strong sense of purpose, as if hoping to get there soon. same location.


Entering from the main entrance of the castle is the hall, and then various corridors on the left and right are interspersed with rooms for various purposes between the castle, and there are 17 such rooms in one pass.


Qiao Yifan's one inch of ash passed through the four rooms with curtains in the two corridors one after another, and he stopped moving after knocking on you, as if he had found a position that satisfied him.


As a result, it was at this moment that Qiao Yifan suddenly turned around and cut down the door that he had just entered.


Then back, front, right...


There is a door on the three walls of this room, and these doors are now directly removed by Qiao Yifan. After taking these things as a matter, Qiao Yifan is leaning on the wall, and the hand is too large in front of him, and then Just don't move.


"Reincarnation Paradise"


"Uh... Qiao Yifan chose this... is it a kind of squatting?" Pan Sen asked Qiao Yifan's movements strangely.


Li Yibo frowned when he heard his partner's words.


Saying that Qiao Yifan is squatting and guarding, it can be considered. But the meaning of his wave of squatting is somewhat different. Because before Qiao Yifan cut down those doors one after another, there was nothing to hide. And the sound insulation of this castle is not very good. On the other side, Song Qiying, who was still searching for Qiao Yifan's figure one by one, naturally heard the movement made by Tang Ye. Not to mention three in a row.


Although Qiao Yifan was squatting, he took the initiative to send out a signal to attract and seduce the opponent.


It's just that this signal is a bit too simple and straightforward. Faced with such a signal, Song Qiying, who has always been known for being cautious, naturally couldn't just kill him like this.


However, even though Song Qiying wouldn't just rush to it hastily, she wouldn't just ignore this information directly. After all, it was never their Tyranny's character to be withdrawn and devious. In the end, Song Qiying was still operating the long river and setting the sun, rushing in this direction.




But of course Song Qiying wouldn't take the usual route of winning. He just chose the most violent way to break in, and rushed into the room on the right side of Qiao Yifan's room. Song Qiying, who rushed into the room, completely ignored the door that was smashed by herself. The first thing you do when you enter is to quickly observe the situation in this room. Although he didn't find the figure of the other party, he also found the door panel that was cut down by Yifan.

The next moment, his eyes turned to that room, and Qiao Yifan, who was in that direction, had also quietly moved to the wall where the door to Song Qiying was located, but he did not come close to leaning against the wall. kept a distance. Then he stopped moving, and the sword in his hand had already been raised in front of him, ready to cut it out at any time.


The name of Qiao Yifan's dagger is Xuewen. His dagger is purple as a whole, exuding a dim light, but there is also this white line in the blade, and now this dagger is accompanied by the swing of Qiao Yifan's body. Keep rocking this.


Now Song Qiying's role has become slower and smaller. It had completely disappeared when it approached the door.


Both sides are obviously young freshmen players in the professional league, but this match between the two of them gave people a sense of caution like a professional veteran. At the same time, the audience at the scene was also shaken by the current situation of the two. Everyone was so nervous.


A partition like this yearning has also appeared in the match between Ye Xiu and Fang Rui before, but this time it was completely different from the previous one. Because the door between the two sides has been smashed by Qiao Yifan this time, as long as the two take a step towards each other, the battle between the two sides will officially begin.


Seeing that Qiao Yifan was operating Yi Inch Ash to slightly lift the snow pattern of the sword, as if he had already felt that Song Qiying's sunset was on the other side, the sword in his hand began to emit light slowly, and against the background of this light. Down, the snow-white texture on the blade became clearer.


Qiao Yifan has already said that he will sing the ghost formation, and it seems that he is ready to drop a ghost formation first.


And what about Song Qiying on the other side? He hesitated in front of the door for a moment, then suddenly began to back away. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


Seeing Song Qiying's actions, everyone was very puzzled. However, because of the precedent of the previous game, this time, Tyranny fans did not have any doubts about Song Qiying's actions. Now they recognize Song Qiying very much, and feel that he is a man who has inherited Tyranny's will perfectly. Since he is a man of Tyranny, no matter what he does, he will not think in a cowardly direction. This is their heir to Tyranny. , that's it.


After taking two steps back, Song Qiying moved sideways, and then punched the wall without any hesitation.




The fist slammed directly on the wall, directly causing a burst of exclamation from the audience. Originally, everyone thought that Song Qiying's punch would directly smash him against the wall.


Even the TV broadcast deliberately showed a close-up of the wall, but what caught my eye was that some of the wall skin had fallen off, and the overall texture of the wall was still intact...


But Song Qiying's actions didn't end there. Immediately after, the second punch, followed.


Punch after punch.


Song Qiying's fist was on the unbroken flood wall. All are normal attacks and will not consume any mana. But the attack power is a little pitifully small for the wall. If Song Qiying wanted to simply rely on basic attacks to penetrate the wall, he really didn't know how many hits it would take.


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