Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1846: Domineering and cautious

Although the attack effect was weak, Song Qiying himself didn't care at all, and continued to operate his character, the long river and sunset, with an old fist against the wall. After hitting a few punches in one place, continue punching in another place, and continue to bombard the wall with one punch and one punch as before.


Seeing this, everyone can also see Song Qiying's current thoughts.


Didn't Xingxin's Qiao Yifan directly unload the door before? Then their Tyranny Song Qiying was even more incredible, and was ready to directly break the entire wall.


To be fair, this idea can be said to be quite heroic, but it is a bit clumsy to implement. After all, Song Qiying's attacks are all ordinary attacks.


The two characters are also separated by a wall. If the opponent is really in another room, then he will naturally be able to hear the movement from his side, but Song Qiying doesn't care about these, as if he doesn't care whether the opponent is there. If it is not on the opposite side, he has to enter this wall and push it to normal.


At this time, there were a lot of dagger snow patterns in Qiao Yifan's hands, but now those demon powers have begun to slowly withdraw and dissipate.


Pop, pop, pop, pop...


The sound of Song Qiying punching the wall next door, he could hear it very clearly.


Qiao Yifan naturally noticed the other party's intentions immediately, which made him a little confused for a while. Does the other party really want to punch through the wall like this? Isn't this a bit too bold. =


To be fair, Song Qiying's heroism really surprised Yifan.


But this also made him fall into two choices. Will he turn around or stay behind?


Qiao Yifan approached the wall, felt the shock from the opponent's attack, the degree of damage to the wall, and finally made a decision.


Don't go!


Now that he has made up his mind, Qiao Yifan will not change it easily. In Qiao Yifan's view, even if the other party uses this somewhat clumsy method to eliminate possible threats, Qiao Yifan still feels that staying here will be more effective for his future battles. favorable.


After all, with Luo Ji there, everyone in Happy knew the durability and endurance of the walls in various places of the castle.


Qiao Yifan also has a certain understanding of the current opponent, and even their basic attack power is almost calculated by Luo Ji, which means that if Song Qiying's Long River Sunset wants to break this wall , in the end how many punches, Qiao Yifan can calculate a rough range.


Now that he already knew this information, Qiao Yifan naturally began to do more. After all, this kind of thing has always been in a hurry, and if it is easy to need, he can personally destroy the wall in front of him and take the initiative to attack.


Thinking of this, Qiao Yifan is no longer against the wall, but keeps a certain distance from the wall, but the blade in his hand still points in the direction of the wall. This move makes his intention very obvious, that is, he wants to decide the winner here and the opponent, this is his attitude!


Pop, pop, pop, pop...


For a while, there was only the sound of fists hitting the wall on the arena, and memories reverberated in the room.


How many punches?


In the face of Song Qiying's continuous attacks, not many people have the patience to continue counting, but Song Qiying himself is not among them. And his heart is very clear.


164 punches!


He has already punched 164 punches against this wall. In the face of ordinary attacks, the stiffness of the walls on the first floor is clearly reflected.


But even after Song Qiying hit 164 punches in a row, the wall was full of cracks, and the entire wall was not even.


Seeing the direct result, Song Qiying took a deep breath and adjusted her state a little.




Although he is still unable to understand the durability and endurance of these walls as clearly as everyone in Xingxin did, in today's competition, many players have already carried out various demolition behaviors. The same as through the attributes of your own character. Their Tyranny's deputy, Zhang Xinjie, has also calculated a rough numerical range based on these data. Although it was impossible to think that Luo Ji's side was accurate, it was enough.


165, 166, 167…


After three punches in succession, Song Qiying finally temporarily stopped the movements in his hands.


Because the current attack had already entered the value range that Zhang Xinjie had previously opened, Song Qiying had no intention of continuing to use his normal attack to continue testing.


I just don't know if Happy's Qiao Yifan is still on the opposite side? After attacking like this, Song Qiying didn't know the answer to this question, but he would make the necessary preparations regardless of whether the opponent was there or not, so Qiao Yifan still stayed opposite, and even the ghost formation that had been arranged was waiting for him.


He directly used nearly one hundred and seventy punches to knock down a wall, and this was a decision made when it was uncertain whether the opponent had left or was still on the opposite side.


To be honest, this method is a bit silly, but it is also very effective.


At least by going in like this, Song Qiying doesn't have to worry about falling into the opponent's ambush when he launches an attack.


And this also proves that Song Qiying knows the opponent very well. A ghost swordsman is naturally covered by various rules in the room opposite, and this must be the reason why the opponent chose that room.


After all, after playing so many games in a row, everyone in Tyranny had already seen a lot about Happy's purpose in choosing this map.


Next is the final blow!


The next blow is not only to destroy the wall, but also to launch an attack.


Song Qiying took a deep breath again, adjusted her state, and punched!


From the start, it was a level 70 big move, Menghu Ranwu—Menghu Ranwu!


In the next moment, I don't know how many fists and feet wrapped in golden giant tiger-shaped phantoms slammed against the wall. At the moment when Menghu danced in front of him, the entire wall collapsed instantly without any pause. The Menghu phantom that wrapped himself flew in with a punch.




The masonry fragments in front of him were shaken by the tiger-shaped phantom the moment they touched him. And Song Qiying, who rushed through the smoke and gravel, glanced at the audience for the first time, and soon saw Qiao Yifan standing at the end of the wall holding a knife in one hand, across his chest!


Ghost formation?


Song Qiying determined Qiao Yifan's location at first glance, and then happily observed the location of the surrounding ghost formations and their distribution at the second glance.


No, not even there?


Although it was said that even if the opponent arranged a ghost formation, he would still kill him, but now that he found nothing, it made him feel strange.


But as a Tyranny player, since he's made up his mind to attack, he won't back down at this time!


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