Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1847: Qiao Yifan's calculation

Menghu's flurry of skills didn't end because he pierced through a wall, Song Qiying charged towards Qiao Yifan on the ruined ground with his feet under the wrapping of the tiger-shaped energy.


At this moment, all the audience focused their attention, but their eyes were not focused on Song Qiying, who was rushing towards Qiao Yifan, and even the director's shots were not on the player who had turned into a tiger. .


Now all the camera's attention is focused on Song Qiying, that's right, it's the ceiling of this room!


Just as Song Qiying slammed down the entire wall with one punch and charged Qiao Yifan with a big stride, the ceiling above him also began to fall.


And audiences who have a god's perspective on such a change obviously have long known that, after all, how long Song Qiying has been outputting against the wall, they will see how busy Qiao Yifan has been operating his character.


Small Book Pavilion


But even if they watched the whole process, they still exclaimed when the ceiling completely collapsed.


After all, the sky petals above him are much weaker than those used for heavy walls. But when Song Qiying threw his fists to attack the wall, Qiao Yifan also manipulated his character to jump up, slashing at the ceiling, and then slashing and knocking down the deep slash marks. It can be said that in the end, it was completely supported by this collapsed wall.


And with the complete collapse of this wall, the ceiling that was already on the verge of falling, shaking and tormenting Zhang Xinjie for a long time, finally fell at the moment when it lost its last support.


The wall fell and the house collapsed.


But because of the exact same sound effects, Song Qiying didn't notice it at first, but when he noticed it, he was completely covered by a shadow!


At this time, Song Qiying didn't realize how serious the current situation was.


In his hands, he continued to operate the character's long river and sunset. With the help of his unfinished skills, he danced wildly, facing the ceiling falling from the sky, which was a wave of output.


"it is good!




With the last blow of Song Qiying's skills, the giant tiger-shaped energy blasted out roaring filial piety, completely blowing the ceiling away. This domineering scene directly ushered in a burst of applause from the Tyranny fans at the scene!


But it was also at this time that the snow pattern of the sword in Qiao Yifan's hand had already lit up to the maximum, and a ghost formation fell directly!


All the data on this map was analyzed in detail by Luo Ji, so Qiao Yifan could certainly tell when Song Qiying finally broke through the wall, but even so, he didn't choose to be the first to set up a ghost formation.


The reason is very simple, because the effect of the ghost formation is like a wall, preventing the opponent from entering the castle. On the contrary, the current Song Qiying has already made a strong attack intention, so even if he arranges a ghost formation on the ground, the opponent will still choose to step in. In the case of Lion Mountain, because the ghost formation prepared in advance has been exposed to the opponent, he will Let the opponent know the advance and retreat, have a choice, or change the time of the decision, which is not beautiful.


So Qiao Yifan didn't rush to summon the ghost array at first, but directly triggered the battle, and seized the opportunity to shoot when the opponent had nowhere to go, and this ceiling was what he used to create opportunities.


And this is the unique style of professional players, and it is the biggest difference between professional players and ordinary players in terms of consciousness.


Because Qiao Yifan moved his hands and feet on the ceiling before, successfully distracting Song Qiying, bringing him closer to the dilemma.

Facing such a situation, Song Qiying chose the simplest and most direct method. And since Qiao Yifan was naturally not polite, he started directly according to his rhythm and made a careful layout.


It was just a means of slashing the ceiling a few times. At first, no one really thought about Qiao Yifan's intentions.


Dark formation!


Facing Song Qiying, who smashed through the ceiling, Qiao Yifan directly chose a dark formation that could blind the character directly.


And Song Qiying, who had just broken the falling ceiling and broke free from it, has now lost the opportunity to interrupt the opponent's skill singing. Now he has no other choice except to withdraw from the regular skill range as quickly as possible. .




Without any hesitation, Song Qiying launched a charge directly. But before he took the second step, he was already wrapped in the dark formation, instantly losing all vision.


But even though there was an endless darkness left in the field of vision, Song Qiying's operation still did not mean to stop. The momentum of the charge did not stop, and he punched directly at the position of Qiao Yifan in his memory.


Crash fist!


The sound of the wind blowing punched, and the front of the fist seemed to have a storm special effect similar to a sound barrier. It shoots in the direction that has no vision.


In the face of such an attack, no matter how bad Qiao Yifan is, he can't avoid it when the other party has no vision. He saw Qiao Yifan jump back lightly, and the oncoming hurricane was only a breeze to his face. , blowing the ends of his hair and the corners of his clothes.


Originally, the ghost swordsman, who was somewhat dark under the influence of the public, now has a kind of dashing swordsman standing in the breeze.


Of course, this kind of dashing is only for a moment, because when Song Qiying found out that he missed this attack, he had already begun to predict one of Qiao Yifan's. left? right? back? Left back? right back?


He thought about it a lot, but he didn't hesitate in his actions. Bengquan had just finished his move, and Song Qiying had already taken another step. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com On one side of the palms, a tiger-shaped Qi Jin that just wrapped the palms appeared, and blasted out with filial piety. It is the fighting skill - double tiger palms!




"Seeing this scene directly caused an uproar.


Because the current Song Qiying's field of vision is obviously pitch-dark, but the fact is that he strikes the double tiger palms as if he were watching Qiao Yifan's move.


The space covered by this palm is huge, and the space around Qiao Yifan on the left and right is covered in it, directly cutting off Qiao Yifan's chance to retreat in these two directions.


I can only go back again!




He clapped his palms on the air, and his strong energy swayed, but he didn't touch anything. There was only a screeching sound.


Missed two hits in a row.


But these two hits were both hits by Song Qiying without blinding him and without vision. If you were an ordinary person, covered by such darkness, you would completely become a fish in the palm of someone else's hand and fall into the rhythm of the opponent's attack. Looking at Song Qiying now, he could still operate this role and press on him step by step until Qiao Yifan was nowhere to be seen. Offensive by law.


At this time, Qiao Yifan was also very depressed. He regretted that he didn't find a place with a wider range for his retreating hand at the beginning, so that he could hide.


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