Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1848: Tyranny's style

Song Qiying guessed Qiao Yifan's location with two consecutive blows. If the first blow was because of the location he remembered, then the second blow was probably because of his indomitable courage.


In the dark, many people will not know how to choose a way out, but their Tyranny players will not, because they have only one choice, move forward!


Qiao Yifan had thought in this direction from the very beginning. Even if he had limited movement space, he should not have chosen to dodge backwards, because such dodging was a kind of cooperation with Tyranny's choice.


Double Tiger Palms, this skill with a very strong attack range makes Qiao Yifan no longer able to retreat, but since he can't retreat, he will fight back directly. Although he will completely reveal his current position, if Continue to let the opponent press step by step like this, then not only will the dark formation released now be wasted, but it may even give the opponent the upper hand in the smearing situation.


Moonlight Slash!


Accompanied by the slash of the Taidao, a crescent moon appeared in the dark special effects of the dark formation, really like a bright moon above the sky.


Small Book Pavilion


The moon shone and the wind blew.


Although Song Qiying said that she couldn't see anything from the perspective, she could still hear the movements around her.


It is a slash.


Just listening to the sound, Song Qiying had already judged that Qiao Yifan, before he was born, had achieved a good record, and that the frontal attack of a ghost was only a few low-level ones.


Ghost Slash, Moonlight, Full Moon.


And what is the angle of the frontal attack of these three skills?


In an instant, the rigorous Song Qiying had already completed the calculation of the opponent's attack, and directly manipulated the character to make a mistake. Precisely avoid the opponent's attack without vision. The scalps of all the audience members of the direct show with no vision operation were numb.


You must know that the last one who played so well in the dark formation was Gao Yingjie of Tiny Herb. And now they could add this rookie from Tyranny. This also makes everyone unable to help but sigh, the quality of the rookies now is really getting higher and higher.


Cyclone Legs!


Later, after this wave of attacks, Song Qiying directly hit the whirlwind leg and started sweeping with one foot, once again covering Qiao Yifan in the attack range of the skill.


Song Qiying not only escaped Qiao Yifan's attack, but also made a very precise counterattack, which made the audience at the scene not knowing what to say.




This feeling can't be avoided! Qiao Yifan knew very well that in the face of losing the opponent's blow, he could only choose to take it. He saw Qiao Yifan immediately slashed in front of him and directly blocked the swordsman's low-level skills.


Even though this feeling was blocked, Yi Inch Ash was still swept away by his foot. Song Qiying landed with one foot, but jumped up again the moment the teaching tip just touched the ground.


Fuhu soars!


Song Qiying flew up again, the golden energy of her whole body would be completely wrapped, and then she turned into a tiger that was even bigger than all the previous skills combined, and her feet in a flying kick position were right in the head of the tiger. Directly mention it to Qiao Yifan. Like this, how can you not see each other's appearance?


And this series of repeated attacks made the audience vigilant, and even Pan Sen in the commentary room was shouting in various ways.


There's no way Song Qiying's performance this wave is really wonderful, but he performed wonderfully, but Qiao Yifan didn't lose his fighting spirit because of these changes. He saw that Qiao Yifan's posture with the knife was still very stable, and now he is ready to launch at any time. The plan to counterattack, because of this blow, it will not be hit!



And the fact is that, as Qiao Yifan had expected, this spectacular blow ended up in vain.


Song Qiying's series of attacks are indeed very accurate in terms of rhythm, thinking and operation, but he still can't see it after all. The block Qiao Yifan just did some tricks silently, but he couldn't capture the distance he really retreated.


So the result is now, instead of looking at the special effects of Fu Hu Tengxiang's skills, which are very cool, but the concentrated judgment is only the area of ​​the tiger's head and mouth, which finally deviates from Qiao Yifan's real position.


That's right, Song Qiying's operation is already very cautious, but his opponent also did not panic because of his attack. Compared with the spectators and commentators who were shouting outside, Qiao Yifan in the game maintained the same of calm. And the blinding effect of the dark formation, he successfully used it after all, and this also proved that his dark formation was not wasted.


Full Moon Slash!


The next moment, the crescent moon that had just flashed in the dark formation had already reappeared in the form of a full moon. This slash successfully smashed Song Qiying's younger generation. This slash directly blew him to the back, and directly slashed to the side. corner of,


After finishing this, the power of ghosts and gods once again condensed on Qiao Yifan's sword, the ice soul was released, and an ice-blue ghost formation fell directly.


Then, the gray formation, the plague formation...


The successive ghost formations were summoned by Qiao Yifan, which also indicated that Qiao Yifan also began to quietly launch his offensive.






Soon, these two words appeared on the big screen.


After all, no matter what the process of the game is, all games will only lead to one result, and that is victory or defeat.


This victory in this game is undoubtedly for Xingxin's ghost, the little transparent in the past, now the little angel, Xingxin's only conscience - Qiao Yifan!


At this moment, the audience burst into applause, resounding throughout the Xiaoshan stadium.


Tyranny fans applauded their rookie who stepped down, which is their recognition of Song Qiying. Happy fans applauded Yifan's victory, which was a victory and change for him.


Song Qiying came out of the competition seat with some regret. Facing the applause from the audience, he would not bow his head whether it was given to him or not. The opponent's performance in this game was indeed very good, and he also did not have any place to lose Tyranny's face.


Perhaps, his initial thinking needs to be more detailed.


Song Qiying, just walked like this over and over, thinking over and over what she didn't do well enough in this game. Since it was a reflection, the first thing he thought of was that the ceiling fell, causing him to lose the first mover in this game.


If this match was played by the deputy team, then there would definitely be no mistakes like his. Thinking of this, Song Qiying couldn't help but look at all the figures on the Tyranny player's seat.


He knew very well that, as a boxer, he was the player chosen by Team Tyranny to replace Han Wenqing's Desert Guyan in the future. Team Tyranny had no intention of concealing this. And that was Tyranny's style, they were such a clean team. From top to bottom, in every way.


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