Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1852: General Mamoru: Wei Rin

Just after flying Qiao Yifan here, Han Wenqing had no intention of stopping and just followed.


There are still walls collapsing around and ceilings falling. But these were all ignored by Han Wenqing, and Han Wenqing's Desert Lonely Smoke rushed straight over.


Boom boom boom!


Now there are various sounds of walls collapsing and ceilings falling all around both sides, and at the same time, there are also waves of dust flying away. Such dense smoke and dust almost completely covered up the roles of both sides. Only two illusory figures flickered in it, just like the current Han Wenqing and Qiao Yifan were fighting in the face of a disaster such as an earthquake.


A whole circle of walls was really destroyed by this series of chain reactions. Even many places that Han Wenqing had not attacked before collapsed together with the traction of such successive collapses and the walls that had been implicated in the previous game. And this series of collapses is like a spectacular domino, falling one after another,


Ruins, the first floor of the old castle is now a large area of ​​ruins.


The walls of an entire area collapsed, and the ceiling separating the second floor fell directly, along with various furnishings on the second floor, and even some of the walls on the second floor were pulled down together, so spectacular The scene directly stunned the audience. Where is the time to pay attention to the game of the two players. They are very curious now, if they want to continue to collapse like this, will this entire table of ancient castles collapse completely?


It's a pity that what the audience wanted to see the most was that the entire castle collapsed did not appear.


Even in terms of the appearance of the castle alone, I can't even find any special changes. But only those who have watched this game know that this castle has already been beaten upside down. Even the original second floor, after passing through Han Wenqing's powerful means of dismantling the house, almost went down together. The current second floor can be said to no longer exist. As for the first floor where Han Wenqing and Qiao Yifan are located, it is a complete ruin.




There was another muffled sound. In an instant, a pile of ruins was blown up, and a character was thrown out of it.


who is it?


After passing the audience of God, everyone focused their attention. Trying to catch up with the figure that flew out backwards.


An inch of ash, the figure that flew upside down was Qiao Yifan's 1-inch ash, followed by Han Wenqing's Desert Lonely Smoke also successfully appeared, but Han Wenqing obviously ignored the change in the environment and battlefield, and now he only has Qiao Yifan in his eyes , the target he needs to beat. One punch will be the last blow.




At the same time as the punch fell, the word "great glory" appeared on the screen. At this time, the background of Han Wenqing's current location, combined with the back of his current character, gave people a very tragic feeling for a while. But it is not because he is in ruins, more importantly, there are still many places crumbling. And now Han Wenqing has a tragic image of a hero who is beneficial to the ruins and is about to be buried.


Seeing this scene, Happy's fans would inevitably be a little silent. On the contrary, the Tyranny fans on the other side were shouting very vigorously.




This victory is too grand.


Even the house is demolished with people, this is called domineering, so happy!


Amid the clamor of the audience, Qiao Yifan had also come out of the competition room. At this time, some Tyranny fans who were not fanatical fans were indeed a little unfriendly to Qiao Yifan. After all, last time Qiao Yifan was pressing them completely. The rookies were playing, and that game really made them very uncomfortable to watch.

And now what about this game? It was as if Han Wenqing personally went off the court to help him find his way back, and experienced a wave of pleasure called revenge. And the way of revenge is really not heroic.




So far, for this game. Everyone in Tyranny is quite satisfied!


Tyranny's fans were really excited right now, and they might have even forgotten that Happy actually had a player who didn't play.


So in the excitement of Tyranny fans, the name of Happy's fifth player was quietly announced on the big screen, and Happy's defender this round was Wei Chen, a professional. Warlock, ID: Windward formation.


"It's actually Wei Chen?!" Pan Sen's tone was undisguised astonishment when he saw the names of the players on the court. Such an arrangement was completely beyond everyone's expectations.


Wei Chen, the first-generation captain of the Blue Rain team. In the last round against Blue Rain, his performance in the team competition was indeed very tenacious and tenacious, and he even laid a very good foundation for Happy's tactical victory.


But also, he played very hard in that game, of course. This is also what Wei Chen admires the most. Because even ordinary players can see it now, although Wei Chen's consciousness is still excellent, his reactions and actions are obviously not up to the fighting rhythm of today's young players.


It can even be said that Wei Chen was not competing with Blue Rain at the time, but was fighting against the ruthless time and years.


Wei Chen's tenacious performance in this match can no longer be described as brilliant, it is simply a miracle. Maybe it was because it belonged to Happy's home court at the time, and the team captain was the Blue Rain team he was most familiar with, which allowed Wei Chen to play like a dead tree in the spring in the playoffs.


And with the end of the match against Team Blue Rain, everyone at UU reading www.uukanshu.com also believed that Wei Chen's match was over, and his contribution to the team was over. After all, his existence is a constant strike against Blue Rain.


But now it's different. Now Happy is facing the beginning of Tyranny, is it still to let Wei Chen be the last defender in the ring match? Is this a bit too much play?


Among the unexpected expressions on everyone's face, Wei Chen had already stood up, and even waved his arms at Happy's fans very shyly, and then walked towards the arena.


Qiao Yifan, who I met when I went to the competition seat, came back.


"Are you frightened!" Wei Chen smiled at Qiao Yifan.


Qiao Yifan was obviously taken aback when he heard Wei Chen's words. He didn't even know how to answer this question.


"Then it's up to this old man!" Wei Chen touched Qiao Yifan's small head, messed up his hairstyle completely, and then left with satisfaction.


"Oh my God, since the last player in charge of defending at Happy is Wei Chen! The player who is playing now is called Wei Chen! What the **** is going on!" Pan Sen was also confused, and immediately looked directly at 's partner.


"Maybe... Wei Chen's choice... I'm quite sure about this picture... Maybe..." Li Yibo's tone was also full of uncertainty.


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