Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1853: Xiao Han

It has to be said that this time, Li Yibo was hit right.

In fact, even after Wei Chen's match against Lan Yu, he felt that his arena was almost over. But in the battle against Tyranny, after Tang Yin and Ye Xiu revealed the map they had chosen for the arena match, Wei Chen had an inexplicable premonition.

After all, he is very familiar with this map, and he is even more familiar with the ancient castle in this map. In such a somewhat complex indoor environment, various small environments need to be constantly switched, and the rhythm of the entire game cannot be accelerated. The slow pace of the game is definitely a natural match for a veteran like him.

That is, if it is the entire map, he does have the power to fight!

But just when Wei Chen was about to take the initiative to invite Ying, he found that Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were already looking at him with half a smile. That expression was like saying, "Are you surprised or surprised?"

Everything was kept silent. In this way, Wei Chen got another chance to play again.

To be fair, Wei Chen was really pleasantly surprised to be able to play again, but Wei Chen, who was now heading towards the competition seat, couldn't help but smile bitterly.

After all, what he relied on in this map before was almost destroyed by Han Wenqing in the last game. When he was offstage before, he had already started cursing Han Wenqing who had destroyed his operating space. That is to say, the model of his hand of death has not been brought out, otherwise he still wants to wave it with that model.

To be fair, it's really difficult for Wei Chen now. After all, Team Happy's victory or defeat is already on his shoulders, but the current advance has lost his biggest support.

Can't let him and this guy Han Wenqing go solo?

Tsk tsk, this picture is so beautiful, Wei Chen's liver trembles when he thinks about it. After all, he is not when he was in high spirits when he was young, how can he still have the ability to tame that tiger? Even this Menghu is already a tiger showing an old lady, but no matter what, it is much better than the guy who stood up from the urn again.

Now the game has come to this time, since it is still such a problem for the old man. Wei Chen's end was constantly muffled. Until the referee called him to hurry up and get into the game seat.

Forget it, let's go!

Anyway, he had to face it, so Wei Chen didn't bother, he adjusted his mentality a little, and went straight to the competition booth.

Han Wenqing, right? So many years have passed, now let the old man see once again that you have such an aura!

The ring match, the tiebreaker.

Although Han Wenqing played very cleanly in the last match, he almost pressed Qiao Yifan to fight again, but under the circumstances at that time. Even his Han Wenqing couldn't be unscathed. After all, the current Qiao Yifan is no longer the little transparent who was in Tiny Herb. Even without the complexity of the ghost formation, Han Wenqing still had only 70% of his health remaining.

In contrast, Wei Chen and his Windward Formation were full of energy, but even so, not many people saw the oldest veteran in the entire league because of these advantages.

Not to mention the Tyranny fans and the Excellent Era fans who came to watch the fun, even fans of Happy's own family are all apprehensive right now, and there are even quite a few fans who are very uncomfortable with Happy's current lineup. catch. After all, on the whole, Happy's players in the fourth and fifth positions in the ring match had some problems.

Needless to say, the 4th position ghost, the most suitable for him is the team game, although many say that he can't play, but after all, there are certain limitations. Not to mention Wei Chen, his age is here, even Tang Rou is better than this one. Or did Xingxin have no intention of arranging for Meng Jiang to guard the gate at the end?

Could it be that Happy's original plan was like relying on Tang Yin, Ye Xiu, Mo Fan, the three of them were the generals they sent, and they wanted to directly rely on the three to solve the game?

This idea is impossible, right? This is the playoffs, so playing around in the playoffs, wouldn't the hard work in this game be a child's play? But this makes it impossible for Ye Xiu to appear. This is very unscientific.

Pan Sen and Li Yibo were also talking about this topic, and at this time the competition had officially started.

Now everyone is very curious, how will Wei Chen deal with this tiebreaker that will determine the final victory in the ring match? At this moment, all eyes were on Wei Chen, and Wei Chen really shot at the start of the game!

The character does not move, the trash talk goes first. Hmm... this is very blue rain...

"By the way, Xiao Han, are you familiar with our Pang Da? They are all tiger-like skills, why did you want to split the map like Erha?" Wei Chen said on the channel.

Xiao Han, UU reading www.uukanshu. com two ha...

Everyone who saw these two words felt a chill, after all, they couldn't put Han Wenqing and these two adjectives together.

But they couldn't say anything about Wei Chen. After all, everyone was a first-generation player, and no one was a senior. But if they were called according to their age, there was no problem with this Xiao Han. As for Fat Da Batu fans, they also want to refute, but look at the already crumbling castle. Not to mention Fat Da, even Blue Rain's Happy wouldn't have such destructive power. This annoys Tyranny fans...

And these two titles are linked with Han Wenqing, a tough guy, so it feels strange no matter how you look at it.

How would Han Wenqing respond to Wei Chen's blatant provocation?

Thinking of this, everyone's attention quickly turned to the chat window of both parties.

But there was no replay of Han Wenqing in the chat window at all. Obviously, he didn't care about such unnutritious trash talk at all. And now he has already operated the desert lonely smoke and rushed straight out.

And Wei Chen's windward formation started to move after he said that. But the feeling of seeing his movement is tiring, and it's not at the same level as Da Mo Guyan's high security.

"How do you fight the difference in momentum at the beginning, how can you fight if you don't have a match?" Countless spectators saw the gap in energy between the two sides and felt that the outcome of this match was certain.

Soon the two sides came to the castle before and after.

Although the inside of this ancient castle has been almost destroyed by Han Wenqing in the last game, it is still very complete in terms of appearance, and Han Wenqing did not hesitate to enter directly from the back door, and there was a piece of debris in front of him. The ruins are broken, and his desert smoke is like walking on a flat river...

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