Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1865: Changes in Tyranny

With the current situation on the battlefield, Tang Yin is now single-handedly coming out to lure them, and it is almost an indisputable fact that there will be an ambush later, and their ambush point must be behind him. And now he retreated without hesitation. If Tyranny just went after them, they would definitely be ambushed, but if they were stuck with this guy like this, then Happy would have a complete possibility of circumventing them.

Now that the terrain on the left and right ends has been confirmed by Fang Rui and Qin Muyun, the altar is completely flat, but there are many places around this altar that are very suitable for ambush battles, and many of the altars are very large. The other party wanted to rely on the surrounding terrain for cover, preparing to form an ambush circle, which was still a great threat to them.

And if they were really restrained by Tyranny like this, Na Xingxin would most likely complete such a siege for them.

After all, they are opponents, and now they can only guess the other party's possible tactics, and now the two sides can only see that neither of them is moving.

Tyranny's side didn't do anything, and Happy's side didn't do anything either.

Here, Tyranny is no longer chasing, and Tang Yin is not in a hurry to continue letting Xiaoyaoyou retreat. Anyway, he is a long-range occupation, and playing long-range consumption, even if the opponent has two people, he is not worthless. The other four people that Happy was ambushing in the residential area had no intention of moving at all.

After all, the captains of the two sides have been opponents for ten years, and now they meet again on the field. It didn't start a fierce battle in an instant as everyone imagined. Instead, they are constantly testing each other. You must know that the captains of both sides know each other well, and they don't need any temptation at all. After all, he already knows the bottom of each other.

But this was something that had to be done. Happy's side Ye Xiu brought out a rookie team, and even the one who challenged them was a rookie. And what about Han Wenqing? He has also changed the toughness that he has persisted for for several years, and has begun to lead the team to make more flexible tactical attempts.

This is because of this, although the captains of both sides are already ten-year-old rivals, and each other has entered the twilight of the professional league. But at this last stage, both sides are making breakthroughs in various ways.

The final result is that they become more and more cautious. They both want to see through each other thoroughly. To this end, of course, they themselves have to hide as much as possible.

Ye Xiu's way of hiding is to not play directly, let Tang Yin attract and contain him, and he observes everything about the opponent through Tang Yin's screen. Han Wenqing was able to hide himself under the cover of Lin Jingyan.

Tang Yin wasn't backing away, and Tyranny wasn't going any further. The two sides directly confronted each other for about half a minute. At this time, Tyranny suddenly moved, and all the members slanted in the direction of ten o'clock in front of them.

When he didn't move, the wind was calm, but the movement was really fast like a gale. At this moment, Tyranny's strong fighting style, Fei, was vividly reflected. This was Tyranny, even when they were adjusting themselves, they would not let go of the fierce weapons they had relied on most in the past.

However, Tang Yin was very aware of Tyranny's picking up weapons. His analysis and understanding of the major teams is far beyond the beliefs of the major teams. If Tang Yin's analysis of the major teams in the past was still on paper, but after a season of battles, it was completely different. In the face of the opponent's surging attack, Tang Yin didn't even frown, but smiled slightly at the opponent's counterattack.

"What are you all rushing for? Have we surrounded you?" Tang Yin said on the public channel adhering to the humanitarian spirit.

How could he not see the intention of this wave of attack from Tyranny, the confrontation with him just now was just because Tyranny deliberately gave them time for Happy to arrange, and then suddenly charged at the time when it might be halfway through. In this way, they can be defeated one by one before the encirclement of the Xingxin people is formed.

"Xiaoyin can, you can see it directly. It seems that you know us very well." Zhang Xinjie also responded on the public channel.

"Then what you want to do next, I have already told you." Tang Yin said.

"Choose a seat." Zhang Xinjie simply replied with three words.

Tang Yin was stunned when he saw Zhang Xinjie's information, and then looked at the current selection of Tyranny's team. Now they are outside the altar, and there is a clear road behind them. It can be said that their position can be advanced or retreated now.

Ye Xiu was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the location of Tyranny's team. They were already outside the altar. Tantan Avenue was behind them. They could advance or retreat. They were protected by trees on both sides. Things are much better. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

And Li Yibo also analyzed a wave at this time, but everyone didn't care when they heard Li Yibo's analysis.

Is that really the case?

The audience thought, after all, if Tyranny was really just for a simple selection, what was the purpose of the confrontation for so long? And the previous Tyranny can also be moved, if necessary, you can directly move the fire. After all, no matter how they moved now, Tang Yin didn't stop them in any way.

While the audience would have such an idea, Tang Yin would not.

Although the choice to lose was indeed very simple, in this seemingly simple choice, the current Tyranny's style was vividly reflected.

If the previous Tyranny was based on the personal style of Captain Han Wenqing, spread to the rest of the team, and finally spread to the entire team, then now, after ten years, the current temperament of the Tyranny team The style finally began to be established with their vice-captain Zhang Xinjie as the core.

The most obvious feature is that it does not reveal flaws.

Without revealing any flaws, this is Zhang Xinjie, the player with the lowest error rate in the entire Glory, showing the most notable feature. Now, after ten years of battles in Tyranny, this core feature of his is finally in Tyranny. The tactics of the Tu team are thoroughly reflected.

According to Tyranny's previous aggressive and aggressive style of play, in this complex team battle in the Alliance, mistakes are inevitable after all. But at the beginning, all the mistakes, the mistakes were based on strong aggression, and the Tyranny who completely crushed the past, has changed at this moment!

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