Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1866: 1 pick 5?

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After the half-minute confrontation just now, although Tyranny didn't have the same kind of coercion that he used to crush the opponent's traps, he also interrupted Happy's potential deployment in a timely manner. The teams that followed were even more comfortable in the continuous transition between advancing and retreating. In a short period of time, they took advantage of the momentum to charge and completely eliminated the murderous intentions that might have formed against them during this period. If Happy's side really had any plans for the current Tyranny, then their plans would be completely resolved under the command of Zhang Xinjie.

This kind of change in the content of the battle cannot be seen by ordinary players or even commentators, just like Tang Yin and Ye Xiu or the other four tacticians can immediately notice the subtle changes.

After completing this wave of big transfers, the Tyranny group who successfully entered the Great Dao finally started their tentative attack on Tang Yin.

Han Wenqing's Desert Solitary Smoke and Lin Jingyan's Leng Anlei charged ahead. Fang Rui and Qin Muyun's long-range roles were slightly behind them, while Zhang Xinjie, who was in command of the entire process, still had Shi Buzhuan in the center of the formation.

Tyranny kept moving forward in this formation throughout the battle, chasing Tang Yin in the distance together, and every time they moved, it was as if they had reorganized the information and situation on the scene and were ready to make changes at any time.


Seeing Tyranny's unhurried appearance of chasing and chasing one person, he would not be able to provoke them if he retreated like this.


What can Jin do? Even Tang Yin couldn't finish a 1v5 against Tyranny.

Of course, this is the way of thinking of normal people, but are we Tang Yin normal people? Seeing Tang Yin burst out the sharpshooter state skills one after another, he directly slammed it up,

Before Tyranny's fans could ridicule Tang Yin's arrogant behavior, two figures had already rushed out of Tyranny's battle formation.

Before the Tyranny fans could react to Ye Xiu's frantic move, two figures flew out of the Tyranny formation.

Hanhai hundred weights.

minus nine degrees.

Since it wasn't the two melee classes who rushed out of the formation first, it was the qigong master and sharpshooter of Team Tyranny? Looking at the current Han Wenqing's deserted smoke and Lin Jingyan's cold and dark thunder, now their characters are still moving forward smoothly, continuing to move with the original rhythm of action.

Gunshots rang out, Qigong roared filial piety. The firepower of the two skills surged directly towards Tang Yin, staggering at Tang Yin's position.


No, this is because everyone discovered that the attacks of Tyranny's two long-range professions did not cover Tang Yin, but crossed each other, completely blocking Tang Yin's retreat.

What if you don't go back?

At the moment when the two full-time occupations completed their firepower crossover and blocked Tang Yin's position, the two characters, Da Mo Guyan and Leng Anlei, who were still in formation, quickly accelerated. Directly operate Tang Yin to kill, and in a flash, an offensive that is surrounded on all sides is formed!

"Beautiful!" Pan Lin couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene.

This wave of Tyranny's offensive was really exciting, and Tang Yin's approach was very simple.

Da da da da!

The dense rain of bullets directly attacked at minus nine degrees, and at this time, Tang Yin's hand speed was also fast, and it had rushed to six hundred plus in a few breaths. The attack of minus nine degrees and minus nine degrees was abruptly suppressed by Tang Yin's more intensive attacks.

The roaring bullets from Tang Ye's side completely disrupted the rhythm of Tyranny's two long-range attacks, and then saw Tang Yin walking away from the gap they had originally blocked, but at this moment, a A group of pure white and holy flames have quietly bloomed from his feet.

Holy fire!

Just when Tang Yin was suppressing Tyranny's two long-range occupations, Zhang Xinjie had already entered a sacred fire and ambushed at Tang Ye's feet. Accurate, timely, and instantaneous, Tang Yin was completely covered without giving Tang Yin a chance to dodge.

Silence for three seconds! In other words, from now on, Tyranny has three seconds to attack.

The next bullet rain, Qigong has once again tilted down. Covered by a wide range of qigong skills, Tang Yin's figure was instantly transformed into a lake, and the characters of Da Mo Guyan and Leng Anlei also rushed into the glare for the first time.

This scene directly caused an uproar throughout the whole process.

If Tyranny had given the feeling of being unhurried in the last second, but now it has accelerated to such a terrifying situation in an instant. The results are truly astonishing.

Now Tyranny's tactics have obviously changed more than before. But such a change not only did not reduce the original aggression of Team Tyranny, but instead increased their attack power and explosive power to a higher level. And while relying on such changes in rhythm to strengthen them, don't forget that there is another important point about the biggest changes in Tyranny's teams now, and that is to leave no flaws! And all of these improvements were formed without any flaws.

Although it seems that Tyranny is accelerating the pace of the game in an instant, UU reading www. uukanshu.com But every step they take now gives the impression that they were taken after careful thought and familiarity, and others can't catch the flaws at all.

The sharpshooter's attack is one of the most stored point attacks. It is highly targeted and extremely difficult to parry. The other is the Qigong artillery attack that attacks in a large area. But do you think that's the end of it? In fact, there is still a holy fire ambush you at the end.

This series of attack deployments completely interprets what is called a watertight arrangement. Even if Tang Yin has seen some clues from the beginning, what can he do? Faced with such a situation, even Tang Yin has no way to crack it, right?

"Tang Yin is a rookie after all, I'm a little careless." Li Yibo, who usually speaks very cautiously in the playoffs at this moment, made such a comment directly at this moment.

Everyone agrees with Li Yibo's point of view.

Although it was said that Tang Yin came to provoke the entire Tyranny team by himself, it did show his extraordinary courage. When the final result was that the provocation failed, and the opponent was directly beaten to death, it was a bit embarrassing.

Right now, Tang Yin was in this very critical and embarrassing situation, but... the rest of Happy had no intention of going to the rescue at all, even though they didn't even move.

At this time, the director naturally gave the camera to the other four of Happy. And also cut out the main perspective of the four of them. From their main perspective, they could see Tang Yin's current situation, but they still did not act. Just don't go to the rescue.

Could it be that Happy did not hesitate to sacrifice Tang Yin, but also guaranteed the plan. Everyone in Happy shouldn't be so rigid.

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