Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1867: Neutral Cannon

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Although it is really important to prepare tactics before the game and execute them according to the tactics, these tactics are only predicted for about 30% of the game, and the other 70% need to rely on the on-the-spot judgment of the professional players. No team would blindly abide by the original tactics without making any on-the-spot changes under such circumstances.

Unless...they have absolute certainty, the kind of certainty that doesn't require them to make any changes at all.

And finding that no one on Happy's side wanted to move, the director's camera turned to Tang Yin once again.

Seeing that Fang Rui's qigong's map cannon had already shot at Tang Yin, Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan were only a few steps away from Tang Yin, and Qin Muyun's bullets had also attacked Tang Yin. But this is the case, Tang Yin was unable to release any skills for the next three seconds.

But how long can he have when he talks in three seconds?

I saw a black shadow panning very fast in an instant, and at the same time, there was a rain of bullets that went against all the attacks, abruptly interrupting the momentum of Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan.

The continuous flashing is direct, the figure has already emerged, and it is completed under the state of the three-second silence effect of the sacred fire.

At this moment, the audience was so shocked that they couldn't make any sound.

And the big screen was also played back for the first time, and the lens was zoomed in. It was just like taking pictures beside Tang Yin Xiaoyaoyou.

Everyone found out about this. Just when Tang Yin was about to be hit by Fang Rui's map cannon, the phantom **** on Tang Yin's right threw out his ninja knife and stuck it on the ground far away. Before the attack came, Tang Yin jumped up slightly and pulled it. . The phantom **** in the other hand has turned into a hand cannon and fired in the opposite direction of the pull. There was a wave of empty flying gun operations that almost flew close to the ground.

The speed of the knife itself, combined with the flying gun of the master gun, even slightly exceeded the conventional displacement skills. The most important thing is that Tang Yin did not just move this time.

Seeing that Xiaoyaoyou's figure had not completely landed, the ninja knife on the left hand cannon stabbed Zhongyuan again and pulled from a giant tree, but this time the hand run was no longer shooting in the opposite direction. Instead, he hit the back. The figure that had been in neutral to the left turned to swing forward to the left. This sway was directly seen from the siege of Tyranny and the others.

Although they had already seen Tang Yin's actions, the audience was still a little dazed.

Although everyone in the audience didn't understand it, everyone in Tyranny knew it very well. Because they were the attackers who attacked Tang Yin, they could observe Tang Yin's movements very clearly.

The first neutral to add flying cannons is to avoid their attacks that cover almost an entire area, so it is necessary to add flying cannons under the premise of neutral. Finally completed the extremely fast movement that almost flew close to the ground.

No one had seen Tang Yin's action before, even they were surprised by the speed of Tang Yin's displacement. And Tang Yin's displacement made them have to change their previous attacking positions. The test continued to focus fire on Tang Yin. But at this time, Tang Yin threw out the ninja knife again.

But this hand has just been used by Tang Yin. The second time they use it, they can accurately predict the trajectory of Tang Yin's next moving portal. Silver's operation, flying artillery is to cooperate with Ninja Blade's empty speed. So Tyranny's people immediately began to operate the pre-judgment location to gather fire. When you are ready to catch turtles in a urn. Tang Yin's hand cannon attacked in a different direction, so Tang Yin's position of a ninja knife was emptied into a quarter circle at the center of the circle. This kind of travel route was completely different from their prediction. This time, Tang Yin was there. Escaped their siege without touching the holy fire.

The reason for this is very simple, but there are really few people who can really do it all like this.

But now Tang Yin, the rookie of glory, has done it. And it was precisely because of his extremely strong operation and awareness that he had already seen clearly the functions and positions of everyone in Tyranny's formation the moment he fought the opponent, and designed an escape plan for their attack.

Of course, there are still many details in this simple two swings, such as the prediction of the opponent's attack, and the position and angle of the knife that has been thrown out have very strict requirements. Even Tang Yin couldn't be completely harmless in this process. But at least he has a mental preparation for the opponent's attack, and he has a clear idea of ​​the direction of the block, parry, and one-shot retreat in flight. In the end, it was Guan Rongfei, a phantom **** with a shape-shifting ninja sword that was transformed by Guan Rongfei based on his research on the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella. If it was the original Illusory God, then this wave, no matter how powerful Tang Yin's operations are, is probably very hanging.

As for Xiaoyaoyou, who successfully broke out of the siege, after the sacred fire on his body disappeared, it was an arc flash, and Tyranny's two long-range occupations were still chasing him with a burst of firepower. However, the Lian A boxing profession, which was originally very strong, has once again slowed down.

They didn't take advantage of this opportunity to chase Tang Yin, because they didn't forget that this was a team match, and there were four other players in Happy on the other side. And there is a high probability that they may be ambushed in front of them.

It was precisely because of this that Tang Yin was very smooth in the attacking atmosphere of Tyranny. He watched the pace slowed down again in the distance, formed a stable formation, and continued to move forward little by little as before.

The current Tyranny is really very patient.

But for the sake of winning the championship, all of this is not a problem for everyone at Tyranny. They have worked hard for this for so long, so how could they be patient for a few more minutes on the field? It's not a thing at all.

Team Tyranny continued to advance steadily with their initial tactics. In contrast, Tang Yin's behavior of making troubles in remote gatherings and jumping up and down looked a bit childish... um... well, quite childish. Even Tang Yin just showed a wave of very handsome and escaped from the predicament that Li Yibo judged as "impossible to escape." But as far as the momentum of the two sides is concerned, Tyranny is definitely at the top.

And Li Yibo, who was slapped in the face by Xingxin, didn't want to talk anymore, even his partner could see that he was not in a good mood now. However, Happy's fans also had some anxiety as they watched the game going on. Because they haven't figured out why the other four of Happy's people still don't move? What kind of tactics does Happy have?

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