Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1868: rhythmic tension

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As of now, there was still no instruction regarding tactical command in Happy's team channel. From this, it could be seen that everything at the moment should be the tactical plan that Happy had prepared before this match. Judging from the current situation, Happy was using a tactic similar to the one they used to lure the enemy into depth when they played against Blue Rain in the first round of the playoffs. But with the cautious attitude of Team Tyranny right now, there is absolutely no possibility of being fooled. Then came the question, since Tyranny could no longer be fooled, why did Happy persist?

"What the **** are these two guys doing, Lao Ye and Xiaoyin?" Huang Shaotian looked at the scene and asked in confusion.

"It should be because he wants to further explore and understand the core of Tyranny's style of play and the tactical structure." Yu Wenzhou's tone was also a little uncertain at this time.

"If it's for this, do we need to do this now?" Yang Cong also asked.

"If it's not like this, in the predicament like before, who else can escape except Tang Yin?" Yu Wenzhou laughed.

Thinking of this, Yang Cong stopped asking, not only him, but also others. After all, in the face of Yu Wenzhou's problem, they subconsciously substituted themselves into it.

If they faced the siege from the Tyranny like just now, would they be able to escape like Tang Yin did?

To be honest, it's really difficult.

This is the same even for Huang Shaotian. He admits that he knows Tyranny fairly well. After all, the two sides have played for so many years. They have also conducted research on Tyranny this season, but they have to be like Tang Yin. is still very difficult.

There are not many technical reasons here, the main reason is that his weapon can't have the effect of the empty flying gun that Tang Yin just showed.

If he just rely on dodge and basic attack to parry, he estimates that he will be beaten badly in three seconds.

It's very big, and it's because there are no absolutes in the world, but Huang Shaotian is very clear that if it was really replaced by him, he would most likely have died somewhere. After all, in the first playoff game, he was also left in the face of five opponents.

And now Tang Yin, is it really testing?

After discussing with his own captain, Huang Shaotian observed Tang Yin's operations more carefully.

In the face of Tang Yin's various provocations and harassment, the people of Tyranny were not distracted in the slightest. Instead, they maintained their extremely high patience. In the face of such Tyranny, Tang Yin's actions were also busy.

Retreat, Tang Yin is still retreating now, but the rhythm and speed of his retreat are exactly the same, but this is not obvious to everyone, at least Pan Lin and Li Yibo in the commentary room have not said anything. After this incident, at least now Tang Yin has also begun to cautiously confront the enemy.

It's not wrong to say that they are cautious in dealing with the enemy, but Li Yibo and the others didn't say anything about the purpose of the two sides being so cautious in dealing with the enemy.

Both parties are still in the process of testing.

If it was a test of the opponent's aggressiveness before, then the next step is probably a test of the opponent's defensive ability.

"Right now, Tang Yin is going to try it out. Tyranny's rhythm is tense." Yu Wenzhou didn't wait for others to ask him this time, he just said it himself.

Rhythmic tension.

If this word is heard by ordinary players, they may be confused, but now that he is surrounded by professional players, they have understood it right away.

This so-called rhythm tension, in simple terms, is the direct rhythm change of the team in the close-range attack and defense transition, and the best state of this is undoubtedly a peaceful state that is uneven but not exaggerated.

Right now, Tang Yin was constantly adjusting his rhythm. The purpose was to try to adapt to the various changes of the Tyranny team, so that he could better observe the information of the Tyranny team.

"Tang Yin has to do now not only for the victory of this game, but to prepare for the next round of victory." Yu Wenzhou continued.

This is very easy for the professional players on the scene to understand, because in this season, the Tyranny team has been rotating very frequently since the regular season. It was not until the end of the season that the main lineup was allowed to play a few times to find the state. But everyone knew very well that those matches were at best a normal warm-up for Tyranny's main force, and the real power of their current style of play had only been fully released until now.

And what has Tyranny turned into this season? If you don't have a real head-to-head confrontation with them, it is impossible to find out all their current situations. And that's why Tang Yin would take risks alone here.

Originally, Ye Xiu would be able to take charge of this kind of thing, but after all, his age is here, and the team is an important competition. com is all about preserving his game stamina as much as possible. After all, there are quite a few Happy in the original book now, and Ye Xiu often needs to be the leader. All such work naturally fell on Tang Yin, who had a five-year relationship with Ye Xiu.

Although from a tactical point of view, there is indeed a great risk, but from a strategic point of view, it is the safest way at the moment.

But the question is, with Zhang Xinjie's Tyranny, will it really be so easy for Tang Yin to see it thoroughly?

At this moment, the long-range occupations at both ends of Tyranny's formation suddenly attacked Tang Yin.

Bang bang bang!

The bullet rain slanted, and the qigong attacked, and the two once again fired crossfire on Xiaoyaoyou. But this kind of thing that has been used before, Tang Yin has naturally mentioned it. As soon as the two characters attacked, he had already started to retreat.

And at this moment, Daobao turned the scene again, sweeping all the people who had been lying in ambush in the residential area of ​​Happy.

And now Tang Yin's location is not far from where they ambushed. And Tang Yin's Getaway is now retreating in this direction, and the game has reached the most critical point. Would everyone in the Tyranny team just follow Tang Yin into their ambush location?


Tyranny's side suddenly attacked Tang Yin's two long-range occupations. They just forced Tang Yin back and expressed their disapproval of Tang Yin. Tyranny did not intend to continue their pursuit. The final result is that Tang Yin himself has entered the range of their planned ambush. But Tyranny's players were still cautiously keeping a distance from him.

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