Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1872: possibility of error

In the face of the opponent's attack, Tang Yin flashed an arc behind a tree. There was nothing he could do. Right now, he had no medical support after all. Now his state is limited. If he forced a breakthrough to support Mucheng, even he would be at a loss. . Even if Tang Yin's firepower is higher than the opponent's, after all, the opponent has treatment and can stop him from supporting him at all costs. Therefore, even if the occupation used by the other party is the gunslinger system that Tang Yin is most familiar with, now Tang Yin can't go up to support him at all costs.

And Qin Muyun found Tang Yin dodged into the bunker, and immediately started with a hurricane. He didn't care that this skill would be missed. After all, he had treatment by his side, and he could return when Lan was gone. On the contrary, if they can use this skill to keep Tang Yin from getting out, it will be worth it to open them at Tyranny.

"Beautiful fight!" Fang Rui, who had been supporting Han Wenqing and the others, praised him directly on the public channel. This shows the priority of Tang Yin in their tactics.

But Tyranny's Zhang Xinjie was not relieved by the smooth situation at the scene. On the contrary, he was now observing his surroundings more seriously. Very cautiously, he looked around the odor, which seemed to be a very peaceful landscape.

That's right, it's calm, even a little too much.

Now the battle situation between the two sides has reached such a point, but Happy still has no intention of taking action. It seems that they want to give up Tang Yin and Su Mucheng directly. They ignore their situation and let them rely on their own resources. Get out of it directly.

But Zhang Xinjie knew very well that if Tang Yin and Su Mucheng really fell here, then this match could really be declared over.

But this obviously couldn't be the style of everyone in Happy. Could it be that there was something in it that he didn't discover, or that he had inadvertently ignored it?

Various questions appeared in Zhang Xinjie's mind, and he kept asking himself. And this is Zhang Xinjie. Although the outside world is saying that Zhang Xinjie will never make mistakes.

But these are just what the outside world thinks of him after all. He knows very well that there has never been anyone who can't make mistakes. Even if it is him, is it not a mistake in the team online game battle with Tang Yin again? The reason why the outside world has such an impression of him is just because he watches as much as possible, thinks as much as possible, and calculates all aspects of his affairs...everything is calculated. After doing all this, in the end, there is never a mistake in the eyes of the outside world.

But they didn't know that the correct operations this time were all based on his countless times and repeatedly thinking about the "possibility of mistakes".

And Zhang Xinjie's request to himself is that he can't relax his vigilance at any time. Especially when there is no lower limit and it is not a human combination like face to face.

Because Zhang Xinjie himself knows that he is not a machine, and he uses the possibility of mistakes at any time.

And now facing Happy, who was so calm, he felt this way.

Of course, Zhang Xinjie is not a person who relies on his own intuition to judge things. All his feelings stem from the results that his basic Luo Ji felt was wrong, and now things are very dissatisfied with his Luo Ji: in a situation where he will lose if he doesn't make changes, the other party still doesn't do anything. action, which is certainly not normal.

But now the question is, where is this point?

Zhang Xinjie continued to observe the surrounding environment while paying attention to the rhythm of the leaders of Tyranny.


Just when Zhang Xinjie's point of view turned in one direction, he immediately turned back again. While turning back, if he operated the character stone, it would be a roll if he did not turn.

There is no sound of attack, and no light and shadow of skills. But is there really nothing?

Here, Zhang Xinjie just operated the stone without turning and rolled away from the position just now. Many leaves on the ground where he was before were driven by a whirlwind and flew out.

Cloud catcher!

As a team that also has the qigong master profession, Zhang Xinjie immediately recognized that this was the special effect of the qigong master's cloud-catching hand.

And Happy doesn't have a qigong master, so there is only one person who can use such a skill, and that is Ye Xiu! Since this guy with no lower limit has silently circled to the rear of their Tyranny team, and it is still such a personal action. It's not bad for Ye Xiu, his patience is really strong, even if Tyranny has already forced his girlfriend to have no way out, his partner was suppressed due to the limited health. Neither shot.

And all of this was because he had a bigger plan. He didn't just want to interfere once, but wanted to take him away and directly disrupt their Tyranny's entire deployment.

And Ye Xiu chose him for a very simple reason. After all, he was not only the most important healer for this team, but also Tyranny's tactical commander.

If he can take him away, it will be done once and for all, and as a loose person, Ye Xiu, who can play loose person quick fights, really has this ability. Ye Xiu was waiting for an opportunity. So his initial purpose was to prepare to steal him with the skills of a qigong master.

And as long as he was stolen, Tang Yin and Su Mucheng's predicament would be solved naturally.

And because there were two major figures, Su Mucheng and Tang Yin, being suppressed in front of them, this would attract the attention of everyone in Tyranny, thus ignoring the protection of their own data in the end.

Ye Xiu, who has a lot of experience, should not be too comfortable in doing this kind of sneak attack. After all, he is a professional. And Ye Xiu's judgment is not wrong. In order to suppress Tang Yin at this time, Qin Muyun can say that all his attention is on attacking Tang Yin's bunker, and Han Wenqing and the others are also paying attention to Su Mucheng's. body.

And this was the opportunity Ye Xiu was waiting for. Following Zhang Xinjie's footsteps, Ye Xiu arrived at a perfect position for a sneak attack.

Then, chanting, luck, shot... it goes smoothly.

In the end, he was avoided by the other party, even Ye Xiu was a little surprised.

However, even though this hand was empty, Ye Xiu's figure was completely exposed. But now that he is facing a priest of his own, it can be said that this profession, Ye Xiu, is not threatening at all. Since the speculation can no longer continue the facts, then go directly to the other party.

Without hesitation, Ye Xiu directly controlled the Xiaoyaoyou to rush forward. The qigong master's cloud-catching hand failed. Ye Xiu was going to go straight up and kidnap the other party's treatment.

As for Mian Diu, Lord Grim, who had already started to use Mr. Ge's displacement skill to get close to him. Zhang Xinjie left to retreat. At this time, everyone in Tyranny also received Zhang Xinjie's signal. The next moment, the Qi Cannon that had originally attacked Su Mucheng was already heading in Zhang Xinjie's direction, and the clustered explosions concealed Tong Shi's figure.

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