Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1873: The mighty Qin Muyun

"Okay, you guys are all starting to conjure Fala. Are you planning to compete with Wang Jiexi for the title of magician?" Ye Xiu laughed when he saw this scene, but when he sent the message, the original plan had been changed. If Zhang Xinjie is caught, then change the target directly. The next moment Ye Xiu was already heading towards Qin Muyun's minus nine degrees.

Regarding Qin Muyun's minus nine degrees, Ye Xiu no longer had the need to hide it, so he directly slashed close to him in three stages. After all, now Qin Muyun is trying to contain Tang Yin, and with Tang Yin's strength, as long as he dares to turn around and try to block himself, Tang Yin can escape from the cover. Even if the time was short enough for Tang Yin to launch a counterattack. And if he didn't stop him, then Ye Xiu would just scatter the people and start fighting. By the way, you can also try to force the other party's treatment out again.

Anti-tank guns!

Ye Xiu charged Qin Muyun with an anti-tank gun. After all, people can't run as fast as cannonballs.

In the face of Ye Xiu's attack, Qin Muyun had no intention of evading at all, and let the cannonball hit him directly.

Just as Ye Xiu had imagined, Qin Muyun didn't dare to take his attention away from the tree on Tang Yin's side. If he fought back, or avoided Ye Xiu's attack, Tang Yin would immediately come out from behind the cover. Support Su Mucheng, or directly besiege him with Ye Xiu.

And after this, Ye Xiu's attack arrived, and the blast directly blew him away. It feels like saying, "Young man, run if you can."

Although anti-tank artillery is only a low-level skill, Ye Xiu is a stray. His anti-tank artillery skill level is high, and it has already done a lot of damage. In particular, the impact of the explosion of this skill, the character will be directly blasted away if the body skills are not available.

Fortunately, although he was not knocked into the air by the skill he just used, his skill had already ended. After resisting Ye Xiu's attack, Qin Muyun directly used moving shot to increase his speed and start walking. position, but the firepower is still concentrated on where Tang Yin is.

Facing Qin Muyun and Ye Xiu, who started to think of a way to escape, the target of the attack was directly changed.

Grinding machine gun!

Ye Xiu directly fired a series of bullets, but the target was no longer Qin Muyun, but another of their Tyranny's qigong masters, Fang Rui, who had been hiding and assisting his teammates.

And this is Ye Xiu's strength, an absolute hexagonal warrior, as long as Ye Xiu thinks, he can attack any Tyranny player he gets along with. And when he attacked Qin Muyun before, he had already thought about the spare tire, and the purpose of attacking these two was very obvious, that is, to surround Wei and save Zhao, and to support Tang Yin or Su Mucheng.

After all, the one with the most Mucheng is melee combat. As long as Mucheng wants to run, it is not easy for them to catch up, and now Mucheng will have trouble evacuating. The main reason is that Fang Rui is a long-range professional, who has been hiding everywhere, and has been attacking her. sneak attack.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Xiu focused his attacks on Qin Muyun and Fang Rui. After all, as long as they disturbed their rhythm, the skill would reduce the pressure on Tang Yin or Su Mucheng.

"!" Qin Muyun didn't know if Fang Rui had noticed Ye Xiu's sneak attack, and immediately posted an exclamation mark on the team channel. He didn't even have time to type, and Fang Rui's sitting position was on the opposite side of his, and if he called him now, the other party probably couldn't hear him clearly.

Fang Rui really didn't notice the situation on Ye Xiu's side, but Qin Muyun's exclamation mark was indeed timely. Not only Fang Rui, but also Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan didn't care whether they reminded them or not, they just said A tumbling dodge.

Fang Rui jumped forward and rolled over, and the bullets fired by the Green Machine gun pursued and strafed all the way, but in the end, it was dodged for him.

Seeing this scene, Qin Muyun also breathed a sigh of relief, but when Fang Rui was about to fight back, he turned around and leaned back. Ye Xiu was nowhere to be found, and he didn't know where this guy with no lower limit would appear next time. . Such a result also made Qin Muyun very uneasy. After all, it was Ye Xiu who was hiding now, the Glory textbook, and now they were using the loose people they still had no way to deal with. If this was attacked by the opponent, the damage would be terrifying.

Qin Muyun was a late bloomer. Compared with a wave of rookies, Qin Muyun was a little older. This situation was similar to Tang Yin. He and Tang Rou entered the professional league at the same age. is relatively late. But it also causes rookies like them to be more mature and rational than normal rookies.

Qin Muyun is such a player. From the first day that Tyranny's current lineup appeared, he knew very well that he could not become the protagonist on this stage, because the current Tyranny has four all-star players at the same time. And all of these All-Stars have been recorded in the history of Glory, but now these All-Stars are gathered in one team.

And Qin Muyun, a rookie, became the fifth person beside them.

Seriously, in front of these four All-Star players, most rookies would feel depressed, but he, Qin Muyun, didn't feel that way. On the contrary, Qin Muyun handled his position and identity in the team very well. He knew very well that in the presence of so many dazzling groups, he didn't need to show himself so brightly, although he was a little darker and more dazzling. Make the most of your talents.

It was with this mentality that Qin Muyun started a career where his presence was somewhat scarce. For the professional rookies of this era, this kind of presence may feel extremely unwilling. Each of them hopes to show everything about themselves to others, so that everyone can know them and their value at the first time.

Qin Muyun never had these emotions.

And Qin Muyun was just like this, and he almost finished the entire season quietly. For the season he just debuted, his stats were not outstanding, and he didn't play any amazing moves or key scenes in the game. But even so, he was still the main player in the Tyranny team.

Because Qin Muyun believed that he believed in his contribution to the team, and even believed that his value would not be ignored, even if his existence was so thin. Because their vice team is Zhang Xinjie! A Zhang Xinjie who will not miss any details!

It is precisely because the team has such a captain that Qin Muyun can fight in his own way so confidently, without worrying that his efforts and efforts will be ignored by the team.

And it turns out that he succeeded!

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