Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1878: changing situation

Although it is said that Zhang Xinjie rarely makes mistakes, it is because he always faces all his mistakes in online games. These mistakes will never be a trouble for him to move forward, but will make him work harder and concentrate more. And professional games have always been this way. Thinking about the four people like Zhang Xinjie who think with time and rationality, no matter what kind of situation they are in, they will not feel that they are sure of everything. success.

Now Tang Yin has successfully received Su Mucheng's Dancing Rain, but the game has just begun, and it's still too early to end the game. Next, both sides do not know how many repeated situations will go. As far as the current situation is concerned, although Tang Yin and Su Mucheng have completed the reunion, it is only a reunion. This does not mean that Tang Yin and the others have escaped the predicament!

Tyranny, the two long-range occupations who had just been suppressed by Tang Yin and Su Mucheng, attacked again, but this time their attack was not just against Tang Yin and the others. On the front, they are not the opponents of Mucheng's gunner and Tang Yin's sharpshooter, but this time there is also Lin Jingyan who was blown away by Tang Yin's explosive grenade, and even Han Wenqing began to bring the battle line here, moving closer again and again. At the same time as their own team, they also cooperate with the team to fight together.

Tang Yin and Su Mucheng had just broken through the small net besieging Su Mucheng. But now Tyranny has begun to lay out a big network.

Then there was Xingxin's treatment of cold hands. Now he has entered Zhang Xinjie's field of vision. If he still thinks about the sneaky treatment that Xingxin did in a timely manner, it would not be so honorable.

In the blink of an eye, the battle situation on the scene changed again. This is the first time this game has been reversed. Even some players with slow reactions and low levels are still unclear. In a short period of time, the two sides have gone through such a mental journey in the end.

You must know that when Tang Yin attacked Leng Anlei, Fang Rui wanted to support him immediately, but when he was about to launch an attack, a white flame suddenly rose from his body. It was the sacred fire. It was An Wenyi who used this skill at such a critical moment. Sacred Fire Rescue, healed Tang Yin and Su Mucheng in the gap before the opponent's attack and pulled back the blood line. Although the operation was not compact, the timing of each operation was just right.

But this doesn't mean that the Xing faction's situation has changed for the better. After all, Tang Yin and Su Mucheng have only just established contact. It is still too early to break free from the siege of Tyranny. The two remote objects of the sect had to stop Lin Jingyan's attack. Even they are struggling.

There is nothing wrong with the people of Tyranny right now to find him. Lin Jingyan chose the shortest straight path, and used the fastest speed to move towards Tang Yin and Miyagase. The two remotes can be full of firepower, and all the skills that can be used are all used. Even Han Wenqing began to walk quietly, trying to go around another time to prevent Tang Yin and the others from escaping, but now his opponent was Ye Xiu. In the face of Ye Xiu's attack, he was at a disadvantage, so it was naturally more difficult to move.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the people of Tyranny have an absolute advantage. After all, Happy still didn't show it, and the absolute advantage in numbers was here. But even so, now Zhang Xinjie still dare not "sigh in relief", An Wenyi just received a divine fire and a treatment. It directly pulled back Team Happy's disadvantage. Since this guy can play the first time, there will naturally be a second time.

But this time, he brought all the movements of the cold hands into his field of vision and paid close attention, and even asked the two remote occupations of their family to put some pressure on An Wenyi, not giving him a chance to heal. After all, these professional players are very aware of An Wenyi's weaknesses. That is the operation.

But Xingxin not only has An Wenyi, but also other more troublesome people.

For example, Ye Xiu, who is currently dominant in solo, although Han Wenqing knows Ye Xiu very well, and has even been studying the style of loose people since Ye Xiu entered the tenth area, he is still at a certain disadvantage against Ye Xiu. among. After all, just like Han Wenqing knew Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu also knew Han Wenqing very well. This kind of opponent's own research was always mutual. God knows when he will come suddenly.

And don't forget, there is a Summoner Mei who has not appeared in Happy now.

So I went back to the original question again, where is Luo Ji? What the **** was Luo Ji talking about, and why did Happy send Luo Ji out?

Finally, Zhang Jiaxing is not the only one who cares about this issue now, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Even Pan Sen and Li Yibo who were in the commentary began to wonder what the current omissions were doing. While they were chatting about Happy's rookie, the director also took advantage of this opportunity to cut into Luo Ji's position.

It can be seen that Luo Ji's ignorance is indeed moving.

However, because it was filmed directly against Luo Ji, everyone couldn't see too much information on the big screen. Of course, it was more because the director could not be in fierce battles all over the place. The camera has been locked on this guy who does nothing. After all, the situation of choice is here, not to mention Luo Ji himself has many famous professional players.

Just a normal professional rookie. To be honest, everyone is more worried or curious about him, and there is really no real expectation. In their influence after all. Luo Ji's level is even lower than that of An Wenyi...

However, although the camera moved to the battlefield again, the director still opened a small channel to show the current situation of Luo Ji's character alone. But it didn't take long, and soon this small window became Ye Xiu.

Since Ye Xiu's Free and Easy Tour will appear in this small window, of course, it is because the director has discovered something that may bring a turning point. In the face of Ye Xiu, the great god, Luo Ji and his character Miguang will talk about it later. .

Seeing that although Lord Grim was still in the dazzling battle with Han Wenqing's Desert Lonely Smoke, his angle of view had been turned secretly, and he was quietly paying attention to this direction. It was obvious that Ye Xiu had other things in his heart now. Intend,

YY novel

When this small window was changed to Ye Xiu's main perspective, everyone quickly discovered that Ye Xiu was focusing on Tang Yin and Su Mucheng who were surrounded.

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