Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1879: The nervous team

Because of Zhang Xinjie's existence, the current two long-range players of Tyranny are completely using their blood to exchange blood with Tang Yin and the others. To say that they were all busy playing was a bit rogue, that is, they were bullying Happy's weaker ability to deal with complex treatment, and they had Zhang Xinjie, the strongest healer in Glory.

With the assistance of Zhang Xinjie, Fang Rui once again relied on the map cannon to launch a series of attacks that could block the line of sight, while Qin Muyun kept using his powerful position selection ability to predict attacks one after another against Tang Yin and Su Mucheng. The possible retreat route, and the attack angle of these two people is very wide, coupled with the current rhythm that is almost completely synchronized... Still no effective attack.

The reason is very simple, after all, Tang Yin will also be able to use the right line of sight. I saw that Tang Yin started the Hundred Flowers style directly, and played a light and shadow between him and Su Mucheng. Although Tang Yin is not a serious bullet rain expert, he has a lot of grenade skills. Under normal circumstances, he would definitely not be able to perfectly cycle his Hundred Fancy style of play, but now he doesn't have to cover all the dead ends.

When Fang Rui's map cannon affected Tang Yin's perspective, his skills would naturally block his own perspective. After all, when there were no obstacles, blocking the perspective was relative. And don't forget that Su Mucheng is still by Tang Yin's side. Without him, Fang Rui's map cannon wouldn't be able to reach Tang Yin and they would be bombarded by him.

It would be more troublesome for Tang Yin to blast off the various qi cannons of qigong masters, but it is different for Dancing Rain. In the end, Tang Yin's job is also a sharpshooter, and there are only a few attack methods for gunnery masters. . In the face of the Nian Qi map cannons fired one after another, he couldn't move the small bullets and shoot him abruptly.

In this case, Tang Yin's attack will only pass through the opponent's attack, and in the end, there will be a wave of damage to each other. However, the skills of the gunners are different. They are all map guns. The skills of the two sides will explode directly when they meet, and it is also an explosion of two map gun-level skills. The light and shadow effect is not very good, and both sides of the skill explosion cannot see each other. Tang Yin only needed to use the Hundred Flowers style to make up for some of Qin Muyun's position selection perspective.

But just like when Ye Xiu and Qin Muyun were captains before, Qin Muyun subconsciously chose the best position every time, which made his actions very predictable. You must know that in terms of position selection ability, Tang Yin is even higher than Ye Xiu in this skill related to the gunman. The opponent, Qin Muyun, was simply relaxed and happy, and he could even use an attack to limit the Leng Anlei chasing after him.

"Be careful of treatment!" Ye Xiu, who seemed to be playing a one-on-one man battle with Han Wenqing, still focused his attention on the entire arena. Looking at the current situation on the field, although Tang Yin barely managed to stabilize Given the form on his side, it is undeniable that they are still similar. This also made him have to remind An Wenyi of his own treatment.


After all, although Fang Rui's Hundred Seas and Qin Muyun were still exaggerating their attack angles, from his point of view, he could see that the exaggerated angle of the two was slowly thinking about the coldness of the little hand on the side. And their purpose is also very obvious. The other party already knows that they will not be able to take Tang Yin and the others for a while, so they no longer focus on marking Tang Yin and the others, but are intentionally preparing to attack An Wenyi.

Although An Wenyi still lacks in bombing experience and operation, as long as he is on the field, he will be very calm and rational. Even before Ye Xiu reminded him, he had actually written about Tyranny Fangrui and Qin Muyun's actions, but even though Ye Xiu had already pointed it out, An Wenyi still had no intention of moving.

"What does this guy want to do!


"Seeing that Ye Xiu has already sent a message to remind him, but An Wenyi still has no intention of moving. This made the fans of Happy at the scene anxious, and they all began to express their dissatisfaction with An Wenyi's behavior. Although It is said that An Wenyi was very amazing after his appearance before, but as the main player who has always been regarded as Happy's biggest break and defect, there are still many Happy fans who are more concerned about him, especially worried that he is in the game. What went wrong.

And now this situation is very consistent with the mistakes in their hearts. Ye Xiu has already spoken and reminded him in his busy schedule, but this guy still doesn't make any moves.

"What's the situation with player An Wenyi? Is it because he was so focused on the game that he didn't pay attention to the information on the team channel? This is a bit inappropriate, is it because this is the playoffs and I'm a little too nervous? Uh... "Panson said here. I feel weird. UU reading www.uukanshu.com After all, the word nervous... It really doesn't feel like it has anything to do with Xing Department's description.

Tang Yin, Tang Rou, Bao Rongxing, Mo Fan, and then to this An Wenyi...

Which of them is not a professional rookie who has just entered the professional league in this game, although it is said that in the early stage of the game, it is true that they are not suitable for the rhythm of the professional game. But you say they're nervous... It's been a season and they don't see a single person feeling that way.

Even professional commentators like them who have explained professional games for so many years have to admit that the mental quality of Happy's rookies is really exaggerated, and even seems to be more tenacious than some professional players.

The question is, since An Wenyi is not nervous, why would he ignore the promotion of his own captain?

"Is it because the current An Wenyi has other ideas?" Li Yibo also said at this time. Although losing to An Wenyi is Happy's shortcoming, no matter how he is, he is also the description of Happy. After a season of performance, Li Yibo deeply understood one sentence, that is, don't use common sense to speculate on Happy's rookie. .

Under normal circumstances, professional rookies are forbidden to give orders to their captains or the seniors of the team, lest they finish one step later, and say that it cannot be completed. But Happy, a rookie-dominated team, seemed to have no idea of ​​nervousness since they entered the professional circle. They have some ideas and thoughts of their own on the field, and it seems that there are many things that are incomprehensible. what.

And Ye Xiu's information was also very important. He didn't give him any instructions. The information he sent was just a reminder. In other words, how to deal with such a situation in the future, all rely on An Wenyi to make up his mind.

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